Naokyu - Kashiwa

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Naokyu

住所 :

2 Chome-3 Oyamadai, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0837, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 277-0837
Webサイト :

2 Chome-3 Oyamadai, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0837, Japan
つう05 on Google

少し遅めのランチで立ち寄りました。 純鶏らーめん 580円のミニ丼+餃子セットを注文しました。 メンマ・チャーシュー・ノリ・ネギがトッピングされたラーメン。昔ながらのサッパリした味で食べやすかったです。 JAF会員の方はカード提示で、大盛・味玉・小ライスが無料との事だったので、私は味玉をトッピングしました。 ミニ丼は、そぼろ・炒飯・高菜から選べたので、そぼろ丼を選んのだが、そぼろがパサパサなのでラーメンの汁といっしょに食べないと食べにくかったです。 餃子は普通に美味しい〜かな。
I stopped by for a little late lunch. I ordered a mini bowl + dumpling set for 580 yen for pure chicken ramen. Ramen topped with menma, char siu, seaweed and green onions. It was easy to eat with the old-fashioned refreshing taste. JAF members showed the card and said that large servings, taste balls, and small rice were free, so I topped them with taste balls. I chose the soboro bowl because I could choose from soboro, fried rice, and mustard, but it was difficult to eat unless I ate it with ramen soup because the soboro was dry. Gyoza is usually delicious.
暇潰し on Google

老舗らしいですが、自分は初めて食べてみました。 注文はチャーシュー麺。チャーシュー麺あるあるですな肉が冷たいといった事もなく美味しくいただけました。餃子も美味しかったです。
It seems to be a long-established store, but I tried it for the first time. The order is char siu noodles. There is char siu noodles, but the meat was delicious without being cold. The dumplings were also delicious.
柏村英夫 on Google

The stable taste of chain stores. The clerk's older brother was more polite than that, and I liked it. The mixed buckwheat and perilla dumplings I received were delicious.
山本 on Google

過去何回かハズレを引いている 焦げ臭い炒飯 生焼けの様な炒飯 ごま油の過剰なラーメン 明らかに味の足りていないラーメン 運営会社に改善要求したが、これまで一切返信が来たことはない。会社としての質が悪いのだと思うがチェーン店のわりに味が安定しない。 ショッピングモールに入っているお店だから、どうにか保っているだけで路面店では勝負は無理なほど低レベル。 オーダーを受ける店員の差も激しい。これは店員教育の問題か店員自身のスキルの問題かによるのでなんとも言えないが不快感を感じる時もある。 子供向けのサービスがあるのは、ありがたいと思う。しかし、これは店の商品の質ではない。 どちらかと言うと選択肢の中から選ぶ、というよりは消去法というか、子供が行きたがるのでやむを得ず、といった流れで入店することが多い。 なぜ、つぶれないのかがハッキリ言って疑問。
I've been lost several times in the past Burnt fried rice Fried rice like fried rice Excessive ramen with sesame oil Ramen that is obviously lacking in taste I requested improvement from the operating company, but I have never received a reply. I think the quality of the company is poor, but the taste is not stable for a chain store. It's a store in a shopping mall, so it's so low that it's impossible to compete in a roadside store just by keeping it. The difference between the clerk who receives the order is also large. I can't say anything because this is a problem of clerk education or a problem of the clerk's own skill, but sometimes I feel uncomfortable. I'm grateful that there is a service for children. However, this is not the quality of the store's products. Rather than choosing from the options, it is often the elimination method, or because children want to go, it is unavoidable to enter the store. I wonder why it doesn't collapse.
桃五郎 on Google

