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新大阪の賃貸マンションなら賃貸住宅サービスNetWork新大阪中央店! - Cjs.ne.jp


Contact 賃貸住宅サービスNetWork新大阪中央店

住所 :

Nishinakajima, Yodogawa Ward, 〒532-0011 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.cjs.ne.jp/shinosaka/
街 : Osaka

Nishinakajima, Yodogawa Ward, 〒532-0011 Osaka,Japan
イケダナツミ on Google

藤田さんに担当して頂きました 各物件のメリットデメリットをしっかり伝えて頂き、無理に勧められるということも全く無かったので自分のペースで納得いくまでお部屋探しをすることが出来ました! 時間も私の仕事終わりなどかなり融通して頂きスムーズに内覧のスケジュールを組んで頂けました 初めての一人暮らしで分からない事が多く不安もありましたが、色々な情報を教えて頂き自分の求める部屋像を見つけていく事が出来ました◎ 家賃や初期費用などの交渉も粘り強くして頂き、思っていたより費用を抑える事ができて大変感謝しています 藤田さんに担当して頂けて良かったです 本当にありがとうございました
Mr. Fujita was in charge I was able to find a room at my own pace until I was satisfied because I was told the advantages and disadvantages of each property and I was never forcibly recommended! The time was quite flexible, such as the end of my work, and I was able to schedule the preview smoothly. I was worried because there were many things I didn't understand when I was living alone for the first time, but I was able to find the room image I was looking for by giving me various information. I am very grateful that the negotiations on rent and initial costs were also tenacious, and I was able to keep costs down more than I expected. I'm glad that Mr. Fujita was in charge. I'm really thankful to you
Souki on Google

担当して頂きました武上さん、ありがとうございました。 初めての一人暮らしで色々分からないことが多く不安もありましたが、色々な情報を教えていただいたり、期待以上の物件をご紹介して頂いたり大変感謝しております!! 物件も始め、自分の求める物件はあまりないだろうと思っていたのですが、とても色々調べて下さっていい物件を見つけることが出来ました。また物件を決めるのであればここをオススメします!! 本当に武上さんに任せて良かったと思います。 ありがとうございました。
Thank you to Mr. Takegami for taking charge. I was worried that there were many things I didn't understand when I was living alone for the first time, but I am very grateful for all the information I received and for introducing me to properties that exceeded my expectations! !! I started with properties and thought that there weren't many properties I was looking for, but I was able to find a good property by doing a lot of research. If you decide on a property, I recommend this place! !! I'm really glad I left it to Mr. Takegami. Thank you very much.
さかもち on Google

長藤さんに担当して頂きました。 初めて大阪に住むので分からないことだらけでしたが、まずは大阪のつくりから〜と、大阪府についてわかりやすくご説明頂けました。 内見の際は、希望条件に合う物件、元々気になっていた物件等、全て案内して頂けました。長藤さんのお力添えにより、一日で良い物件が見つかり嬉しく思います。 相談や質問がしやすく、とても楽しく物件を決めることができました。 素敵な物件に出会えましたので、新しい土地でも頑張って行けそうです。 この度は大変お世話になりました。長藤さんに担当して頂けて本当に良かったです。ありがとうございました。
Mr. Nagato was in charge. Since I lived in Osaka for the first time, there were many things I didn't understand, but first of all, I was able to explain about Osaka Prefecture in an easy-to-understand manner. At the time of the preview, I was able to show you all the properties that meet the desired conditions and the properties that I was originally interested in. With the help of Mr. Nagato, I am happy to find a good property in a day. It was easy to consult and ask questions, and it was a lot of fun to decide on a property. I met a wonderful property, so I think I can do my best even in a new land. Thank you very much for your help this time. I'm really glad that Mr. Nagato was in charge. Thank you very much.
Thet Yoon San on Google

They are really patient and friendly.
Andree Senecal on Google

The staff was very friendly and tried to make sure I understood everything. They also helped me find information for guarantor company and my old apartment company, as well as internet, gas, electricity and water.
arjun nandanan on Google

Good service. Being heard that it's difficult to get a good apartment for foreigners, we were in kind of worry..but we received good reception from the company..hence I recommend this housing company.
Dilip Khatri on Google

Very efficient, clear, professional, helpful and polite. They find my house within a week and have communicated superbly every step of the way. I am extremely thankful, particularly to mr 武内さん
Jasmine A. R. on Google

担当土井さんでした。 Very good service, it was a very long process because it was hard to find a good apartment with foreigner guarantor, but they were very patient and professional about it and now I'm able to find a good one!

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