National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology - Obu

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology

住所 :

7-430 Moriokamachi, Obu, Aichi 474-8511, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 474-8511
Webサイト :

7-430 Moriokamachi, Obu, Aichi 474-8511, Japan
kai 924 on Google

Even though I was a family doctor, I was refused emergency transportation!
ホワイトミモザ on Google

母がお世話になっています 医師、看護師の方、部署によって一人でこなすことはあるようですが、対応も親切です 人はたくさんいるようですが、ゆったりした雰囲気で、周りに自然があるのが気に入ってます
My mother is taking care of me It seems that doctors, nurses, and departments may be able to do it by themselves, but they are kind enough to respond. There seem to be many people, but I like the relaxed atmosphere and the natural surroundings.
ryuhou yamamoto on Google

大きくて綺麗な病院だが、患者が多くて待ち時間がめちゃ長い…。旧病棟行くのも、迷路みたい。初めて行く人は、悩むと思います。 先生やスタッフさんは、悪い印象はない。 脳外科医?の先生が、全国ネットの番組で取材されてたのを見た。(痴ほう症の特集?) 駐車場は込み合うかも。何ヵ所かにある。 駐車場は外来患者様用で、入院患者様はご遠慮下さいとの事。お見舞いの方は大丈夫だと思います。 病院入口はロータリーになっていて、乗り降り専門エリア。バス停は、ロータリー内にあります。 貸出用の車椅子は、入口すぐに結構沢山ある。車椅子用の駐車場もあるが、少し離れた所にある。 病院内(旧病棟)に、小さなローソンがあります。すぐ側に、小さなカフェみたいな所もあります。たしか新館の上の階に、食堂みたいな所もあったと思います。窓の外の景色が見れます。 トイレは車椅子が入れる所と、ない所があります。場所は病院で聞いてください。 病院敷地内は、全面禁煙。 美容院はない。 コインランドリーに、洗濯機と乾燥機があるみたい。 支払いは、クレジットカードOK。 入院費は毎月10日に明細書が届くので、総合受付でお支払い。
Although it is a large and beautiful hospital, there are many patients and the waiting time is very long. Going to the old ward is like a maze. If you are going for the first time, you will have to worry. Teachers and staff have no bad impression. Brain surgeon? I saw a teacher covered in a nationwide online program. (Special feature of dementia?) The parking lot may be crowded. There are several places. The parking lot is for outpatients, and inpatients are not allowed. I think that visitors are OK. The entrance to the hospital is a rotary, a special area for getting on and off. Bus stops are located inside the roundabout. There are quite a few wheelchairs for rent right at the entrance. There is also a wheelchair parking, but it is a bit far away. There is a small Lawson in the hospital (old ward). Immediately there is a small cafe. I think there was a restaurant on the upper floor of the new building. You can see the scenery outside the window. There are places where wheelchairs can be inserted and places where there is no toilet. Ask the hospital for the location. Smoking is completely prohibited in the hospital premises. There is no beauty salon. There seems to be a washing machine and a dryer in the coin laundry. Payment is OK by credit card. The hospitalization fee will be paid on the 10th of every month at the general reception.
口コミ猫 on Google

入院患者を患者名で呼ばす、「あの人」呼ばわりする年配看護師がいる。 とても親切な看護師さんもいる中、嫌な取り方をしたのか、直ぐに顔に出す看護師もいてとても感じが悪い。 病院が綺麗になったのなら看護師の人材 も綺麗にしてくれる事を願います。 お話出来ない、自分の気持ちを伝えられない患者さんがいらっしゃると思うと態度の悪い看護師が当番だと気の毒です。 どこにお話すれば改善して貰えるのでしょうか? 面会の際に、コロナの影響で時間など細かく記入して各階の受付に用紙を提出。 病院内でコロナに感染した疑いの方がみえるとの事で面会が今月末まで不可となっておりますよ。
There is an elderly nurse who calls an inpatient by patient name and is called "that person". While some nurses are very kind, I feel very uncomfortable with some nurses who immediately show up, perhaps because they took it unpleasantly. If the hospital is clean, nurse personnel I hope you will also clean it. I feel sorry for the nurses who have a bad attitude when I think that there are patients who cannot talk and cannot express their feelings. Where can I talk to improve it? At the time of the visit, due to the influence of the corona, fill in the details such as the time and submit the form to the reception desk on each floor. Visits are not possible until the end of this month because some people are suspected of being infected with corona in the hospital.
みすず on Google

