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Contact 津久井城跡

住所 :

Negoya, Midori Ward, Sagamihara, 〒252-0153 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : http://www.kanagawa-park.or.jp/tsukuikoshiroyama/history.html
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Negoya, Midori Ward, Sagamihara, 〒252-0153 Kanagawa,Japan
北条の足軽 on Google

山城好きと登山者の両方から人気のある場所ですね、富士山の様なキレイな独立峰に築いた山城で眼下にはダム湖である津久井湖、その先の山並みは登山者に人気の南高尾山稜です、上部からは裏丹沢の山並みも見えます、私も一応登山系城攻め衆なのでここはマジ大好きです 津久井城は鎌倉時代に三浦派の筑井氏(つくいし)が作りました、戦国期には北条が対武田の為に大改修して内藤氏が治めていました、根小屋式と言う山麓に城館や居住区を作り、有事には山に籠もるスタイルの山城です、八王子城、足柄城、山中城、韮山城などの西側防衛の最重要拠点の一つとなります、小田原攻めでは徳川軍団に落とされましたが籠城戦中に八王子城が落ちた事からの戦意喪失での開城なので大きな戦闘はなかった様です 城跡は良く整備されています 石垣は殆ど有りませんが曲輪とダイナミックな堀切や堅堀、鎖場の道、根小屋地区など見どころは沢山あります、県と市で毎年発掘調査をしてますので今後も楽しみな城跡ですね さて登城方法ですが、駐車場はダム側の観光センターにも、根小屋側のパークセンターにもあります 純粋に城跡遺構巡りの方はパークセンターが良いかなと思います、中でチョット予習も出来て、こちらからだと標高差は180mです ダム側からだと標高差240mを登りますが景色はバツグンですし木道歩きが楽しくて余りツラくは感じないです、元気と時間があり景色や花見に津久井蕎麦とメチャ安い野菜の買い物も楽しみたい方はダム側からが良いでしょう どちらも必ずパンフレットを先に手に入れて下さい、案内はありますが分岐点が多くて迷います、また現地にはQRコードでしか詳細説明は無い所もあるのでもう一度言いますがパンフレットは先に必ずですよ! 朝早い登城者はパークセンター外部や展望広場の先の登り口にもパンフレット箱があります バスでの登山系城攻め衆は橋本駅からなら小倉口(城山登山口バス停)から攻めるのもキツイですが楽しいです、小倉口はバスの本数が少ないので帰りは観光センター側に降りて下さいね、こちらは常時1時間に4本のバスが通ってます さらに本格山登り衆は大垂水峠からの南高尾山稜歩きに組み込み三沢峠の先から峰の薬師に降りて、三井大橋経由なら小網口から女坂をトラバースしながら津久井城、そして観光センターに降りてバス、峰の薬師からダム経由なら観光センターからピストンですね ウォーキング目当てで観光センターとパークセンター間の木道歩きもメチャ楽しい、ベビーカー、車椅子でも行けるロングコース、押す人が複数人いるならチャレンジです 桜の時期は最高ですが駐車場激混みです、湖周りはソメイヨシノ、山には濃いピンクの山桜、早目に到着してゆっくり楽しみたいですね パークセンターからのコースを軽く写真案内してみます 令和3年3月中旬、まだ桜は咲いてません、満開は3月末と読んでます
It is a popular place for both mountain castle lovers and climbers, it is a mountain castle built on a beautiful independent peak like Mt. Fuji, and below is Lake Tsukui, which is a dam lake, and the mountain range beyond that is Minami Takao, which is popular with mountain climbers. It is a mountain ridge, you can see the mountains of Ura Tanzawa from the top, I also really love this place because I am also a mountaineering castle attacker Tsukui Castle was built by Mr. Tsukui of the Miura faction during the Kamakura period. During the Warring States period, Hojo made a major renovation for Takeda and was governed by Mr. Naito. It is a mountain castle with a style of building a mansion and a residential area and staying in the mountains in an emergency, it will be one of the most important bases of western defense such as Hachioji Castle, Ashigara Castle, Yamanaka Castle, Nirayama Castle, Tokugawa Army Corps in the Odawara attack However, it seems that there was no big battle because the castle was