◆冷やし中華 胡麻ダレ ま、まいぅ 久々に訪店。お気に入り麺処。 昨年までは、冷やし中華は醤油ダレのみだったけど今年は種類が増え全5種。 醤油、胡麻ダレ、ゆず塩、鶏塩、梅塩。 どれもうまそー。 注文:冷やし中華 胡麻ダレ( クーポン利用)500円(税込) ちょい酸味のきーた胡麻ダレ まいぅ。 麺もキンキン西葛西駅冷水で〆てあってまいぅ。 鶏もいー感じ。 ごっつぁん。 ////////////////////////// ◆こく旨らーめん(醤油)、焼き餃子 モラージュ柏にあるお気に入り中華そば処。 柏はらーめん店は、多くあるけ濃厚系が多く純粋な中華そば処と云える店は何気に少ない。 そんな純中華そば系統では、白河屋、大勝、直久がお気に入り。 んでもって 中華そば気分になったのでこちらに訪店。 前回同様@LINEクーポンが発行されていたので利用。 ◆オーダ:こく旨醤油らーめん(@LINEクーポン利用) 500円、焼き餃子3個200円、辛味ダレ30円(税込) プレナ幕張店を利用したとき、辛味ダレが思いの外美味かったので追加。 〇焼き餃子3個 餃子したことなかったので注文。 一人前は、食いきれないけど3個ならばいける方にとってはこのメニュー設定は有難い。 皮は薄めで餡は粗挽き肉系多めタイプ。 ちょっちゅ水分系がロストしていて旨味少な目。 〇こく旨らーめん(醤油) プレナ幕張店でも2度程食しているので今回は辛味ダレ追加。 先ずは、スープごっくん。 背脂少な目ながら入っているのが「こく旨らーめん」の特徴。 背脂ない部分は、純鶏らーめんのスープ同様で丸鶏スープの旨味があってまいぅ。 背脂部分を合わせてみると確かにコクは増す。 しっかーし、豚臭いとゆーか 鶏の旨味が消える漢字でちょっちゅマイナス味に変化。 改めて感じたけどやっぱり「純鶏らーめん」の方が圧倒的に美味い。 「一番人気こく旨醤油らーめん」とゆーふれこみは、間違いなく店の戦略だしょー。とつくづく実感。 辛味ダレを追加すると豚臭を感じることなく辛味が増して美味くなった。 麺は、硬めで旨味しっかり変わらずまいぅ。 次回は、純鶏らーめん(醤油、塩)orとんさいらーめん(味噌)にしよー ごっつぁん。 〇余談 店舗立地のせいと思うけど評価点低杉。 口コミが入らないとこんだけ評価も少なくなるのは、如何なものか。 支那そば好きには、「ちゃんと美味しい一杯の店」と云える。 初訪店の方は、迷ったら「純鶏らーめん(醤油)」を強くススメル 〇麺処直久 好みランキング 1位:純鶏らーめん(醤油) 鶏出汁の旨味がしっかりきーちゃっていてまいぅ 2位:純鶏らーめん(塩)  醤油も美味いけど 実は塩も とってもまいぅ 3位:濃厚担々麺  ちょい酸味があるスープながらバランスいー漢字でまいぅ。 3位:とんさいらーめん(味噌)   野菜たっぷりで味噌味もいー漢字。 3位:冷し中華(夏季限定) 3位:こく旨辛味醤油らーめん  辛味がとってもいー漢字。 4位:鶏柚子塩らーめん  まいぅ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 冷やし中華 まいぅ 久々のモラージュ。店内の飲食店も様変わりしちってる。 「いきなりステーキ」が閉店しちってるし、チェゴヤが無くなって天ぷら処「天ぷら 北里」が出来ちってる。 その「天ぷら 北里」の対面の麺処に入店。 「純鶏らーめん」にするか迷ったけど初志貫徹。 ◆オーダ:冷やし中華 @LINEクーポン利用 500円(税込) 流石に「麺処直久」。麺がまいぅ。 冷水でしっかり〆られていてコシがあって鶴鶴麺ですげーまいぅ。 タレ塩梅も酢加減よくて バッチぐ的。 美味かったので鶴鶴あってー間に完食。 もーちょい麺が欲しかった。 次回注文時は、大盛がいーな。 冷やし中華 美味かった ごっつぁん。 ★備忘録的評価 1.純鶏らーめん 3.0 ベーシックな麺だけどこれがイチ押し。鶏出汁がしっかりしていて まいぅ。 2.鶏ゆず塩 らーめん 2.9 塩スーがグッドであっさりまいぅ。 3.とんさいらーめん 2.8 具沢山で まいぅ。
◆ Chilled Chinese sesame sauce Ma, Maiu Visited the store after a long time. Favorite noodle shop. Until last year, the only chilled Chinese sauce was soy sauce, but this year the number of chilled Chinese dishes has increased to five. Salty sauce, sesame sauce, yuzu salt, chicken salt, plum salt. It ’s all right. Order: Hiyashi chuka sesame sauce (using coupon) 500 yen (tax included) A little sour sesame sauce. The noodles are also served in cold water at Kinkin Nishikasai Station. It feels like chicken. Gottsuan. ////////////////////////// ◆ Kokumi Ramen (soy sauce), roasted dumplings Favorite Chinese noodle shop in Mallage Kashiwa. There are many Kashiwa ramen shops, but there are many rich ones, and there are few shops that can be called pure Chinese soba noodles. Shirakawaya, Daikatsu, and Naohisa are my favorites in such a pure Chinese noodle system. I felt like Chinese noodles, so I visited here. As with the last time, the @LINE coupon was issued, so I used it. ◆ Order: Kokumi Shoyu Ramen (using @LINE coupon) 500 yen, 3 roasted dumplings 200 yen, spicy sauce 30 yen (tax included) When I used the Plena Makuhari store, the spicy sauce was unexpectedly delicious, so I added it. 