身内が原因不明の神経痛に悩まされており南生協から紹介状を出されこちらの病院へかかりました。 正直患者は耳が遠くどの先生もめんどくさそうに対応され、長時間待たされたあげく診察は5分だったり、パソコンが患者ですか?ぐらいこちらを見ない方など色んな病院へたらい回しにされてきてこちらで受診した際も初診の先生だし まためんどくさそうにされるんだろうと期待しておりませんでした。 色々検査した結果、他の先生と同じ老化によるもので直接的な原因は不明という診断ではあったのですが、 軽く一時間近く患者のあちこちを触りしっかり患者と家族の話を聞いていただけて本当に気持ちが救われました。 「原因が何かってはっきり言ってあげられなくてごめんなさい。痛みが酷いようなら僕は初診担当だけど●曜日に予約してもらえればまたお話聞くから。」 とまで言っていただきそれだけで安心感というかあぁこんなお医者様がたくさん増えたらいいのになと感動しました。 あれからデイケアでリハビリをし、だいぶ痛みが緩和されてきたようです。神経内科の先生本当にありがとうございました! また物忘れ外来にもかかりましたが、 こちらもとても配慮が行き届いており 先生はもちろんですが看護士さん、 物忘れの検査をしてくれた方 皆さん本当に気持ちのいい対応をしていただけました。 近くの他の総合病院ではお年寄りに冷たいことも多く、散々がっかりしてきましたが、 こちらの病院にかかることができて本当に感謝の言葉しかでてきません。
I was suffering from neuralgia of unknown cause to my relatives, so I received a letter of introduction from Minami Seikyo and went to this hospital. Honestly, the patient is deaf and all the teachers seem to be annoyed, and after waiting for a long time, the medical examination takes 5 minutes, or is the computer a patient? Even if you have been sent to various hospitals such as those who do not see this, and you have a medical examination here, you are the first teacher. I didn't expect it to be annoying again. As a result of various tests, it was diagnosed that it was due to the same aging as other teachers and the direct cause was unknown. It really helped me to touch the patient's surroundings for almost an hour and listen to the patient and his family. "I'm sorry I couldn't tell you exactly what the cause was. If the pain is severe, I'm in charge of the first visit. ● If you make an appointment on the day of the week, I'll talk to you again." I was impressed that it would be nice if there were more doctors like this. Since then, I have been rehabilitating with day care, and it seems that the pain has been alleviated. Thank you very much for your neurology teacher! I also went to a forgetfulness outpatient department, This is also very careful Not to mention the teacher, but the nurse, Those who have inspected for forgetfulness Everyone was really happy with the response. At other general hospitals nearby, it was often cold for the elderly, and I was disappointed. I can only say thank you for being able to go to this hospital.
on Google

星一つも付けたくないです。 眼科の視力検査を対応した看護師?がめちゃくちゃ態度悪いし 女にだけ強い口調。 他の病院や眼科では丁寧にしてくれるものも 全てが早いし雑。 コロナ禍だから気をつけているのに 「マスク鼻の下まで下げて」って2回も強く言われる。 一言 レンズが曇るから下げてくださいね、と言ったら? 今までかかった眼科で1番最低です。 改善するか辞めるかしてください。
I don't want to add a single star. A nurse who has a vision test in ophthalmology? I have a bad attitude A strong tone only for women. Some of them are polite at other hospitals and ophthalmologists Everything is fast and miscellaneous. I'm careful because it's a corona "Lower the mask to the bottom of the nose" is strongly said twice. A word What if I told you to lower the lens because it gets cloudy? It's the worst ophthalmology I've ever had. Please improve or quit.
山城 on Google

The response of the nurses of the aunts in the middle three wards was very bad, as if they were making a fool of people. Both the patient and the patient's family are in trouble. I'm misunderstanding something. Medical care is a service industry. Whose money do you work for? I want you to be well educated.
sae sae on Google

家族がずっと信頼し通院していましたが、今回の入院での対応はとてもがっかりしました。 個室なら面会は患者1名につき1日1グループ 1人5分なら可能とのことでした。(大部屋は完全面会NG) 持病はもともとありましたが、急に体調を崩し入院しました。本人と意思疎通や会話はできるものの、検査の結果が悪く、主治医から「危険な状態なので覚悟はしておいてください。会わせたい人がいたら早く会わせてあげてください」とまで言われました。 コロナ禍ではありますが、危険な状態で面会が5分で済むはずがないと思うのです。入院していた家族が、家計のことをすべて管理していたため、会って聞かなければならないことがたくさんあったのです。 個室に移りたてのときは 5分間きっちりタイマーで計られましたが、主治医から危険な状態だという話をされてからは目の前でタイマーで計られることがなくなり、看護師が融通を聞かせてくれているのかなと思っていました。 しかし帰り際に看護師長に、「面会時間5分が守れないようなら面会禁止にする」と言われ、患者家族が不安に思っているのに、家族に寄り添わない、融通が利かない冷たい対応にびっくりしました。 それを言われた日に、家族は息を引き取りました…。また大部屋から重症個室に移ったときも、家族に連絡がありませんでした。 主治医の説明も パソコンを前に口頭で説明されましたが、医療の素人には大変分かりにくく、質問してもきちんと理解できず、質問したいことが分からず、帰って家で調べるという悪循環でした。わかりやすい参考資料やメモ紙一つでも書いて渡してくれればいいのにと思いました。 会計が自動精算機ではないのも残念です。
My family had always trusted me to go to the hospital, but I was very disappointed with the response at this hospitalization. If it is a private room, it is possible to visit one patient per day for 5 minutes per group. (Large room is completely NG) I had a chronic illness, but suddenly I got sick and was hospitalized. Although I can communicate and talk with the person, the result of the test is bad, and my doctor even said, "Be prepared for it because it is in a dangerous state. If anyone wants to meet, please let me see you soon." rice field. It's a corona wreck, but I don't think it's possible to have a five-minute visit in a dangerous situation. The hospitalized family was in control of everything about their household budget, so I had to meet and ask a lot. When I moved to a private room, it was measured exactly with a timer for 5 minutes, but after the doctor told me that it was in a dangerous state, it was no longer measured by the timer in front of me, and the nurse let me know the flexibility. I was wondering if he was doing it. However, on the way back, the chief nurse said, "If you can't keep the 5 minutes of visitation time, you will be prohibited from visiting." surprised. The day I was told that, my family died ... Also, when I moved from a large room to a severely ill private room, my family was not contacted. The explanation of the attending physician was also explained verbally in front of the personal computer, but it was a vicious cycle that it was very difficult for medical amateurs to understand, even if I asked a question, I could not understand it properly, I did not understand what I wanted to ask, and I went home and examined it at home. .. I thought it would be nice if you could write and hand over even one easy-to-understand reference material or memo paper. It's a pity that accounting is not an automatic checkout machine.

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