opened due to the loss of fighting spirit due to the fall of Hachioji Castle during the Battle of Kagogi. The ruins of the castle are well maintained There are almost no stone walls, but there are many attractions such as Kuruwa and dynamic moats and hard moats, chain roads, and Negoya district. As for the method of climbing the castle, there are parking lots at the tourist center on the dam side and at the park center on the Negoya side. I think that the park center is better for those who are purely visiting the ruins of the castle, but you can also prepare for a chot inside, and the altitude difference is 180 m from here. From the dam side, you can climb 240m above sea level, but the scenery is preeminent, and walking on the boardwalk is fun and I don't feel that it's too shiny. It ’s better from the dam side. In both cases, be sure to get the pamphlet first, there is guidance, but there are many branch points and I am at a loss, and there are places where detailed explanations are only available with QR codes, so I will say again, but be sure to get the pamphlet first. you know! For those who climb the castle early in the morning, there is a pamphlet box outside the park center and at the entrance beyond the observation plaza. It is fun to attack the mountain climbing castle by bus from Kokuraguchi (Shiroyama mountain climbing exit bus stop) from Hashimoto station, but since there are few buses at Kokuraguchi, please get off at the tourist center side on the way back. , There are always 4 buses per hour In addition, the full-scale mountain climbers are incorporated into the south Takao mountain ridge walk from Otarimizu Pass and get off at the peak of Yakushi from the tip of Misawa Pass, and if it is via Mitsui Ohashi, go down to Tsukui Castle and the tourist center while traversing Mezaka from Koamiguchi. From the bus, Minenoyakushi via the dam, it's a piston from the tourist center. It's fun to walk on the wooden path between the tourist center and the park center for walking, a long course that can be reached with a stroller or a wheelchair, and a challenge if there are multiple people pushing The cherry blossom season is the best, but the parking lot is extremely crowded, Yoshino cherry trees around the lake, dark pink wild cherry blossoms in the mountains, I want to arrive early and enjoy slowly I will give you a light photo guide of the course from the park center. In the middle of March 3rd year of Reiwa, the cherry blossoms have not bloomed yet, and I read that it is in full bloom at the end of March.
ヨッシー on Google

