百姓そば屋 彦三 (ひこさ) - Ogachi District

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 百姓そば屋 彦三 (ひこさ)

住所 :

Nishimonai, Ugo, Ogachi District, 〒012-1131 Akita,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 012-1131
Webサイト : https://www.akita-gt.org/eat/restaurant/hikosa.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM
街 : Akita

Nishimonai, Ugo, Ogachi District, 〒012-1131 Akita,Japan
高橋守 on Google

10年振りの訪問。 必ず食べるニシンの甘露煮、春菊のかき揚げ… 美味しかった。 メニューも増え 進化を遂げられてました。 蕎麦を撮り忘れましたm(__)m 美味しい… オススメ(o'ω')
Visit for the first time in 10 years. Kanro-ni of herring, fried garland chrysanthemum ... It was delicious. More menus It has evolved. I forgot to take soba m (__) m delicious… Recommended (o'ω')
鈴木ぢゃすこ on Google

まぁ良く出来ている蕎麦です 主人のこだわりの蕎麦を美味しく頂きました かき揚げそば、800円は定番ですが、そばサラダは絶品で特にオススメです、一度ご賞味ください 8月に入り新そばになりました 盛りそば(大)800円なり、美味しく頂きました
It ’s a well-made soba noodle. I enjoyed the soba noodles that my husband was particular about Kakiage soba, 800 yen is a standard, but the soba salad is excellent and especially recommended, please try it once It became new soba in August Soba (large) 800 yen, it was delicious
oKazu o on Google

いつ行っても混んでますね。 かき揚げ蕎麦は絶品です。
It's always crowded. Kakiage soba is excellent.
りぃだ on Google

緑のかき揚げが物凄い。みんな頼んでいる。冷やかけはシコシコの麺に、タレもそこまで特徴は強くないが、このかき揚げだけで十分。4頭分に割ってくれるので大人数でシェアしてもいい。いつも胃もたれが気になりますが、独りで食べても大丈夫でした。 そばサラダ、鰊、揚げそばがきなど、蕎麦懐石が楽しめる「彦三セット」もある。 駐車場は店の前、他にもあります。
The green kakiage is amazing. Everyone is asking. The chilled noodles are chewy noodles, and the sauce is not so strong, but this kakiage is enough. It will be divided into 4 animals, so you can share it with a large number of people. I'm always worried about stomach upset, but it was okay to eat alone. There is also a "Hikosan set" where you can enjoy soba kaiseki such as soba salad, herring, and fried soba noodles. There are other parking lots in front of the store.
山椒の実 on Google

春菊と蕎麦の実とエビのかき揚げが有名で直径20cm弱の円形で厚みが約1.5cmあります。今回は4等分にカットしてもらいました。以前はもっと春菊の香りがしたのですが… お蕎麦は白っぽく、地元にはない品種を西馬音内で育てているとのことでした。駐車場は写真を見て下さい。靴を脱いで座敷で8卓です。
Kakiage of garland chrysanthemum, buckwheat noodles and shrimp is famous, and it is a circle with a diameter of less than 20 cm and a thickness of about 1.5 cm. This time, I had them cut into 4 equal parts. I used to smell more garland chrysanthemum, but ... The soba is whitish, and it is said that they grow varieties that are not found in the local area in Nishimonai. Please see the photo for the parking lot. Take off your shoes and have 8 tables in the tatami room.
高山博之 on Google

