Narita-ya - Okayama

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Narita-ya

住所 :

28-13 Ekimotomachi, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0024, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 700-0024
Webサイト :

28-13 Ekimotomachi, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0024, Japan
夜叉丸 on Google

名物 トリス 湯豆腐 安くて旨い
Specialty Tris Yudofu Cheap and delicious
日下仁志(ひっとん) on Google

旨く、安く尚且つ早い。メニューも 豊富。数量限定の激安な鉄火巻には 唸ること間違い無しです。季節ごと の地元の旨くて新鮮な食材を使用した 一品は、地酒とピッタリです。是非とも、一度は行くべし。
Good, cheap and fast. Menu Abundant. For a limited quantity of cheap iron fire rolls There is no doubt howling. Every season Made with delicious local and fresh ingredients One dish is perfect for local sake. By all means, you should go at least once.
みふねたかし on Google

It is a homely izakaya. The taste is definitely delicious. Sashimi is recommended
山本祐司 on Google

駅に近かい成田屋 ありがたいですねぇ。 とり酢200円、湯豆腐200円 テッパンですね。
Naritaya near the station Thank you. Tori vinegar 200 yen, tofu 200 yen This is Teppan.
土門敬 on Google

Reasonable, delicious, cozy and easy to use ☆
M Fuji on Google

ご常連のお客様で賑わってます。 写真を撮り忘れむしたが、寒かったので湯豆腐率が高いのかと思いきや、食べれば納得の味で美味い?
It is full of regular customers. I forgot to take a picture, but it was cold and I wondered if the tofu ratio was high, and if I ate it, it tasted good and delicious.
アットマークすすむ on Google

山陰から友人来岡、宵呑みに訪れたのは岡山駅西口から至近の成田家さん、0次会を東口の”のんき坊”さんでやっていますので到着時には軽くほろ酔い気分です^^; 17時開店で21時閉店という健全な西口店さん、暖簾を出しているタイミングで入店、一番客かと思いきや常連さんがすでにカウンター席で飲まれてました!! 芋焼酎ロックで乾杯、一年ぶり?の再会に酒と会話が進みます。アテはさみだれ式に注文、名物の湯豆腐はカツオ風味が素晴らしく、鳥酢は太めの春雨食感が素晴らしいです。 鰈の唐揚げは中サイズですが強めに揚がって香ばしい味わい、小エビの唐揚げはシーズンインでサイズが大きくなってます。 鳥のバター焼きは想定外の大きな手羽一本...齧り付くしかないっすね^^; 焼き椎茸は縮んでいますが味は濃縮、鯖は厚みがしっかり&野菜たっぷりです。 ししゃもは冷凍かと思いますが脂のりがいいですね、れんこん天は若干しっとり仕上げ、ずり串はしっかり焼かれて香ばしい味わいでした!! 焼酎ロックをかなり呑みましたが280円/杯は格安、トータルでもひとり3000円程度なのでやはり成田家さんはコスパ最高ですね(*^^*)
From San'in, I visited my friends Kuraoka and evening drinks at the Narita family near the west exit of Okayama station, and I'm doing the 0th party with "Nonokibo" at the east exit, so I feel a little tipsy on arrival ^^; The healthy Nishiguchi store, which opens at 17:00 and closes at 21:00, enters the store when the goodwill is coming out, and I think he is the most customer, and the regular customer was already drunk at the counter seat! ! Cheers with potato shochu rock, after a year? Sake and conversation proceed to the reunion. Ate is ordered with a scissors type, the famous yudofu has a nice bonito flavor, and the bird vinegar has a great thick vermicelli texture. The deep-fried sardines are medium size, but they are strongly fried and have a fragrant taste, and the deep-fried prawns are large in size during the season. The butter grilled bird is an unexpectedly large wing. . . There is no choice but to bite ^^; The grilled shiitake mushrooms are shrunk but the taste is concentrated, the mackerel is thick and plenty of vegetables. I think the shishamo is frozen, but it has a good greasy taste, the red bean paste is slightly moist, and the skewers are well-baked for a fragrant taste! ! I drank shochu rock quite a bit, but the 280 yen/cup is cheap, and the total is about 3000 yen per person, so the Narita family is the best cospa (*^^*)
古庄屋 on Google

成田家 西口店さん 30年振りぐらいの成田家さんです。お安くて どの料理もとても美味しいです。日本酒が加茂五葉から御前酒に変わっていました。
Narita family west exit store It is the Narita family for the first time in 30 years. It's cheap and every dish is very delicious. Sake has changed from Kamo Goyo to Gozenshu.

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