「ニドファ」 nid de fee - Katori District

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 「ニドファ」 nid de fee

住所 :

Takatsuhara, Tako, Katori District, 〒289-2304 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87978
Postal code : 289-2304
Webサイト : http://niddefee.com/
街 : Chiba

Takatsuhara, Tako, Katori District, 〒289-2304 Chiba,Japan
GF- 1JAVU on Google

H29.04/23の12時30分に訪問。 田植えの始まった谷津田に建つ洋館。中に入ると「お好きな所へどうぞ」と好みの座席かソファが選べる。物珍しいアンティーク家具に囲まれるなか、見た目の可愛いランチが運ばれてきて思わずクチが緩む。(ランチは予約)コーヒーを注文すると棚に並んだカップ&ソーサーを選べ、スペシャルな気分を味わえる。 日常から抜け出したい時、ここへくるといい。贅沢な時間を過ごせることうけあい。
Visited at 12:30 on H29.04 / 23. A Western-style building built in Yatsuda where rice planting began. When you go inside, you can choose your favorite seat or sofa, "Please go to your favorite place". While surrounded by unusual antique furniture, a cute lunch that looks cute is being carried and the beak is loosened. (Lunch is reserved) When you order coffee, you can choose the cups and saucers on the shelf and feel special. Come here when you want to get out of your daily routine. I can spend a luxurious time.
cache-cache なかたかな (cache-cache) on Google

アンティークでお洒落な店内は 女子なら大好き!な空間です(*^^*) ランチはひとつ。 美味しい!ではなく、この空間込みで美味しく感じるレベル。 ジャガイモシャリシャリしてたし、ランチは一回行けば良いかな(^_^;) デザートは普通に美味しいです。 ランチは要予約で 撮影などが入った場合は臨時休業になりますので要確認です。 中学生以下の入店禁止。 撮影も携帯で数枚のみと制限があります。
Antique and stylish interior It is a space that I love girls! (* ^^ *) One lunch. delicious! Not a level that feels delicious in this space. It was crispy and I think I should have lunch once (^ _ ^;) Desserts are usually delicious. Reservations required for lunch If you take a picture, etc., it will be closed temporarily, so please check it. No entry for junior high school students or younger. Shooting is limited to only a few photos on a mobile phone.
きんぐ「ゆりりん」 on Google

It's important to note that the road to the shop is narrow and difficult to understand, but it's a nice cafe in the woods. The afternoon tea set looked and tasted great. Mango juice has a strong taste and is delicious!
m w on Google

今まで行ったカフェの中で感動するレベルで雰囲気が良かったです。 スイーツも可愛くて美味しくてペロッと食べてしまいました? お食事前や後はカフェ内の写真撮影をさせて頂きました(他のお客様や店員さんの邪魔にならないよう、インテリアにあまり触れないよう常識の範囲内で)どこを撮っても画になる本当に素敵なカフェでした。 またお邪魔させていただきます?
The atmosphere was good at a level that impressed me in the cafes I've been to. The sweets were also cute and delicious and I ate them ? Before and after the meal, I took a picture of the cafe (within common sense so as not to disturb other customers and clerk, and not to touch the interior too much). It was a really nice cafe. I will bother you again ?
うっちー on Google

多古町の周りが田んぼと山に囲まれた所にこんなお洒落なカフェがあるとは夢にも思いませんでした。 外観も内装もアンティークで好きな席を選んで食事が出来ます。アフタヌーンティワゴン(2400円)で予約しました。
I never dreamed that there would be such a fashionable cafe in a place surrounded by rice fields and mountains around Tako Town. The exterior and interior are antique, so you can choose your favorite seat and eat. I made a reservation at the afternoon tea wagon (2400 yen).
Toshiki Nakajima on Google

This is a nice cafe. If you don't feel like going, you can't go even if you try to stop by easily. I went there in November, but the scenery changes with each season, so I wanted to see everything. The building next to the cafe was also a picturesque room and setting because it was used as a studio.
遠坂凛子 on Google

雰囲気もスタッフの感じも御料理も最高です! アフタヌーンティーランチのみの日もあったり、それ以外のランチのみの日もあるそうなので、予約時に確認される事をオススメします❣ 食事、デザート、ドリンク(700円のものすべて)のセットで税込2,400円は破格だと思います(⌯˃̶᷄ ⁻̫ ˂̶᷄⌯)
The atmosphere, the feeling of the staff and the food are great! It seems that there are days with only afternoon tea lunch and other days with only lunch, so it is recommended to check at the time of booking ❣ I think that 2,400 yen including tax is exceptional for a set of meals, desserts, and drinks (all 700 yen) (⌯˃—᷄⁻̫˂—᷄⌯)
Kathie Kts on Google

Hidden Gem Cafe in Narita City. Even the way is very hard to reach but you will feel good after see this cafe! Staff is welcome you from outside and take care of you very polite and kindly. Decoration is the best with very relaxing feeling. I will absolutely come back here again. About food even not have much choice but it’s not a big deal. Drink is fine price. Dessert is yummy. The best part is decoration! You shouldn’t missed here~ highly recommended

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