氣愛鍼灸院 - Kobe

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Contact 氣愛鍼灸院

住所 :

Nakayamatedori, Kobe, 〒650-0004 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89988
Postal code : 650-0004
Webサイト : https://www.ekiten.jp/shop_2928878/
街 : Hyogo

Nakayamatedori, Kobe, 〒650-0004 Hyogo,Japan
松本恵里香 on Google

若い頃から生理不順で、体調がいい日なんてなく、常にしんどい毎日でした。初日、施術が終わった後、視界が開けあまりの調子の良さに気がついたら7階から1階まで階段を駆け降りていたのを覚えています。 先生も美しく、院内も美しくとても気持ちのいい空間で、それだけでも癒されます。 病院でうまく説明のつかない状態でも、脈診で全てお見通しです。私は絶大な信頼を寄せています。
Since I was young, I had irregular menstruation, and I never had a good day, so it was always a tough day. On the first day, after the treatment was over, I remember running down the stairs from the 7th floor to the 1st floor when I noticed that my vision was open and I was feeling too good. The teacher is beautiful, the hospital is beautiful and the space is very comfortable, and that alone will heal you. Even if you can't explain it well at the hospital, you can see everything by pulse diagnosis. I have tremendous trust.
イノウエカヨコ on Google

長い間ひどい腰痛で季節の変わり目にはギックリ腰を発症して苦しんでいました。 友人の紹介で吉川先生の元をすがる思いで尋ねました。 初めての治療で視界がパッと広がり清々しい気分で背中に羽根が生えたようでした。 もう4年以上お世話になっています。 食物アレルギーや機能性デイスペシアにも対応してくださいました。 その他個人的な相談にも乗ってくださり私には欠かせない癒しの空間になっています。 是非お勧めします。
For a long time, I suffered from severe low back pain and developed a backache at the turn of the season. I asked Mr. Yoshikawa with a friend's introduction. With my first treatment, my vision widened and I felt refreshed and had feathers on my back. I have been indebted for more than 4 years. He also responded to food allergies and functional discesia. It is a healing space that is indispensable to me because of other personal consultations. I highly recommend it.
Lisa M on Google

社会人1年目、長時間の座り仕事を始めて1ヶ月経った頃、腰をひねったような違和感を感じました。腰痛やヘルニアなどに苦しむ同僚を見て、自分は何とか早めの治療を受けたいと思っていたところ、気愛鍼灸院に出会いました。 鍼灸院に通うのは初めてで、最初は「痛いのかな…熱いのかな…」と不安でしたが、全く痛みはなく、まるでペンの先でツンと触れる程度の感覚です。おかげさまで腰痛は数回の通院で改善し、今は2週間に1度のメインテナンスに通い、もう6年になります。 治療を受けると、石のように凝った首、肩、腰がスーッと緩んでいく感覚を受けます。また、主訴の部位だけでなく、全身的な診断および治療、薬膳指導、(たまに人生相談!)までしていただけます!心から信頼している院長先生です! 慢性的な首や肩の凝りを諦めている方、痛み止めに頼った対症療法に疑問を持たれる方に、ぜひオススメしたい鍼灸院です。
In my first year as a member of society, one month after I started sitting for a long time, I felt a sense of discomfort as if I had twisted my hips. When I saw a colleague suffering from back pain and hernia and wanted to get early treatment, I came across Kiai Acupuncture and Moxibustion Center. It was my first time to go to an acupuncture and moxibustion clinic, and at first I was worried, "Is it painful ... Is it hot ...", but there is no pain at all, and it feels like touching with the tip of a pen. Thanks to you, my back pain improved after a few visits, and now I go to maintenance once every two weeks for six years now. Upon treatment, you will feel the stone-stiff neck, shoulders, and hips loosen. In addition to the main complaint site, you can also provide systemic diagnosis and treatment, medicinal food guidance, and (occasionally life consultation!)! I am a director who I trust from the bottom of my heart! This acupuncture and moxibustion clinic is recommended for those who have given up on chronic neck and shoulder stiffness and who have doubts about symptomatic treatment that relies on painkillers.
Yuko K. on Google

不妊で悩んでいてこちらに通い始めました。先生の治療を受けて、腰痛が消えたり、身体が温かくなったり、それまで何となく抱えていた身体の不調が改善されました。先生に身体の不調を整えてもらいながら、私の体質について先生からアドバイスをいただき改善できたことで、今は子育てで忙しい日々を先生の治療とお人柄に支えてもらっています。 原因不明の不妊でお悩みの方に是非お勧めします。
I was worried about infertility and started going here. With my teacher's treatment, my back pain disappeared, my body became warm, and my physical condition that I had somehow improved. I was able to improve my constitution by getting advice from the teacher while having the teacher fix my physical condition, and now I am receiving support from my teacher's treatment and personality for my busy days of raising children. Recommended for those who are suffering from unexplained infertility.
take c on Google

Suddenly I got sick in various parts of my body and went to a hospital or a different acupuncture and moxibustion clinic, but it didn't improve at all and I didn't know the cause. At that time, I arrived at this acupuncture and moxibustion clinic and have been attending for many years. After starting the treatment, it gradually improved and now I don't feel any illness. Every time I find something I don't notice, I don't catch a cold anymore. Even when you are a little stressed, you can always find out by pulse diagnosis. Since it is a needle that does not pierce, there is no pain and it is safe. It is especially recommended for those who are suffering from unexplained symptoms.
トキ千歳 on Google

〈甲状腺機能低下症が治りました!〉 私は吉川先生のおかげで、甲状腺機能低下症による喉の詰まり感や身体のだるさ、無気力感などが嘘のように楽になりました。 こちらの凄いところは、見極めの高さと技術力です。無駄のない診療が短時間で終わります。 タイムマネジメントを大切にしている人には絶対お勧めです。

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