あかねや食堂 定食と釜めし

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact あかねや食堂 定食と釜めし

Niijima, Kumagaya, 〒360-0817 Saitama,Japan
中松正隆 on Google

The number of fried chicken shops is increasing these days, but while there are some shops that are too seasoned and persistent, the fried chicken here offers "The ⭐︎ fried chicken". It's round, so you need to be careful when it's cooked, and the crispy fried clothes are exquisitely salted. And the umami of the overflowing chicken thigh meat. The fried chicken was great! !!
坂口昌之 on Google

メニューが豊富で、迷いましたが『生姜焼き&唐揚げ定食』ご飯大盛りを頂きました?どちらのお肉も柔らかくてジュウシ~で、味付けもご飯が進む 丁度良い塩味甘味ですよ♪ うどんも旨い✨満腹です。
The menu was abundant and I was at a loss, but I got a large serving of "ginger-grilled & fried chicken set meal" ? Both meats are tender and juicy, and the seasoning is just right salty sweetness ♪ Udon is also delicious ✨ I'm full.
nyankoちゃん on Google

何度か食事をしに行った事もあり美味しいお店。今日は、そんなにお腹も空いてなかったのと、ご飯はあったので、ご飯なしのテイクアウト弁当(コロッケと唐揚げ弁当+ハーフアジフライ)を注文。店員さんから『透明のパックにおかずが入るだけで、ご飯分100円引きになりすが大丈夫ですか?』と確認があり了承しましたが家に帰って袋から出してみたら、ホントに揚げ物だけ。 せめてキャベツぐらいちょっと入れても良くないですかね?と思うのは私だけでしょうか…時間的には20分ぐらい待ったので今回は厳し目の採点です。
It's a delicious restaurant because I've been to eat several times. Today, I wasn't so hungry and I had rice, so I ordered a take-out lunch (croquette and fried chicken + half aji fry) without rice. The clerk asked, "Is it okay to pretend to be a 100 yen discount for rice just by putting side dishes in a transparent pack? I agreed, but when I got home and took it out of the bag, it was really only fried food. Isn't it okay to add at least cabbage? I think I'm the only one ... I waited for about 20 minutes in terms of time, so this time it's a strict scoring.
akira kamimura on Google

All kinds of Kamameshi are 980 yen and come with small udon noodles, so it's reasonable. Eel was +200 yen before, but it seems to be the same price, so it may be profitable (* ^^ *)
0805 ayabie on Google

最高なお店です。距離があるのですが、ここの定食を食べたくて通っています。ボリュームもあり、美味しいメニューばかりでいつも、大満足です。優しい味のもつ煮込みが特に大好きで、セットでうどん付きが追加料金無しで選べるのも大変嬉しいです。しかもそのうどんも大変美味しいです。 揚げ物やお肉系などガッツリ物から、釜飯やお魚といったメニューもあり、食べ盛りの方からご老人の方まで大満足のお店だと思います。何食べても美味しいです。大体千円前後でどのメニューも食べれるのもポイントが高いです。店内の雰囲気も、広くて暖かい照明で気分がいいです。おひとり様席も、ファミリーで座れる席もある広々店内なので行きやすいです。 是非、人に進めたいお店です。ご飯選びで迷ってる方、ぜひ行ってみてください。
The best shop. There is a distance, but I go there because I want to eat a set meal here. There is a lot of volume, and I am always very satisfied with the delicious menu. I especially like the simmered simmered dish with a gentle taste, and I am very happy that you can choose the set with udon at no additional charge. Moreover, the udon is also very delicious. There are menus such as fried foods and meat-based foods, as well as kamameshi and fish, and I think that it is a very satisfying restaurant for people from the prime to eat to the elderly. It's delicious no matter what you eat. The point is that you can eat any menu for around 1,000 yen. The atmosphere inside the store is also spacious and warm, which makes me feel good. It is easy to go because it is a spacious store with seats for one person and seats for families. By all means, it is a shop that you want to promote to people. If you are uncertain about choosing rice, please go.
koken on Google

初訪 釜飯もいろんな定食もある食堂 特大マグロかま焼定食大盛B 唐揚げ 出てきてビビったのは写真で見るよりデカすぎる事だ‼️ 正直良い方に裏切られた感がする このカマ旨い‼️ 火入れも絶妙で柔らかいしソースがまた酸味、甘味が絶妙で飯に合う‼️ しかしマグロが旨い‼️ 血合いの臭みもなく凄くいい 良い鮪を使ってるのだろう 身の量が半端なく腹パン間違いなしだ レベルの高い食堂だと分かる 唐揚げも下味がしっかりしてあって実に旨い このセットはおすすめだ‼️ 飯も旨いしいい店だった 熊谷グルメ恐るべし
First visit A dining room with various set meals such as Kamameshi Oversized tuna kama-yaki set meal large serving B Fried chicken What came out and was scared was that it was too big than you can see in the picture! ️ To be honest, I feel betrayed by the better This is delicious! ️ The burning is exquisite and soft, and the sauce is also sour and sweet, which goes well with the rice! ️ But the tuna is delicious! ️ Very good without the smell of blood I think I'm using a good tuna There is no doubt that the amount of meat is perfect and the belly bread You can see that it is a high-level dining room The fried chicken has a solid taste and is really delicious. This set is recommended! ️ The food was delicious and it was a good restaurant Kumagaya gourmet is scary
ハンバーグ on Google

年1~2回、利用してます。 美味しいです。量もたくさん。 席でタブレット注文できるので楽でした。 まさか味噌汁なし注文で100円引きになるのはびっくり!その分、ご飯特盛にしたら食べ過ぎました。しょうが焼きはたまねぎがたっぷり! 大満足です。
Ou Tengfei (Max) on Google

It was delicious.

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