旭区さくら鍼灸接骨院 希望ヶ丘院

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Contact 旭区さくら鍼灸接骨院 希望ヶ丘院

住所 :

Nakakibogaoka, Asahi Ward, Yokohama, 〒241-0825 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Webサイト : https://sakuramedical-group.co.jp/kibougaoka/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–4PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Nakakibogaoka, Asahi Ward, Yokohama, 〒241-0825 Kanagawa,Japan
髙田亜衣 on Google

産後の骨盤矯正、膝の痛みがあり通わせていただきました。院内の雰囲気、スタッフの皆さんの対応含めとても良く、何より施術中に子供を見ていただけるのが本当にありがたいです。 まだ効果はなんとも言えませんが、期待したいと思います!
I had a postpartum pelvic correction and knee pain. The atmosphere in the hospital and the response of the staff are very good, and above all, I am really grateful that you can see the child during the procedure. I can't say the effect yet, but I'd like to expect it!
だっちゃん165 on Google

I had a stiff neck and had a headache, so I started going. After a massage and ultrasound, my headache got better.
あだちことは on Google

肩が上がらなくて来院しました。 鍼灸治療と電気治療、マッサージでその日に痛みがほぼ取れました。今は姿勢を良くしてます。
I came to the hospital because I couldn't lift my shoulders. Acupuncture, electric treatment, and massage almost alleviated the pain that day. I'm improving my posture now.
平川幸世 on Google

2人目を出産し、腰痛や手のしびれがあり体験で来院しました。 院内はオープンしたばかりということもあり、とてもキレイで居心地がよいです。 他の整体にも行ったことがありますが、子連れOKというところでも結局は子どもと同じ空間で、泣かせっぱなしにさせてしまったり、というところがあるのでママにとっては微妙。 ですが、こちらは泣きっぱなしになると抱っこしてくれたり、面倒を見てくれるのでゆっくりとした時間が過ごせながら体のケアが出来ます。 まだ3回ほどしか通ってませんが、手のしびれは少しずつなくなってきて、腰の痛みも徐々に治まってきました。 1人1人悩みをきちんと聞いて、その人にあった治療をしてくれるので、これからも通って治っていくのが楽しみです。 腰痛が治ったら思う存分子どもを抱っこしたいと思います。
I gave birth to a second child and came to the hospital for experience because of back pain and numbness in my hands. The hospital has just opened, so it's very clean and comfortable. I've been to other manipulative treatments, but even if it's OK to bring children, it's a delicate thing for moms because there are places where they keep crying in the same space as the child. However, if you keep crying, they will hug you and take care of you, so you can take care of your body while spending a relaxing time. I've only been through it about 3 times, but my hand numbness has gradually disappeared and my lower back pain has gradually subsided. Each person will listen to their worries and treat them according to their needs, so I'm looking forward to continuing to get better. When my back pain is healed, I would like to hold my child as much as I want.
川口里桜 on Google

I went to the postpartum pelvis correction. I had a pain in my lower back while raising my child, but it became much easier to continue the procedure! If things continue to go wrong after returning to work, I will let you go again. thank you!
Ayaka Ichijo on Google

通うたびに身体に変化があり、生活しやすくなって来ました。 なぜこの治療が必要か丁寧に説明してくれ、それに踏まえて自費診療も含めて施術して頂いてます。 スタッフさん皆さんがとてもアットホームですし、駅前にあるので通いやすいです!
Every time I went there, my body changed and it became easier to live. He politely explains why this treatment is necessary, and based on that, he is treated including self-financed medical treatment. The staff are very at home and it's easy to go because it's in front of the station!
ざわざわ on Google

二人目の出産後2ヶ月の終わりから産後骨盤矯正で通い始めました! こちらは、ベビーベッドも置いてあり、ベビーカーで中まで入れるので子連れに優しいです! 矯正は、チケットを最初に買って通う形で私はやっているのですが、何にいくら掛かるって言うのを最初に説明してくれるので会計が明瞭で親切だなと思います! 体の変化は、私の場合ですが骨盤内の内蔵の位置が戻ってきたのか、妊娠前振りにお腹が鳴るようになり、冬でも歩くと汗をかくようになりました! まだまだ通うのでまだまだ変わりそうです! スタッフの方も親しみやすく、気軽に話ができる雰囲気です!
From the end of 2 months after the second childbirth, I started going to postpartum pelvic correction! There is also a baby cot here, and you can put it inside with a stroller, so it's kind to families with children! I do the correction by buying the ticket first, but I think the accounting is clear and kind because it explains what it costs and how much it costs first! As for the change in my body, maybe the position of the internal organs in the pelvis has returned, I started to feel hungry before I got pregnant, and I started to sweat when I walked even in winter! I'm still going, so it's going to change! The staff are also friendly and the atmosphere is easy to talk to!
ハルキチ on Google

交通事故対応の治療で通院してます! 約1ヶ月前に交通事故で、足首や肩を強打し、近所の整形外科に通ったのですが、そこでは湿布と痛み止めを処方され、電気で温めるだけのリハビリでなかなか改善せず… ネットで調べた交通事故対応をして下さる、さくら鍼灸接骨院を見付けて、すぐに問い合わせをしました。 電話口でも親身に話しを聞いて下さり、当日に診て頂く事もできました。 診察の時も、事故の状況や患部、痛みの具合い等、色々と話しを聞いてから治療にあたってもらい、初日からかなり楽になりました! 今も、ほぼ毎日通わせてもらい、完治まで後少しかな~というところまでになりました。 ありがとうございます。 診て頂く先生方も、皆さん優しくて、親身になって話しを聞いて下さりったり、時には面白いお話しをして下さったりするので、楽しく通わせて頂いてます。 事故で嫌な思いや痛い思いをしましたが、少しづつ良くなり、先生方もとても温かいので、もうしばらく、完治するまで通わせてもらおうと思ってます。
I go to the hospital for treatment for traffic accidents! About a month ago, in a traffic accident, I smashed my ankle and shoulder and went to an orthopedic surgery in my neighborhood, where I was prescribed a compress and painkillers, and rehabilitation just by heating with electricity did not improve ... I found the Sakura Acupuncture and Moxibustion Hospital, which responds to traffic accidents I searched online, and immediately made an inquiry. I was able to listen to him on the phone and see him on the day of the event. At the time of the medical examination, I was asked to talk about the situation of the accident, the affected area, the condition of the pain, etc. before receiving treatment, and it became much easier from the first day! Even now, I've been able to attend almost every day, and it's almost time for me to recover. thank you. The teachers who see me are all kind and kind, and they listen to me and sometimes tell me interesting stories, so I am happy to attend. I felt unpleasant and painful in the accident, but it got better little by little, and the teachers are very warm, so I'm thinking of letting them go until they are completely healed for a while.

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