nano・universe ららぽーとTOKYO-BAY

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact nano・universe ららぽーとTOKYO-BAY

住所 :

Hamacho, Funabashi, 〒273-8530 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Hamacho, Funabashi, 〒273-8530 Chiba,Japan
Hiro on Google

Re-education to improve staff service.
yasukichisan x on Google

Leather jacket was cheap ❗
Kou Kou on Google

There was something I was curious about, but the clerk didn't talk to me at all, so this is my evaluation.
石垣たろう on Google

It was stable
齋藤りょう on Google

欲しかった商品を買うことができました。 店員さんも感じが良くてまた利用したいと思います!
I was able to buy the product I wanted. The clerk also feels good and would like to use it again!
Eiko S. on Google

「普段使いにしたいけど、ちょっぴり改まった状況にも使えるジャケットがほしい❗」とお願いしたら、ピッタリの物を出して頂けました。 ジャケットを選ぶとき、インナーを合わせるときのアドバイスもすごくお勉強になりました✨
When I asked, "I want to use it for everyday use, but I want a jacket that can be used even in a situation that has been slightly remodeled," I asked for a perfect item. When I chose a jacket, I also learned a lot of advice when putting the inners together✨
mako ai on Google

メンズ商品は肩幅狭め細身の体型の人には合わせたサイズ感のものが多い。フォーマルとカジュアル用途で分けて商品を配置しているが少し手狭な印象。店内も少し暗めでゆっくり吟味したいという気にならない。 冬は毛玉レスニット、夏にかけては汗染み防止シャツなどお洒落なアイディア商品を出しているのでシルエットの幅を広げて様々な体型で着られる商品を展開してほしい。
Many men's products have a size that suits people with narrow shoulders and a slender figure. The products are arranged separately for formal and casual use, but the impression is a bit cramped. The inside of the store is a little dark and I don't feel like scrutinizing it slowly. We have fashionable idea products such as pillless knits in winter and sweat stain prevention shirts in summer, so I would like you to expand the range of silhouettes and develop products that can be worn in various body shapes.
m s on Google

店員さんがすごく感じ良かったです。気さくに色々とアドバイスをしてくださりました。 ただ土日は混んでいるで、試着も順番待ちでした。午前中や夜に行くと、比較的に空いていました。
The clerk was very nice. He kindly gave me various advices. However, it was crowded on Saturdays and Sundays, so I was waiting for my turn to try it on. When I went in the morning or at night, it was relatively empty.

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