土曜日のSNS投稿、やけに蕎麦の投稿が目に付き、日曜日は朝から蕎麦を食べることを決めてました!何処にしようか悩んで訪問したのが、羽後町の「彦三」さん! 秋田県内屈指の蕎麦処、県南の雄勝郡羽後町。「西馬音内蕎麦」と言われ、かなりコシが強く歯応え・喉越しが楽しめるのが特徴です。 オーダーは、彦三さんの名物「かき揚げそば」の並を。出汁は、もちろん「冷や」で。西馬音内蕎麦の基本は「冷やがけ」なんですよ(*^^*) 見てください、丼を覆うほどの大きさ!蕎麦の実・春菊・桜海老を揚げた、この特大のかき揚げが名物なんです♪ 大きさは丼いっぱいですが、厚さは15mm程で、箸で簡単に切られるし食べやすいですので、心配しないでくださいね(笑) ちなみに、かき揚げは単品で頼むことも可能で、この大きさのままでも、カットしてもらうことも出来ます。かき揚げを出汁に浸して食べるのが苦手な方やそのものを味わいたい方は、単品でどうぞ! もちろん、蕎麦は西馬音内蕎麦の特徴通りの強いコシで、歯応え・喉越しを十分堪能できますよ*\(^o^)/* 蕎麦の仕上がりも、老舗店に勝るとも劣らないクオリティです。 100年以上続く老舗店も数店あるのですが、こちら「彦三」さんは2004年に自宅を改装して開店した新鋭店です。元々は農家で、1997年頃に米作から蕎麦作に転作した「蕎麦農家」だったようです。地元の蕎麦粉を地元で提供する「地産地消」の良い事例ですね(^ ^)
I noticed the SNS post on Saturday and the soba post, and decided to eat soba from the morning on Sunday! I was worried about where to go and visited "Hikozo" in Ugo Town! One of the best soba restaurants in Akita prefecture, Ugo-cho, Ogachi-gun in the south of the prefecture. It is called "Nishimonai Soba" and is characterized by its strong texture and chewy texture. The order is the same as Hikozo's famous "Kakiage soba". The soup stock is, of course, "cold". The basis of Nishimonai soba is "cold" (* ^^ *) Look, it's big enough to cover the bowl! This oversized kakiage, which is fried buckwheat noodles, garland chrysanthemum, and sakura shrimp, is a specialty ♪ The size is full, but the thickness is about 15 mm, and it is easy to cut with chopsticks, so don't worry. Please (laughs) By the way, you can order the kakiage as a single item, and you can have it cut even if it is this size. For those who are not good at eating kakiage soaked in soup stock or who want to taste it, please use it as a single item! Of course, the buckwheat is as strong as the Nishimonai buckwheat noodles, and you can fully enjoy the texture and throat. * \ (^ O ^) / * The quality of the buckwheat noodles is as good as that of a long-established store. There are several long-established stores that have been in business for over 100 years, but here "Hikozo" is a new store that opened after renovating his home in 2004. Originally a farmer, it seems that he was a "soba farmer" who changed from rice cultivation to soba cultivation around 1997. It's a good example of "local production for local consumption" that provides local buckwheat flour locally (^ ^)
加川良太 on Google

2021年7月中旬の日曜日に初めて訪れました。 来る時間もちょっと遅かったので、そんなに待たされる事はありませんでした。 他のお客の注文状況だと、かき揚げそばを注文する人が多いように感じましたが、彦三ざるセット大盛りを注文。 ちょっと想像していたのとは違った感じに出て来たのでビックリ‼️ 普通のざるそばと、サラダと和えた感じのそばやニシン、その他他にもいろいろ付いてきた。 ざるそばはホントに美味しく、今まで食べた中でもトップ3以内には間違いなく入っていると思うほど美味しかった。 そばつゆで食べ、塩で食べ、わさびだけ付けて食べてと、いろいろ味で食べてどれも美味しい。 サラダと和えたそばは、冷やし中華みたいな感じのタレなんだけど、サラダのシャキシャキ感がまた美味しさをプラスさせるような感じで、こちらも美味かった。 他に付いた食べ物もいろいろと手を加えており、そばのコース料理を食べているような感じだった。 次回はまた違うのを食べて楽しみたいと思うお店でした。
I visited for the first time on Sunday in mid-July 2021. It was a little late to come, so I didn't have to wait that long. Regarding the order status of other customers, I felt that many people ordered kakiage soba, but I ordered a large serving of Hikosan Zaru set. I was surprised because it came out with a feeling different from what I had imagined! ️ It came with ordinary soba noodles, soba noodles mixed with salad, herring, and many other things. Zaru soba was really delicious, and it was so delicious that I thought it was definitely in the top 3 I've ever eaten. You can eat it with soba soup, salt, and wasabi, and it's all delicious. The soba mixed with the salad is a sauce that feels like chilled Chinese sauce, but the crispy texture of the salad adds to the deliciousness, which was also delicious. The other foods that came with it were also modified in various ways, and it felt like I was eating a soba course meal. Next time, it was a shop where I would like to eat and enjoy something different.
加藤陽子 on Google

12時前に伺いましたが、既に満席。 20分ほど待ちました。 以前に訪問した時に、彦三セットを注文し、その中のそばサラダが絶品で単品で食べたかったのですが、寒くて断念。 まだ暖房もなく座席の下のあたりに風がきて寒かったので、かき揚げ温がけと彦三ざるそばセットを注文。 春菊と小海老のかき揚げがどんぶりの蓋のようでした。
I visited before 12 o'clock, but it was already full. I waited for about 20 minutes. When I visited before, I ordered Hikozo set and wanted to eat the soba salad in it as a single item, but I gave up because it was cold. There was no heating yet and the wind was blowing around the bottom of the seat and it was cold, so I ordered the kakiage warmth and Hikosan Zaru soba set. Kakiage of garland chrysanthemum and shrimp was like a bowl of rice bowl.

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