〇 3 grilled dumplings I ordered it because I had never dumpled it. This menu setting is appreciated for those who can't eat enough for one person but can get three. The skin is thin and the bean paste is a large amount of coarsely ground meat. Moisture system is lost and the taste is low. 〇Kokumi Ramen (soy sauce) I have eaten twice at the Plena Makuhari store, so I added a spicy sauce this time. First of all, soup cum swallowing. The characteristic of "Kokumi Ramen" is that it contains a small amount of backfat. The part without backfat is the same as the pure chicken ramen soup, and the taste of the whole chicken soup is good. If you add the backfat part, the richness will surely increase. Shikkashi, pork odor and yuka: The kanji that eliminates the umami of chicken changes to a slightly negative taste. I felt it again, but after all "Jun chicken ramen" is overwhelmingly delicious. "The most popular soy sauce ramen" and Yufurekomi are definitely the store's strategies. I feel like I'm stuck. When the spicy sauce was added, the spiciness increased without feeling the pork odor and it became delicious. The noodles are hard and the taste does not change. Next time, let's make pure chicken ramen (soy sauce, salt) or tonsai ramen (miso). Gottsuan. 〇Aside I think it's because of the location of the store, but the evaluation score is low cedar. What is it that the evaluation is reduced so much without word of mouth? For Chinese soba lovers, it can be said to be a "delicious cup of shop". If you are visiting the store for the first time, if you get lost, strongly recommend "Jun chicken ramen (soy sauce)" 〇 Naohisa Noodles Favorite Ranking 1st place: Pure chicken ramen (soy sauce) The taste of chicken stock is very good. 2nd place: Pure chicken ramen (salt) The soy sauce is delicious, but in fact the salt is also very good. 3rd place: Rich dandan noodles, a sour soup with a good balance-Kanji characters. 3rd place: Tonsai Ramen (Miso), with plenty of vegetables and miso flavored Chinese characters. 3rd place: Hiyashi chuka (summer only) 3rd place: Kokumi Spicy Soy Sauce Ramen: Very spicy Chinese characters. 4th place: Chicken Yuzu Salt Ramen Maiu ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hiyashi chuka Maiu Morage after a long time. The restaurants inside the store are also changing. "Suddenly steak" has closed, and the tempura shop "Tempura Kitasato" has been completed without Chegoya. Entered the noodle shop facing the "Tempura Kitasato". I wasn't sure if I should use "Jun Chicken Ramen", but Shoshi-kantetsu. ◆ Order: Hiyashi chuka @ LINE coupon use 500 yen (tax included) As expected, "Men-dokoro Naohisa". The noodles are delicious. It's cold water and it's chewy, so it's Tsurumen Tsurumi noodles. Sauce salt plum is also vinegar-friendly and batch-like. It was delicious, so I had a crane and a crane. I wanted mochoi noodles. The next time I order, I'll have a great deal. Hiyashi chuka was delicious Gottsuan. ★ Memorandum evaluation 1. Pure chicken ramen 3.0 Only basic noodles are the best choice. The chicken stock is solid. 2. Chicken Yuzu Salt Ramen 2.9 Salt Sue is good and light. 3. Tonsai Ramen 2.8 A lot of ingredients.
BO N on Google

