中国料理 天下鮮

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中国料理 天下鮮

住所 :

Nishikawaguchi, Kawaguchi, 〒332-0021 Saitama,Japan

街 : Saitama

Nishikawaguchi, Kawaguchi, 〒332-0021 Saitama,Japan
中山敦介 on Google

期待しないで入ったが、本当に美味しい。西川口には他に数店舗あって、僕は別な店の常連だったのだが、今後は河岸を変えよう。 上海で食べた経験しかないけど、充分にここは他所より美味しいよと紹介出来るレベルです。
I entered without expecting it, but it's really delicious. There are several other stores in Nishikawaguchi, and I was a regular at another store, but let's change the riverbank in the future. I have only eaten in Shanghai, but it is a level that I can introduce that this place is more delicious than other places.
abc xyz on Google

The ramen is not bad, but the kitchen is a bit too noisy. I hope I can bring masks.
apsvvfb R on Google

#20200112 家常豆腐,牛肉土豆,油泼刀削面。味道还不错。就是家常豆腐炒的和牛肉土豆感觉一个味道。。。 #20200919 孜然心管味道还成,锅包肉有点酸,凉皮也太太太太太甜了吧!!!!东北人做西安料理真的不太合格,。。。量在日本来看算比较大的,价格也实惠。
#20200112 Homemade tofu, beef and potatoes, oiled noodles. The taste is not bad. It is the homemade tofu stir-fried with beef and potatoes. . . #20200919 The taste of cumin is still good, the meat in the pot is a bit sour, and the Liangpi is too sweet for the wife and wife! ! ! ! People from the Northeast are really not qualified to cook Xi'an cuisine. . . The quantity is relatively large in Japan, and the price is also affordable.
SHIN KON on Google

平日の11時40分くらいにイン。もちろん、ホールのお姉さんもキッチンも外国人で、お姉さんは日本語通じました。ランチタイムは定食も有るけど、刀削麺推しということなので麻辣刀削麺を頼んだ。麻辣刀削麺はいろんなところを食べ歩いたので自分の中での基準は出来ているつもり。 お値段は普段は750円で、ランチタイムは700円だそうで、これは安いですね。都内だと800円以上はします。味も美味いので満足度は高いです。刀削麺も、麻辣以外にもいろいろ有るのにもドキドキしました。 火鍋やら一品料理がかなりたくさん有り、店内も意外に広いため、グループで来るのも良いと思います。
It's about 11:40 on weekdays. Of course, the sister and kitchen in the hall were foreigners, and she spoke Japanese. I had set meals at lunchtime, but I asked for Makita sword noodles because it means sword noodles. I've eaten so many different places in Mahi Sword Noodles, so I think I've set my own standards. The price is usually 750 yen, and it seems that lunch is 700 yen, which is cheap. It costs over 800 yen in Tokyo. The taste is delicious, so the satisfaction level is high. I was thrilled to find that there are various types of sword noodles in addition to Mahi. There are quite a lot of hot pots and other single dishes, and the inside of the restaurant is surprisingly large, so I think it would be a good idea to come as a group.
bsk_ekaki sense on Google

2021年に入る頃に出来た、本場の雰囲気の中華メニューを頂けるお店。 JR西川口駅西口から徒歩1分と、アクセスはとても良く、店の外装、内装共にキレイで、日本人にとってはやや入り辛いかもしれないが、いざ入ってみればなかなかくつろげるお店でした。 訪問タイミングが、2021-01-23(土) の 16:00 過ぎ、緊急事態宣言の只中で、且つ、雨降りだった事もあり店内は、自分以外は中国人のお客が 2,3組程度。 ただ、平日の17:00過ぎなら、半分位のテーブルは埋まるみたいです。 中国人経営の本場中華のお店は、このお店もそうですが、とにかくメニュー数が半端じゃありません。 四川、福建、東北と、中国国内の各地方を意識したメニューがズラリと並ぶので、ホントに何にしようか迷います。 今回は、自分が好きなビャンビャン麺に良く似た「ヨウポー麺」(900円) を注文。 めっちゃ、麺量がモリモリで、つけ麺400g に匹敵するボリュームでした。 味はやや薄味ですが、麺を少し混ぜながら食べれば、全体に味が回って馴染みます。汁無し麺好きからすれば、控えめに言って美味い。 先に延べた通り、量が多いので、別のメニューを 2,3 頼んで、3人位で酒呑みながらシェア…という、本場中華的な食べ進め方が好ましそうです。 テイクアウトもしています。 店内は 20:00退店(~2021-02-07の緊急事態宣言下)、テイクアウト 21:00 まで、です。 自分は、「マーラーバン(980円)」「東北風家庭風サラダ(580円)」を持ち帰りで包んでもらいました。 他のメニュー開拓で、また再訪したいと考えています。
A restaurant where you can enjoy a Chinese menu with an authentic atmosphere, which was opened around the beginning of 2021. It's a 1-minute walk from the west exit of JR Nishikawaguchi Station, and the access is very good. The exterior and interior of the store are beautiful, and it may be a little difficult for Japanese people to enter, but it was a very relaxing shop. The visit timing was after 16:00 on 2021-01-23 (Sat), in the midst of a state of emergency, and because it was raining, there were about a few Chinese customers other than myself in the store. .. However, after 17:00 on weekdays, half the table seems to be filled. The authentic Chinese restaurant run by Chinese people, like this one, has an odd number of menus. There are a lot of menus that are conscious of each region in China, such as Sichuan, Fujian, and Tohoku, so I'm really wondering what to do. This time, I ordered "Yopo noodles" (900 yen), which is very similar to my favorite Biangbiang noodles. The amount of noodles is very large, and 400g of tsukemen It was a volume comparable to. The taste is a little light, but if you eat it with a little mixing of noodles, the taste will turn around and become familiar. If you like soupless noodles, it's delicious to say the least. As I mentioned earlier, the amount is large, so it seems that I prefer the authentic Chinese way of eating, asking for a few different menus and sharing while drinking with about 3 people. I also take out. The store will be closed at 20:00 (under the state of emergency of 2021-02-07) and will be taken out until 21:00. I had them wrap the "Maraban (980 yen)" and "Tohoku-style home-style salad (580 yen)" with me. I would like to come back again with other menu development.
ワタリ“mone”ソウ on Google

Lanzhou beef noodles are so delicious that I think they are the best hot noodle dishes.
Hikaru S. on Google

A Chinese restaurant in front of Nishikawaguchi station. I had beef noodles ordered separately. There are quite a few ramen like this, so it feels normal. It's fun because there are various menus.
Toni Adiwijaya on Google

if you stay near nishi kawaguchi, this is one great chinese restaurant. great taste great price fast service im from indonesia..and i eat twice in a row for my family dinner.. honestly i cant read the name of the restaurant theres no english menu. u just need point the picture..

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