髪ラボ 南店

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 髪ラボ 南店

住所 :

Naneicho, 〒990-2445 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Webサイト : http://hair-salon-4361.business.site/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–7PM
Sunday 9AM–7PM
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM
街 : Yamagata

Naneicho, 〒990-2445 Yamagata,Japan
岩元亮 on Google

It's a very conscientious shop with a low price, but it's polite and set!
土谷宗浩 on Google

いつも子供と一緒にカットしていただいてます。 価格が安いだけでなく、予約ができるで待ち時間がないのがとても良いですね。
I always cut with my children. Not only is the price cheap, but it is also good that you can make a reservation and there is no waiting time.
ゆゆ on Google

The cut is low price and the finish is also satisfactory. As it was reservation system, it was good that there was little waiting time. The parking lot is narrow.
SA SA on Google

You can see that the work is polite, the price is low, and the store manager is serious about the work.
ひろぺー on Google

最近はずっとこちらでお世話なってます。 早くて安くてうまい。と牛丼屋さんのキャッチコピーみたいですが、まさにその通り! 知人にも紹介できるお店です。 店主も気さくなイケメンって感じの人でした〜
I've been indebted here for a long time these days. It's fast, cheap and good. It looks like a catch phrase from a gyudon restaurant, but that's right! It is a shop that you can introduce to your acquaintances. The owner was also a friendly handsome guy ~
髙田大介 on Google

知り合いの紹介で通うようになり早や4年が経ちました^^ カット・カラーの技術もピカイチなうえ、財布に優しい値段設定と居心地のよい接客(イケメン)が何年も通えてしまう魅力ポイントです!
It's already been four years since I started attending with an acquaintance's introduction ^^ The cut and color technology is perfect, and the wallet-friendly price setting and cozy customer service (good-looking guys) are attractive points that can be used for many years!
Ray mond on Google

とても良かったです。 初めてということもあり似合わなかったらどうしようなどと思っていましたが、カットもすごい手際が良く、仕上げまで淡々と進められセット後鏡を見たら、オー!って思わず心の中でガッツポーズ。 似合わせカットの技術は凄い高いと感じました。 また来店します?
It was very good. Since it was my first time, I was wondering what to do if it didn't suit me, but the cut was very smart, and I was able to proceed to the finish, and when I looked in the mirror after setting, oh! Involuntarily guts pose in my heart. I felt that the matching cutting technique was extremely high. I will come to the store again ?
Masaya Ito on Google

低価格なのに、技術は一級でした! 店長は元々大手の美容室でエリアマネージャーのような、管理職までこなせる程の実力をお持ちの方だそうです。 低価格=腕が悪かったり、適当そう というようなイメージも少なからずあるかと思いますが、ここは全く当てはまりませんでした。 人気が出すぎて予約が取れなくなると困るのが心配です笑
Despite the low price, the technology was first-class! The store manager is said to have the ability to handle even managerial positions, such as an area manager at a major beauty salon. Low price = poor skill or suitable I think there are quite a few images like that, but this was not the case at all. I'm worried that it will be a problem if it becomes too popular and I can not make a reservation lol

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