Natoriekihigashiguchi Clinic - Natori

2.8/5 に基づく 5 レビュー

Contact Natoriekihigashiguchi Clinic

住所 :

4 Chome-7-20 Masuda, Natori, Miyagi 981-1224, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 981-1224
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–12PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–12PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–12PM
Thursday 8:30AM–12PM
Friday 8:30AM–12PM

4 Chome-7-20 Masuda, Natori, Miyagi 981-1224, Japan
Gはむすたー on Google

にし on Google

千葉郷美 on Google

いつも混んでるから受付ギリギリに行ったら空いてた!院長&助手以外はイイ人ばかり˙˚ʚ₍ ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ ₎ɞ˚おすすめです。
It's always crowded, so when I went to the reception desk, it was vacant! Only good people except the director and assistant ˙˚ʚ₍ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ₎ɞ˚ Recommended.
りく。 on Google

クリニックが西口にあった時代に通院してた者です。仕事中に発症し、欠勤し始めた日から高ぶって希死念慮とイライラが止まらなかった為に、電話ですぐに診てもらえる病院を親に何件も探してもらい辿り着いたのがこの病院でした。 担当は栗田医師で、躁鬱Ⅰ型の女 通院歴約1年半の患者でした。 当時までの症状は、躁鬱の波が激しく頻繁、慢性不眠、希死念慮、怒りやすい、リスカをするなど。 初診は長く時間を取って詳しく聞いてもらえます。通院となると、混雑時は5分も症状と詳しい話を聞いてもらえなくなりますが、カウンセリングではないのでまあこんなものかと…。 予約制ではない為、メンタルがどちらの意味でも傾いたときにすぐに話を聞いていただけたのは心の安定にはなりました。 栗田医師は博識で、海外に行かれた経験を元に日本人と外人の思考回路の違いなどもおもしろくわかりやすく話してくれたことがあります。 病歴と経緯と最近の傾向は記録してくれてるのかどうなのか…。カルテに英語で処方箋名を書いてるのは見かけましたが、患者の話の内容を覚えているかというと忘れられてることも度々あって、「完治」を目的として通院していたのに、いつのまにか先生の中で「仕事へ出勤できるようになること」へ変わってしまってました…笑 そして薬物療法がおもで、薬が合うまでに何度か変えてくれたことは良かったのですが、薬の作用で仕事に支障をきたすので薬をやめたいですと申し伝えたところ、無理に処方されたことがあります。 無職時代の通院歴を元に障害年金を申請しようと診断証明書を発行してもらう時も、指定された日付の診断書が欲しいとお伝えしたにも関わらず違う日付のもので発行され、役所から私に電話が掛かってきたことがあり再度発行してもらいました。 仕事しながらの電話での受け答えだったので、役所へ完全な申請書を送れるまでに本来よりも日程を食いました。 申請可能期限が設けられているので、おかげでギリギリだった記憶…。 度重なるもので私はこのお医者様とは合わないと感じ、今は違う病院に通い、漢方のみで過ごしてます。 しかしながら、栗田医師と話してきての"今"があるので、すべてが悪いものではなかったなと日常の中で先生の考え方を思い出しては時々実感します。医者選びの反面教師にもなりました。 薬剤師が院内に常駐してるのですが、新人さんに容量を多く間違えて処方されたことが一度ありました。 それはちょっと怖かったかなと…。 特定の受付の人が愛想がないと有名ですが、本当に愛想は良くないです。ただ、仕事はしっかりとされてる方なので、それを除けばさほど嫌にも感じないかなと。別にその人に会いに行くために病院行くわけじゃないし…笑 ここからは余談です。 職場の上司からたくさんの知恵を叩き込まれ、自分の場合の怒りやすい躁鬱には最終的に、インサイドアウトのマインド、ストレスを溜めない(血糖値のあがる怒りの原因になる砂糖やケーキお菓子は食べない・嫌なときは無理に料理しない・疲れることしない・ゲームは控える・仕事の延長で体が動くからって帰宅した後にテンションのあがることしない・躁状態になるような運動・鬱になる原因とは距離を置く)、毎日2時間の筋トレ、週1の入浴を心掛けてます。 躁状態時に不眠に陥らないように筋トレで体を疲れさせ、睡眠の質を高めるのが自分に合ってることがわかり、今は断薬をし漢方で怒りを抑えて健常者同様の日常生活を送れております。 意外にも小麦が体の倦怠感を生む原因とわかってからは、グルテンカットにも力を入れ、米粉や春雨で食生活も充実し、薬の副作用で太った体重も落ちて着れる服の幅も広がりました。 躁鬱大学というブログも読み、精神疾患はやはり同じ病気の人の経験をもとに自分に合う対処法を見つけるべきだなと学びました。 知識はあるとはいえ、悲しいかな医者もしょせん健常者なんですよね。
He was a person who went to the clinic when the clinic was at the west exit. I had suicidal ideation and frustration from the day I started to be absent from work, so I asked my parents to find a number of hospitals that I could see immediately by phone. was. The person in charge was Dr. Kurita, who was a manic-depressive type I female patient with a history of going to the hospital for about one and a half years. Symptoms up to that time included frequent and intense waves of manic depression, chronic insomnia, suicidal ideation, anger, and risking. The first visit will take a long time to be heard in detail. When I go to the hospital, I can't hear the symptoms and details for 5 minutes when it's crowded, but it's not counseling, so I wonder if it's like this ... Since it is not a reservation system, it was a relief for me to hear the story immediately when my mentality was tilted in either sense. Dr. Kurita was knowledgeable and based on his experience of going abroad, he once talked about the differences in thinking circuits between Japanese and foreigners in an interesting and easy-to-understand manner. I wonder if he keeps a record of his medical history, history, and