
3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact リサイクル着物三喜屋

住所 :

Nakano, Nakano City, 〒164-0001 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : http://miyoshiya.crayonsite.com/
街 : Tokyo

Nakano, Nakano City, 〒164-0001 Tokyo,Japan
N K on Google

店員の質悪すぎ。 話しかけてきた小柄の方でした。 たまたま来店しましたが その店員さんの対応が不愉快極まりなく、 帰宅後も気分が悪かったので検索してみたら 同じ店員さんかは不明ですが店員さんの対応に関しての悪いクチコミが多く納得、共感です。 これだけ悪いクチコミが寄せられていて変わらないのは改める気もないのでしょうね。 上から目線、バカにしたような、嫌みな口調 接客業として人として成り立たないのでは。 せっかくお安くたくさんの着物があってたのしい気分で拝見していたのにわざわざ声をかけてきて気分を害されて残念です。 買う気も失せました。
The clerk is too bad. It was a petite person who talked to me. I happened to come to the store The clerk's response was extremely unpleasant, I felt sick even after I got home, so I searched for it. I don't know if they are the same clerk, but I agree with many bad reviews about the clerk's response. I don't think I'm willing to change the fact that such bad reviews have been received and haven't changed. Looking from above, sarcastic tone It may not be possible as a person as a hospitality business. It's a pity that I was offended by calling out to me even though I was looking at it with a lot of cheap kimonos. I also lost the desire to buy it.
マホ on Google

かんざしが三本2200円だったので時間をかけて選んで買ったのですが、買ってからお店を出たら店内の違う場所に同じく三本2200円のかんざしがあり、そっちにもっと気に入ったのがあったので、変えてもらおうとレジに持って行ったら「うちは交換してないんです」と言われ、「え、今買ったんですけど…」と言ったんですがダメでした。 せめて選んでる時に「あちらのかんざしも対象ですよ」と教えてくれたら良かったのにと思います。しかも最初の方に私が「3点2200円ってこの台の上のですか?」と聞いたら食い気味に「はい」ってお返事されましたが、その時に別の場所にもあると教えてくれたら良かったのにと思いました。
I bought three Kanzashi for 3200 yen, so I took a while to choose and bought it, but when I left the shop after buying it, there was also a 3200 yen Kanzashi in a different place in the store, and I liked it more So, when I took it to the cashier to change it, I was told "I haven't exchanged it" and said, "Oh, I just bought it...", but it was useless. I wish I could have taught you that "the other hairpins are also covered" when choosing at least. Moreover, when I asked the first person, "Is 3 points 2200 yen on this table?", I was greeted and answered "Yes", but at that time there was also another place. I wish I could have taught you.
yuki yagi on Google

It is a man who is a kimono beginner 33. There was a clerk (aunt) who has given me a very nice ★ customer service ★ who has only come to Jinbe Egura. I was impressed by the way customers look at kimonos and the types of kimono materials, not just selling them so that the other party can dress them properly. I was impressed by the customer service that got the target. Immediately, I bought a set of recommended goods. After returning home, I succeeded once by seeing how to tie the obi and the mouth of the shell many times on the YouTube video. I was glad to hear the good flow, but in the morning I heard that Mizuki is working, so I plan to go again. It is such a nice customer service.
tao3 rego on Google

初めて伺いました。クチコミを見ていたので戦々恐々としながら入りました。商品選びで自分だけじゃわからないこともあり、悩んでいても仕方がない!と、意を決して店員さんと思われる女性に恐る恐る声をかけることに。冷たくされたらどうしよう多分心折れる着物嫌いになるかも……なんて思いながらかなりの緊張。しかし不安をよそにとてもにこやかに話を聞いてくださり、しかも試着のために簡単な着付けまでしてくれました。あれこれ商品を見ている間、手荷物も預かってくださり、とてもいいお買いものができました。 この時はその女性お一人で店番をされているようでしたので、もしかしたら他のクチコミにあるような店員さんもいるかもわかりませんが、また是非行きたいと思います。できたら今日の女性がいいなぁなんて思いつつ……。
I visited for the first time. Since I was watching the word-of-mouth communication, I entered with fear. There are times when you don't know what you are doing when choosing a product, so there's no point in worrying about it! I decided to call out to a woman who seems to be a clerk. What should I do if I get cold? Maybe I'll hate kimonos that will break my heart. However, despite his anxiety, he listened to me very smilingly, and even made a simple dress for trying on. While I was looking at these and other products, they also kept my baggage and made a very good purchase. At this time, the woman seemed to be the storekeeper alone, so I don't know if there is a clerk like other reviews, but I would definitely like to go there again. While thinking that today's woman would be nice if possible ...
M on Google

Others are also written, but it depends on the clerk. When I asked him what he was looking for, he said, "You're looking for a cheap one anyway," and a beginner-like person said, "If you don't know what to buy, come back." Why do you have to say so much at a thrift shop ... It makes me sad to see a kimono with a dusty hem on the floor. There is a kind clerk, and there are cheap bargains, so I will give it two stars.
Tank on Google

As other people have written, there is a clerk who is out of the question as a person before serving customers. I was so uncomfortable with other customers that I wanted something, but I stopped. Also, the location and the number of items are very disappointing, as the half-width band is placed directly on the floor and covered with dust.
on Google

あまり詳しくは書きませんが何名かが仰るように接客面で不愉快な思いをしました。 暴言とも取れる発言をされた為、良い御縁があれば一着お迎えするつもりで伺ったのですが辞めて帰りました。 最初は「忙しい時にお邪魔だったかな?こちらにも失礼があったのかもしれない」と思ったのですが改めてこちらの口コミを拝見して他にも不愉快な思いをされた方がいるのかとより残念な気持ちになりました。 私が伺った時には50代くらいの男性のスタッフと30代くらいの女性のスタッフが居ました。 恐らくもう足を運ぶことはありません。
- shida on Google

知人に超破格なお店とオススメされ先日初めて来店いたしました。 品数の多さにビックリ。倉庫のように雑多にお着物がかけられていますが、そのぶん敷居なく気軽に見れます。 商品が多すぎてどこに何があるか最初はわからず、店員さんに「こういうの探してるんですけど…」と尋ねると、丁寧に案内して頂き、一緒に探しても下さりました!気さくで押売りもなく好感を持ちました。
I visited the store for the first time the other day because it was recommended by an acquaintance as a super exceptional store. I was surprised at the large number of items. Kimono is hung in various ways like a warehouse, but you can easily see it without any threshold. At first I didn't know what was there because there were too many products, so when I asked the clerk, "I'm looking for something like this ...", he kindly guided me and even looked for me together! It was friendly and had a good impression without being sold.

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