
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 荘司調髪所

住所 :

Nankai Building, 5 Chome−1−5, Nanba, Chuo Ward, 〒542-8510 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : http://shoji-bb.com/shop/
街 : Osaka

Nankai Building, 5 Chome−1−5, Nanba, Chuo Ward, 〒542-8510 Osaka,Japan
井町一郎 on Google

今まで安い散髪屋へ行っていたため、髪が整わなかったが、ここで整髪して頂いたお陰で、ムースで固める必要なく楽になりました。 散髪、洗髪、髭剃りすべて丁寧にやって頂き気に入りました。
I used to go to a cheap hairdresser, so my hair was not ready, but thanks to the hair setting here, it became easier without the need to harden with mousse. I like to have a haircut, a haircut and a shave.
マリエ on Google

料金は 比較的高め。仕事は丁寧です。子供の頃からあるのは知ってましたが 初めて入店するのは 勇気がいります(笑)もう少し遅い時間まで やってたらいいな。
The price is relatively high. The work is polite. I knew it had been around since I was a kid, but it takes courage to enter the store for the first time (laughs). I wish I could do it until a little later.
Hiroka Fude on Google

After all it calms down. If you look closely, you'll just get burned on weekday mornings
T K on Google

I don't always make a nomination or reservation, but when I come to Namba, I leave it to me to cut it. The barber's level is very high, so I can enter the store with confidence even if I jump in!
fuji izuoka on Google

1000円カットに行ってましたがイマイチなのでここにしてみました。 値段なりの技術で満足しました。
I went to cut 1000 yen, but it's not good so I tried it here. I was satisfied with the technology at a reasonable price.
ダンディ辰男 on Google

本当に、昔から営業しているからか、客の大半は高齢者ですね スタッフは熟練ですね
Most of the customers are elderly, probably because they have been in business for a long time. The staff are skilled.
J T on Google

This shop has the technical ability to respond to the best, so I will continue to go there. I also recommend it to everyone.
R mtmt on Google

大阪メトロなんば駅から南海なんば駅への連絡通路途中にある理容室。(地下一階) いつもビジネスBコース(カット+シャンプー)¥4,180を利用。 こじんまりした入り口に反し、奥に長いL字型の店内は常時5人ほどの理容師さんが待機。 夕方に利用する事が多く、いつも常連さんや若めのお客さんでほどよい混雑具合。 どの理容師さんに当たっても丁寧に接客してくれ、調髪の腕も確か。 駅近でふらっと行ける気軽さもあり、非常に満足度の高い理容室。 インスタも高頻度で更新してるので、事前に店の雰囲気が見れるのも◎
A barber shop on the way from Osaka Metro Namba Station to Nankai Namba Station. (First basement floor) Always use Business B course (cut + shampoo) ¥ 4,180. Contrary to the small entrance, about 5 barbers are always waiting in the long L-shaped store in the back. It is often used in the evening, and it is always moderately crowded with regulars and young customers. No matter which barber you hit, he will serve you politely, and you will surely have a good hair-dressing skill. The barber shop is very satisfying because it is easy to go around the station. Instagram is also updated frequently, so you can see the atmosphere of the store in advance ◎

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