I couldn't capture it yet, and I went through the castle slope from the ruins of the mansion, and went through the Ogura mountain trail-Magome Kuruwa-Jubeiyama-Otokozaka-Honjo Kuruwa-Honjo Kuruwa. I was very surprised at the defense of the mountain, and if you climb with an aggressive feeling, you will want to refrain from blaming it from this side. Even if this is the real pleasure of Yamashiro, the road is quite steep, so please enjoy it with safety first!
joe takeda on Google

甲斐と相模の国境にあり、武田と北条がしのぎを削った北条方最前線の拠点。鎌倉期には大江氏(毛利家の祖)が治め、戦国期は豊臣秀吉の小田原征伐で徳川方の本田忠勝らに攻撃され開城、その後は徳川家の天領となったため、山頂付近は程よく放置されており、堀切や土塁、家臣団の居住跡とされる特徴的な麓の根小屋が程よく残り往時を偲ぶことができます。 アクセスは抜群で、津久井湖観光センター駐車場から直結、パークセンター駐車場から直結、電車で橋本駅からバス30分弱でバス停真ん前です。トイレは観光センター及びパークセンター、本城曲輪付近にもあります。 標高も移動距離tもさほど長くありませんが、ルートが繋がっているためループしてしまい体力消耗しました。中途にある三叉路と十字路では慎重に確認しましょう。特に観光センターに下りる七曲がりへ降りる道は地味で分かりにくいです。鎖場のルートは近年の台風災害で通行止めとなっています。 主に傾斜のきつい男坂と緩い女坂のルートで本城曲輪(本丸無し)に向かう事になってますが、傾斜としては七曲がりが1番きついです。むしろ安全とされる女坂は断崖のうえ細い山道のため、足を滑らすとまっさかさま。道もぬかるみやすく、雨天後や冬は注意しましょう。なお注意しても残雪のぬかるみで2回すっころびました。危なかった。 見晴らしの良い要所にベンチがありますがアクセス良いせいか来訪者が多く、すべて埋まっていました。
Located on the border between Kai and Sagami, it is the base of the Hojo front line, where Takeda and Hojo competed. During the Kamakura period, Mr. Oe (the ancestor of the Mori clan) ruled, and during the Warring States period, Hideyoshi Toyotomi conquered Odawara and was attacked by Tadakatsu Honda of the Tokugawa family, and after that it became the territory of the Tokugawa family. The hut at the foot of the mountain, which is said to be the residence of the Horikiri, the earthworks, and the vassals, remains in a reasonable amount to remind us of the past. The access is excellent, directly connected to the Tsukui Lake Tourist Center parking lot, directly connected to the Park Center parking lot, and less than 30 minutes by bus from Hashimoto Station, right in front of the bus stop. Toilets are also located near the tourist center, park center, and Honjo Kuruwa. The altitude and the distance traveled are not so long, but because the routes are connected, it loops and I am exhausted. Check carefully at the three-way junction and crossroads along the way. In particular, the road down to the seven turns that goes down to the tourist center is sober and difficult to understand. The chain route has been closed due to a recent typhoon disaster. The main route is Otokozaka, which has a steep slope, and Otokozaka, which has a gentle slope, to the Honjo Kuruwa (without Honmaru), but the seven turns are the steepest. On the other hand, Mezaka, which is considered safe, is a narrow mountain road on a cliff, so if you slide your foot, it will turn upside down. The roads are also muddy, so be careful after rain or in winter. Even if I was careful, I fell asleep twice due to the muddy snow. It was dangerous. There is a bench at a key point with a good view, but probably because of the good access, there were many visitors and it was all filled.
永原信康(秦野太郎) on Google

I climbed Shiroyama with my daughter in the first grade of elementary school and my family. I climbed from Otokozaka and went down from Otokozaka. Onnazaka has a narrow and steep road, so I think it's dangerous. It took about 45 minutes from the park center to the summit. Park It was good that the park road was easy to walk and had a feeling of being in the mountains.
ヤマ田太郎 on Google

