旬の駅 ならやま本店 - Narazakacho

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 旬の駅 ならやま本店

住所 :

Narazakacho, 〒630-8104 Nara,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 630-8104
Webサイト : http://www.syunnoeki.com/
街 : Nara

Narazakacho, 〒630-8104 Nara,Japan
加藤non on Google

改装前も、改装後も行きましたが種類が少なくなった気がします。 ちょっと残念でした。 それでも、野菜は鮮度もいいし安くて買って帰ってからも長持ちします。 珍しい野菜も入ってたりするので、それを見つけるのも楽しいかも。 自分は、お花も鮮度よくて安いのでオススメ。 この前買った豆大福は、あんこもだけど皮の部分も美味しかったです。 またリピします。
I went before and after the refurbishment, but I feel that the number of types has decreased. It was a little disappointing. Even so, vegetables are fresh and cheap, and will last a long time after you buy them. It also contains rare vegetables, so it may be fun to find them. I recommend the flowers because they are fresh and cheap. The bean paste I bought the other day was red bean paste, but the skin was delicious. In addition to repeater.
ヒロシゲススム on Google

Fresh groceries are really cheap! But the width of the aisle in the store pushes the carton and makes contact with other people for shopping! Also, there are few parking lots inside the store! There is also a large parking lot across the road!
雲外蒼天123 on Google

Only what I want to buy. Vegetables are also full of special products of Nara Kyoto. You can also buy rainbow ramune.
毛のないパンダ on Google

夕方に来訪したにも関わらず、かなりの品数に驚いた(((゜Д゜;))) 特にキノコ類、芋類(じゃがいも)の種類が豊富。 じゃがいもだけで、キタアカリ、メークイン、男爵、インカのめざめなど5~6種くらいあったんじゃないかな…? 上記だけじゃなく、様々な野菜を日本全国から取り寄せているようなので、見ていて楽しい。 また、近くにパン屋さんがあるためか、パンの種類も豊富だった。 また近くに来たら寄りたい。
Despite visiting in the evening, I was surprised at the number of items (((゜ Д ゜;))) Especially, there are many kinds of mushrooms and potatoes. I think there were about 5 to 6 kinds of potatoes, such as Kita Akari, Make-in, Baron, and Inca Awakening ... ? Not only the above, but it seems that various vegetables are ordered from all over Japan, so it's fun to watch. Also, probably because there is a bakery nearby, there was a wide variety of bread. I want to stop by when I come near again.
赤い彗星 on Google

「旬の駅」は奈良、京都、大阪に展開する関西最大規模の農産物直売所です。 地元生産者さん約2200件から毎日採れたての野菜や果物が届きます。 みずみずしいのはもちろん、野菜本来の味がぎゅっと濃縮され、栄養価も高く市販の野菜とはひと味もふた味も違います。 普段みかけない野菜や果物もたくさんあり、スーパーで見かけない加工品も盛りだくさん、家族のみんなでワクワク楽しくお買いものしていただけます。 奈良のお土産も多数取り揃えています。
"Shun no Eki" is the largest farm products direct sales office in Kansai, which is located in Nara, Kyoto, and Osaka. Freshly picked vegetables and fruits arrive daily from about 2,200 local producers. Not only is it fresh, but the original taste of vegetables is concentrated, and it is highly nutritious and has a different taste and lid from commercially available vegetables. There are many vegetables and fruits that you don't usually see, and there are plenty of processed products that you don't see at supermarkets, so the whole family can enjoy shopping with excitement. We also have a large selection of Nara souvenirs.
Lee Oettinger on Google

It' okay.
keng-keng a traveler who loves cats and Thailand on Google

Daibutsu-Bread is my recommendation!
Martin C on Google

Plenty of local grown fruits here! Some of them are really huge and fresh! But the car park queue is really long and the staff worked really slow.

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