recent trends. I saw the prescription name written in English on the medical record, but I often forgot whether I remembered the content of the patient's story, so I went to the hospital for the purpose of "complete cure", but before I knew it. My teacher changed to "being able to go to work" ... lol And I'm glad that the drug therapy was the main thing and I changed it several times before the drug matched, but when I told him that I wanted to stop the drug because the action of the drug hindered my work, I forcibly prescribed it. Have been done. Even when I was asked to issue a medical certificate to apply for a disability pension based on my history of going to the hospital when I was unemployed, it was issued on a different date even though I told him that I wanted a medical certificate on the specified date. I received a call from me and asked me to issue it again. Since I received the answer over the phone while working, it took longer than it should have been before I could send the complete application to the government office. There is a deadline for applying, so I remember that I was barely able to apply. I felt that I didn't fit this doctor because of the repeated things, so now I go to a different hospital and spend only Chinese medicine. However, since I have been talking to Dr. Kurita "now", I sometimes realize that everything was not bad when I remember the teacher's way of thinking in my daily life. While choosing a doctor, I also became a teacher. A pharmacist is stationed in the hospital, but I once had a newcomer prescribe a large amount by mistake. I wonder if it was a little scary ... It is famous that a specific receptionist is not amiable, but it is not really amiable. However, I'm a person who has a solid job, so apart from that, I don't think I'm so disgusted. I'm not going to the hospital to see that person ... lol It's a digression from here. A lot of wisdom is struck by my boss at work, and in my case, the angry manic depression eventually leads to an inside-out mindset and stress-free (eating sugar and cake sweets that cause anger when blood levels rise). Don't force yourself to cook when you don't like it ・ Don't get tired ・ Refrain from playing games ・ Do not get nervous after returning home because your body moves as an extension of work ・ Exercise that makes you feel manic ・ Causes of depression I try to keep a distance from), 2 hours of muscle training every day, and 1 bath a week. I found that it was suitable for me to improve the quality of sleep by tired my body with muscle training so as not to fall asleep in a manic state, and now I stop taking medicine and suppress anger with Kampo and daily life like a healthy person Is being sent. After discovering that wheat is the cause of physical fatigue, we also focused on gluten cutting, enriched our diet with rice flour and vermicelli, and lost weight due to the side effects of the medicine. Has also spread. I also read a blog called Manic Depression University and learned that mental illness should find a way to deal with it based on the experience of people with the same illness. Although I have some knowledge, alas, doctors are also healthy people.
甲賀弦之介 on Google

とりあえず薬出せばいいと思ってるそこらへんにいる適当な医者と同じ考え。患者の事何も考えてない。 受付の女は仕事向いてないってレベルで対応下手くそすぎ。コンビニ店員のが余程マシ。 二度と行かない。
The same idea as a suitable doctor who is everywhere thinking that I should give medicine for the time being. I'm not thinking about the patient. The woman at the reception is not suitable for work, so she is too bad at the level. The convenience store clerk is not so good. I will never go again.

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