御菓子司 和楽

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 御菓子司 和楽

住所 :

Nakayama, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒981-0952 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87878
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–5PM
Sunday 10AM–5PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10AM–5PM
Wednesday 10AM–5PM
Thursday 10AM–5PM
Friday 10AM–5PM
街 : Miyagi

Nakayama, Aoba Ward, Sendai, 〒981-0952 Miyagi,Japan
あきえさ on Google

A nice Japanese sweets shop in an empty area (excuse me) in a residential area. I don't usually eat Japanese sweets, but the dumplings were delicious.
s kazu on Google

There are many kinds of Japanese sweets in Japanese music and they are very delicious. I also love the atmosphere of the shop.
ゴルシジョニー on Google

I received a bribe on Thursday, April 4th. The persimmon was moist and elastic, and the persimmon was white and sweet. One by one, there was a feeling of handmade. was delicious. I will be grilled next time.
西村カノン on Google

よもぎ団子、サワールージュ饅頭(りんごあん)、土日限定の揚げまんじゅうをいただきました。 全体的に小柄なサイズかと感じられましたが、とても美味しかったです。
We had wormwood dumplings, sour rouge buns and fried buns on Saturdays and Sundays only. I felt that the overall size was small, but it was very delicious.
h h on Google

Children's favorite steamed buns!
Beat Media on Google

住宅地の通りにひっそりと建つ知る人ぞ知る和菓子店。我が家の定番はどら焼きとあげまんじゅう。どら焼きは普通のものと、「奈か山(なかやま)」というリンゴ餡が入った変わりどら焼きがあります。価格はどれも100円ちょっととリーズナブルで、普段のおやつにもぴったりの価格帯。あげまんじゅうは土日限定。 ほかにも長いもを使ってもちっとした感触が特徴の「薯蕷饅頭(じょうよまんじゅう)」、カボチャの餡が入った焼き菓子の「里の味」(たぶんオリジナル)、草団子(よもぎ団子注文販売以外は季節限定)などもあって飽きさせません。そしてこのお店が長く愛されている理由の一つが、お茶会など茶道の席で使われるお菓子がたくさんあることでしょうか。季節ごとに変わる生菓子は、食べるのがもったいないぐらいの見た目も楽しめます。茶道をせずとも普段のティータイムをちょっとリッチに楽しみたいときにいただいています。
A Japanese sweets shop that is quietly built on the streets of a residential area and is known to those in the know. Dorayaki and buns are the staples of our home. There are two types of dorayaki: ordinary dorayaki and unusual dorayaki with apple bean paste called "Nakayama". All of them are reasonably priced at just over 100 yen, which is a perfect price range for everyday snacks. Manju is limited to Saturdays and Sundays. In addition, "Joyomanju", which is characterized by a chewy texture even when using long thighs, "Sato no Aji" (probably original), which is a baked confectionery containing pumpkin bean paste, and grass dumplings (ordered sales of wormwood dumplings) Other than that, it's seasonal), so you won't get bored. And one of the reasons why this shop has been loved for a long time is that there are many sweets used at the tea ceremony such as tea ceremony. Namagashi, which changes with the seasons, can be enjoyed as if it were a waste to eat. I have it when I want to enjoy my usual tea time a little richly without having to do the tea ceremony.
信子 on Google