津久井は武田氏と北条氏との最前線で領有関係が入り組み、中には両属するような集落まであり紛争の絶えない場所でした。 甲府方面から相模川沿いに関東平野に出る上で最後の山塊に位置し、ここさえ過ぎれば、あとはダダッ広い平原が拡がっています。相模川の水運と森林資源を抑え関東平野への最終関門として、津久井城は北条氏の重要拠点になっていました。 ところで「津久井城掟」という文書を聞いたことがあるでしょうか。内容は北条氏が城兵に日頃の勤務態度や心構えについて諭したものなのですが、コレが面白い。 まず勝手に城を出て他の作業をするな、城に小田原からの高官が来ても無用な官官接待は不要、それから集団で酒を飲んでダラけてはいけない等々。 最後に、気を抜かないで真面目に勤めてもらわないと困る、国家の大事になりかねないことを自覚していただきたい、と結んでいます。 どうも城兵たちが怠けてマジメに働いていない事が、本拠地の小田原まで風聞として伝わっていたようなのです(笑)。「給金が安くてアルバイトをしなければ食えないし、酒でも飲まないとやってられねぇよ!」という現場の嘆きが聞こえてきそうですよね。 では、そんな津久井衆(笑)が守った城を見ていきましょうか。下から見上げても非常に特徴的な山容をもつ独立峰で、最高所を削平して本丸としています。 特に敵の横の移動を制限するための、山頂から続く深くて長い竪堀が印象的です。とんでもない急傾斜の硬い岩山に溝を穿ってあり、どうやって掘ったのでしょうか。ロープで身体を吊りながら、ノミとハンマーで地道に削っていったのだとしたら、凄まじいマンパワーを必要とした事でしょう。 もっとも、あまりにも急傾斜過ぎて、敵は横に回り込む前に勝手に下に転げ落ちていきそうな気もしますが(笑)。また本丸付近の高所でも水の湧く井戸があるのは驚きで、長期の籠城でもOKです。 城自体は手軽な登山コースとして非常に良く整備され、凸凹がひどい場所は立体的に木道を設置してスムーズに通過出来るようになっているなど、山城としては至れり尽くせりの内容になっています。神奈川県の文教予算の豊富さが為せる技ですね(笑)。
Tsukui was a place where conflicts continued, with the territorial relations complicated at the forefront of Mr. Takeda and Mr. Hojo, and even villages to which both belong. It is located in the last mountain massif on the way to the Kanto Plain along the Sagami River from the direction of Kofu, and after passing here, the wide plain spreads out. Tsukui Castle was an important base for Mr. Hojo as the final gateway to the Kanto Plain by controlling the water transportation and forest resources of the Sagami River. By the way, have you ever heard the document "Tsukui Castle Rule"? The content is that Mr. Hojo advised the castle soldiers about their daily work attitude and attitude, but this is interesting. First of all, don't leave the castle and do other work without permission, even if a high-ranking official from Odawara comes to the castle, you don't need to entertain unnecessary government officials, and then you shouldn't drink alcohol in a group and get rid of it. Finally, he concludes that he wants people to be aware that if they don't take care of themselves and work diligently, they will be in trouble and that they may become important to the nation. It seems that the fact that the castle soldiers were lazy and did not work seriously was conveyed to Odawara, the home base, as a rumor (laughs). You may hear the grief of the scene saying, "The salary is cheap and you can't eat without a part-time job, and you can't do it without drinking alcohol!" Then, let's take a look at the castle protected by Shu Tsukui (laughs). It is an independent peak with a very characteristic mountain range even when looking up from below, and the highest point is flattened to make the main circle. The deep and long vertical moat that continues from the top of the mountain is particularly impressive, as it limits the movement of the enemy to the side. How did you dig a groove in a hard rocky mountain with a ridiculously steep slope? If you were to hang your body with a rope and shave it with a chisel and a hammer, you would have needed tremendous manpower. However, the slope is so steep that the enemy seems to fall down without permission before turning sideways (laughs). Also, it is surprising that there is a well where water springs even at high places near the main enclosure, and long-term siege is OK. The castle itself is very well maintained as an easy mountain climbing course, and in places with severe irregularities, wooden paths are set up three-dimensionally so that it can pass smoothly, and the contents are perfect for a mountain castle. I am. It's a technique that can be achieved by the abundant educational budget of Kanagawa Prefecture (laughs).
sho u on Google

久々の森林浴がてら十数年ぶりに登って来ました?? 散歩ぐらいにちょうど良い長さの山だと思います!セミ、鳥の鳴き声、夏の山のほんの少し涼しい空気、見晴らしの良い景色。。全て最近までの疲れを癒してくれました◎?? 所々で急な坂もあるので道中においてある地図を参考に登ると良いかもです。?
I climbed the forest for the first time in more than 10 years after a long absence ?? I think it's a mountain of just the right length for a walk! Cicadas, bird calls, a little cool air in the summer mountains, and a great view. .. All healed my tiredness until recently ◎ ?? There are steep slopes in some places, so it may be a good idea to refer to a map along the way. ?
clementiaち on Google

The remains of Yamashiro, which is said to have been built in the Kamakura period (12th century). The entire area is maintained as a park, making it easy to tour the remains. There is a parking lot in the park (free)
Waqar Ali on Google

Would be great if had directions and warning in english

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