オフィスバスターズ なんば日本橋店

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

なんば日本橋店の店舗詳細 - 中古オフィス家具ならオフィスバスターズ - Officebusters.com


Contact オフィスバスターズ なんば日本橋店

住所 :

Nipponbashi, Naniwa Ward, 〒556-0005 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.officebusters.com/shop/nanbanihonbashi/
街 : Osaka

Nipponbashi, Naniwa Ward, 〒556-0005 Osaka,Japan
Hidehiko Matsuoka on Google

Layout is messy compared to other stores
秀夫竹内 on Google

Thank you for your quick response

ここのスタッフさん親切でした! 今度オフィスを引っ越すときはここにお願いしようと思います。
The staff here were kind! Next time I move to the office, I will ask you here.
jade tablet on Google

Good: Office supplies are cheap. Bad place ... not open on Saturdays and Sundays, delivery to home is charged in principle, storage places and inventory are full of dust, response to inquiries is poor
義田貴伺 on Google

おそらくリース上がりの商品を販売してるんじゃないかなとは思いますが、 なかなか安くて良い商品が置いてあるときがあります。 格安でオフィスの立ち上げしたい方は一見の価値があるかも。
Perhaps you sell a product with a lease, There are times when there are products that are quite cheap and good. If you want to set up a cheap office, it might be worth a look.
Futoshi Mizutani on Google

日本橋にあるリサイクル屋さんにしては、大阪らしくない商売をするなと思いました。 さすがは全国区のチェーン店です。 小売もやってるけれども、会社相手の大量取引がメインのようでした。 配送もするけれども、できれば取りに行ったほうが良いでしょう。 ただ、品揃えは豊富で、多少の無理も効きそうです。 程度も良いものが集まっていました。 土日が定休ですので、そういう店なのです。 ただ、せっかく日本橋にあるのだから、それらしい店ならいいなぁ。
For a recycling shop in Nihonbashi, I thought I wouldn't do business that isn't like Osaka. As expected, it is a chain store in the national district. I also do retail, but it seems that mass transactions with companies are the main. We will deliver it, but if possible, you should go get it. However, the product lineup is abundant, and it seems that some unreasonableness will work. Good things were gathered. It's a store like that because it's closed on Saturdays and Sundays. However, since it is located in Nihonbashi, it would be nice if it was a store like that.
鳥頭鳩次郎 on Google

I went looking for an office chair for my home. I went looking for it with little knowledge, but the store manager kindly taught me and I was able to get a good product. it's recommended.
lol “Morio” LOL on Google

★0がないのが残念でなりません 他クチコミでもあるように”法人向け”の店って感じ 年末に初めて伺った際、店員3名に対し客1人の私が入ったものの ”いらっしゃいませ”も無ければ、話しかけすらもされませんので 入って良いものなのか?と疑うレベルです 店員はカウンターデスク回りで店員同士で昼飯の話を永遠と話しており、私が悩みながら30~40分程商品を見る中で一度も客に対してアクションはなかったです 商品は安いですが埃塗れだし乱雑に置かれておりジャンル別などされてはいません 店内も狭いし耐震対策もしてないので地震が起きて商品が落ちてくれば終わりです 正直喋っている時間を清掃に回すなり案内すれば購買意欲の高まる商品なのに残念です 多少高くてもちゃんとした店に行った方が良いなと勉強になりました
★ It's a pity that there is no 0 It feels like a "corporate" store, as is the case with other reviews. When I first visited at the end of the year, I entered one customer for every three clerk. If you don't have "Welcome", you won't even talk to me. Is it a good thing to enter? It is a level to doubt The clerk talked about lunch with each other around the counter desk forever, and while I was worried and looking at the product for about 30 to 40 minutes, there was no action for the customer even once. The products are cheap, but they are dusty and messy and are not sorted by genre. The inside of the store is small and there are no earthquake resistance measures, so if an earthquake occurs and the products fall, it's over. It's a pity that it is a product that will increase purchasing motivation if you guide it by turning the time you are talking honestly for cleaning. I learned that it is better to go to a proper store even if it is a little expensive

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