
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ダイニングバーASONE

住所 :

Nakamiya, Asahi Ward, 〒535-0003 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
街 : Osaka

Nakamiya, Asahi Ward, 〒535-0003 Osaka,Japan
おぐどん on Google

古民家風ではなくて、古民家(笑)で、イタリアンダイニングバーです。ローストビーフ、鴨の燻製、サーモンのカルパッチョの三種盛り。ラザニア。生パスタ。生地から手作りしたピザ。生ハム。キッシュ等々、マスターおすすめコースで大満足?✌️ 何よりマスターの人柄が素敵です。マスターとのお喋り目当てのお客さんも多いでしょうね?
It's not an old folk house style, but an old folk house (laughs) and it's an Italian dining bar. 3 kinds of roast beef, smoked duck and salmon carpaccio. Lasagna. Raw pasta. Pizza made from dough. Raw ham. Very satisfied with master recommended course such as quiche ? ✌️ Above all, the personality of the master is wonderful. Many customers would like to talk to the master ?

コロナ禍ということもありテイクアウトでの注文。パスタ、ローストビーフなどテイクアウトとは思えない本格的な味で家族4人で贅沢な夕食を過ごすことができました。 マスターとは10数年ぶりでしたが変わらない笑顔で迎えていただきました!
It is also called Corona, so I ordered it at the takeout. With the authentic taste of pasta, roast beef, etc., which we can't think of as a takeaway, we were able to spend a luxurious dinner with our family of four. It was the first time in over ten years with Master, but he was greeted with a smile that did not change!
N KRYS on Google

I'm always energized with delicious food and fun chatting with the master! A cozy shop where even one person can feel free to drink. The pasta left to the master is also excellent ♡ I will not lose to Corona and I will continue to love you locally as Aswan! I support you!
小林愛弥 on Google

とっても話しやすいマスターと、雰囲気の良い店内が本当に居心地が良くて、1人でも利用させていただいてます?!お店に来られてる方もいつもみなさんいい方ばかりで、自然と仲良くなってしまいます。女性の方向けのアルコールメニューもあるので、女性1人でも行きやすいお店ですよ✨ フードメニューも豊富ですのでいつ行っても食べたいものがあるのは本当に嬉しい??これからもパワフルなマスターの美味しい料理食べにきますね!いつもありがとうございます!
The very easy-to-talk master and the good atmosphere of the shop are really cozy and we can use it alone! The people who come to the store are always good people and they get along well with nature. There is also an alcohol menu for women, so it's a shop that is easy to go by one woman alone. There are plenty of food menus, so I'm really happy to have something to eat whenever I go there. I am always grateful for your help!
佐野詩音 on Google

マスターがとても話しやすくて魅力的なお店です。 はじめて行った時メニューにないドリンクを頼んだら、次に行った時に「ドリンク、前のにする?」と覚えていて下さったのがとても嬉しかったです… お料理もお酒もどれも美味しいし種類が豊富。 生ハムとピザが個人的にすごくオススメです! マスターの誕生月に限定メニューがあって (自らこじつけてメニュー作っちゃった!と言ってたのがおもしろい笑) それがこれまたお得で美味しかった! これからも通ってメニューを制覇しようと思います!
This is a very attractive shop where the master can talk. When I went for the first time and asked for a drink that was not on the menu, the next time I went, I was very happy that I remembered "Drink, do you want to go before?" Both food and sake are delicious and rich in variety. Prosciutto and pizza are highly recommended personally! There is a limited menu in the master ’s birthday month (It's an interesting laugh to say that I made my own menu!) It was also great value and delicious! I will continue to conquer the menu!
wataru _1410 on Google

The kind owner is Lagerman. The taste of prosciutto is the best! There are so many menus that both adults and children will be satisfied.
Yossy Teranyan on Google

お昼に、シェフの気まぐれランチをいただきましたが、本当に気まぐれらしくて、混み具合とか材料の在庫とかで、出て来るまで何が出てくるのか不明でドキドキする。 出て来たものはしっかり美味しくてホッとしました。
I had a chef's whimsical lunch at noon, but it was really capricious, and I was thrilled because I wasn't sure what would come out until it came out due to the congestion and inventory of ingredients. The one that came out was delicious and relieved.
しんじょうひろふみ on Google

評価は間違いなく星5!!いや、上があるなら6個でも7個でも付けたいほど! 来店1回目でここのアボカドピッツァとマスターの人柄にオトされました! ピッツァは生地がモチモチパリパリで食べ応えがありアボカドの乗ったクリーミーなソースが抜群に美味しいです! フードもそうだけど、ドリンクも豊富でオーダーすれば料理に合う物を提案してもらえるしとても親切なマスターです!! 1人で行っても絶対に居心地悪いと感じないお店です!!(自分は映画好きですが、マスターは更に博識で面白い小ネタや裏エピソード等も教えてもらいました笑) 1度行くとまた行きたくなるお店、アズワン 。 旭区でどこかと言われれば必ずここをおススメしたいと思います。
The rating is definitely 5 stars! ! No, I want to attach 6 or 7 if there is a top! The first time I visited the store, I was selected for the avocado pizza here and for the personality of the master! The pizza has a crisp crispy dough and a creamy sauce with avocado on it is very delicious! Like food, but if you order abundant drinks, you will be able to propose something that suits the dishes and it is a very kind master! ! It is a shop that does not feel uncomfortable even if you go alone! ! (I'm a movie lover, but the master also taught me more interesting and interesting little stories and back episodes.) As One is a shop you'll want to visit again. I would definitely recommend here if it is said to be somewhere in Asahi Ward.

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