お昼時にも関わらず客数が少なくて…、「ヌルいラーメンでも出てくるんかな〜…」って、ちょっと不安だったんですけど……… 「鶏ゆず塩ラーメン」たのんで感動!! ちゃんとアツアツの美味しいラーメンでした!! 麺の硬さもちょうどよく、スープもあっさりしてて、そのスープをゆずで更にスッキリさせてて、めっちゃ美味しかった!! スタッフの対応も丁寧で、何で客が少ないのか不思議でした。 モラージュ柏行ったときは是非行ってみて下さい!!
Even though it was lunchtime, the number of customers was small ... I was a little worried that "I wonder if even null ramen will come out ..." ... "Chicken Yuzu Shio Ramen" is so impressive! !! It was a delicious hot ramen! !! The hardness of the noodles was just right, the soup was light, and the soup was made even more refreshing with yuzu, and it was really delicious! !! The staff were polite and I was wondering why there were so few customers. When you go to Mallage Kashiwa, please go! !!
ツチダコウジ on Google

ラストオーダーあたりの時間帯に利用しました。 1番人気の「こく旨ラーメン」は昔ながらの中華そばをちょっと濃厚にした感じの味わいです。 シンプルで美味しいと思いますが、もぅとコッテリ系が好きな方はちょっとパンチが無く感じるかもしれません。 小さなお子さんには食べさせてあげたい味付けですね。 でも、美味しかったですよ。 半チャーハンも良い感じでした!
I used it during the time zone per last order. The most popular "Kokumi Ramen" has a slightly richer taste of traditional Chinese noodles. I think it's simple and delicious, but if you like coterie, you may feel a little punchless. It's a seasoning that you want to feed small children. But it was delicious. Han charhan was also good!
こんたゆみ on Google

ラーメンシリーズ? 今回は柏モラージュ内にある「麺処直久」さんへ。 子育てしていると、イオンやアリオなどの複合施設はオアシス? いままで行った事なかったので、柏モラージュへ。 不人気で経営破綻したけど、どっかが買い取って今は大人気になってるらしい⤴️ 炙りチャーシュー麺推しだったので、そちらを注文。 どうやら、結構な店舗あるチェーンみたいだけど、ガッツリ系の醤油ラーメン?でめっちゃおいしい‼️当然チャーシューはトロトロだし、チャーハンもパラパラでうまい‼️ すんごいトガッた特徴とかはないけど、万人に受ける味だと思う。
Ramen series ? This time, to Mr. Naohisa Noodles in Kashiwa Morage. When raising children, complex facilities such as Aeon and Ario are oasis ? I've never been there before, so I went to Kashiwa Morage. It was unpopular and went bankrupt, but it seems that somebody bought it and now it's becoming more mature ⤴️ I ordered the roasted char siu noodles because it was recommended. Apparently, it looks like a chain with quite a few stores, but it's really delicious with a gutsy soy sauce ramen ?! ️Of course, the char siu is torotoro, and the fried rice is also delicious! ️ It doesn't have a really tough feature, but I think it's a taste that everyone will enjoy.

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