Nakagawara Internist Clinic - Fuchu

1.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nakagawara Internist Clinic

住所 :

Staza 府中中河原 1 Chome-84-1 Sumiyoshicho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0034, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 183-0034
Webサイト :

Staza 府中中河原 1 Chome-84-1 Sumiyoshicho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0034, Japan
マックス on Google

レビュー通りの酷い先生でしたね。 症状について質問してわかりませーんと一蹴されるとは思いもしませんでした。 薬局のおにいさんの方が詳しく説明してくれるって... もう二度と行きたくないです。
It was a terrible teacher according to the review. I didn't think I would be disappointed when I asked about the symptoms and didn't understand. The old man at the pharmacy will explain in detail ... I don't want to go again
ちゃんぽんめん on Google

I don't know if it's yab or out of focus. I am prescribed polaramine for a cold.
mkn s on Google

診察が適当すぎます 検討違いの薬を大量に処方され、 結局 別の医院へ行き直す羽目になりました。 薬について疑問をもち、聞いたところ 「まぁ効くと思いますよ」と説明もなく適当な返事をされました 二度といきません
The examination is too appropriate A large amount of misunderstood medicine was prescribed, In the end, I ended up going back to another clinic. I had a question about medicine and I heard it "I think it works," he gave an appropriate reply without explanation. I won't go again
スマホゲーム on Google

I am on behalf of my grandfather. I am indebted for many years. There was no dissatisfaction at all, but it was difficult for me to get sick and I was transferred to a nearby clinic. My grandfather also thanked me very much. It seems to be a simple and serious teacher. Thank you very much.
イリマ on Google

今まで出会った中で一番のクソ医者 全然こちらの言ってることを理解しようともせず適当な事を言って適当な薬を出された。 検査についていつならできるのか普通に聞いてるだけなのに面倒くさそうに今日は無理他の患者が待ってるちょっとは考えてくれよと酷い言われ方をした。 だからいつならできるのか聞いてるのに。理解をしようとしない。普通に会話ができないのでしょうか? とにかく心底不愉快です!もう二度と行きません!
The best fucking doctor I have ever met I tried to understand what I was talking about without saying anything appropriate and got a suitable medicine. Although I just listen to the test as to when I can do the exam at the moment it seems to be troublesome today Today is impossible other patients waiting A little bit told me to think badly. Therefore, I'm asking when I can do it. I will not try to understand. Can not you talk normally? Anyway the heart is unpleasant! I will never go there again!
cafe melty on Google

他のかたのレビューのとおりです。 早く帰りたいんですね。 検査もまともにやりません。 アレルギーなども聞かずに薬の量だけは異常に出してきますので処方箋出したあとの薬代もバカになりません。 同日に急ぎ他の病院に行きましたところ、検査に伴う適正な薬を頂きました。約半分。 無駄に手間を省き薬で儲けてる感がある病院です。
According to other people's reviews. I want to return early. The inspection is not done properly. The amount of medicine comes out abnormally without hearing allergies, so the medicine fee after giving a prescription will not be stupid. I rushed to another hospital on the same day and received the proper medicine for the test. About half. It's a hospital that saves you time and wastes money.
Anderson Lara on Google

During the consultation business hours, the blood collection staff returned and there was nothing to test, so he was told to return to the doctor. The patient seemed to be able to choose a medicine without the doctor's advice on the brand of the desired medicine, and the patient was disappointed if they could not get advice from the doctor. Not recommended.
L on Google

一言でいいますと、最悪でした。 病院内で泣いたのは初めてです。 あまりにも酷くまた思い出すだけで辛いので全ては、書ききれませんが お薬の内容も教えていただけずに診察を終了させようとし こちらから聞いてもそんなんだったら薬出さないよ。他所へ行ってくれと。 もう二度と行きません。他の方にもおすすめは出来ません。
In a word, it was the worst. This is the first time I have cried in the hospital. I can't write everything because it's too terrible and it's painful just to remember I tried to finish the examination without telling me the contents of the medicine Even if you ask from here, if that happens, I won't give you any medicine. Please go to another place. I will never go there again. I cannot recommend it to other people.

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