数ヵ月前にフリーペーパーで見た蓬だんごが諦められず、本日、とうとう買いに行ってきてしまいました。 イマイチ道中に自信が無かった為、現在通っている先の職員さんに相談したら、わざわざGoogle Earthを使って道順を教えてくださり、且つ車のナビも使ってなんとか辿り着きました。 今回は福祉大側から北山方面へ進んで行きました。 目的地近くまで来たらダルマ薬局過ぎて2つ目の道を左に入ります。 目印は『さかつ』さんというお店。 さかつさんの手前を左に曲がってください。 ※店員さんもここで間違えるお客さんが多いと仰ってました。 ちなみに駐車する時はお店の隣の敷地に置くかお店の前に横付けしてくださいとの事。 今日は蓬だんご(税込みで1本100円)目当てでの来店でしたが、他にも可愛らしい生菓子等が十数種類に、お土産に良さげな箱入りのお菓子などがガラスケースの中に並んでおりました。 店員さんも優しい雰囲気で、無愛想というでもなく、変に他の商品を推してくるわけでもなくで、そういったやりとりが苦手な人でも安心して買い物できる和菓子やさんです。 今回購入した蓬だんごは、フリーペーパーで見て想像していたものより小ぶりなおだんごでしたが、横から見てみたら、写真の通りむちむちで、あんこもたっぷり乗っかってます。 ちなみに一緒に写ってるすあまちゃんはサービスでオマケして貰っちゃいました!! むちむち食感の蓬だんごにたっぷりのあんこで、見た目小ぶりでも結構食べごたえのあるお団子でした。 うーん、満足満足♪ご馳走さまでした~(*´∇`*)
At last, I went to buy it today because I could not get rid of the dumplings I saw in free paper a few months ago. As I was not confident during the road, when I consulted with the staff I was traveling to, I used Google Earth to teach me directions, and I arrived at it using the car navigation system. This time we went from Kitakyushu side to Kitayama area. When you get close to the destination, past the Dharma pharmacy and take the second road on the left. The mark is a shop called "Sakatsu". Please turn left in front of Mr. Sato. ※ The clerk also said that there are many customers who make mistakes here. By the way, when you park it, please put it on the site next to the shop or place it in front of the shop. Today I was visiting for a dumpling (100 yen incl. Tax), but in addition to a dozen or so kinds of lovely raw confectionery etc., boxed sweets for souvenirs are lined up in a glass case I was there. The store clerks also have a friendly atmosphere, are not unfriendly, and do not push other products strangely, and they are Japanese sweets that people who are not good at such exchanges can shop with confidence. The dumpling I bought this time was smaller than what I had imagined when I saw it on free paper, but looking at it from the side, as seen in the picture, it is a hump, and I also ride plenty of anko. By the way, Suma A-chan, who has been photographed together, has made an offer in the service and got lost! ! It was a dumpling with plenty of texture for the mischievous texture, and it was a small but well-cooked dumpling. Well, I was satisfied ♪ I was satisfied ~ (* ∇ `*)
み“はな” on Google

2022年3月27日の閉店される日に初めて伺いました。 土日限定の揚げまんじゅうが本当に美味しかったです!外側の皮が厚めなのにカリッとして香ばしい、さらに黒糖とあんこの優しい甘みが口に広がり、何個食べても飽きない!特に揚げたてと、揚げてから粗熱が取れた頃が最高に美味しかったです(^^)♡ すあまもモチモチでどこか懐かしい、優しい味でどちらもまた食べたい! 気まぐれの年1回でもなんでも良いので、またお店を開いてくれたら嬉しいなというのが本音です(-ω-*)その時は必ずまた買いに行きます! 地元で気になっていたお店なのに、もっと前から行っておけば良かったです(;ω;) 閉店されるとのこと、とても残念ではありますが、40年以上に渡って本当にお疲れ様でございました!私だけでなく、和楽さんの和菓子によって多くの方がとても幸せな気持ちになれたと思います(^^)!有難うございました!
I visited for the first time on the day when the store was closed on March 27, 2022. The fried buns only on Saturdays and Sundays were really delicious! The outer skin is thick but crispy and fragrant, and the gentle sweetness of brown sugar and red bean paste spreads in your mouth, so you won't get tired of eating any number of them! Especially when it was fried and when the heat was removed after it was fried, it was the best (^^) ♡ Suama is also chewy and nostalgic, with a gentle taste and I want to eat both again! It doesn't matter if it's a whimsical once a year, so I'm really happy if you open the store again (-ω- *) At that time, I'll definitely go buy it again! It was a shop that I was interested in locally, but I should have been there for a long time (; ω;) It's a pity that the store will be closed, but thank you very much for over 40 years! I think that not only me but also Waraku-san's Japanese sweets made many people feel very happy (^^)! Thank you!

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