
4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 山崎屋

住所 :

Nakacho, Urawa Ward, 〒330-0062 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Webサイト : http://www.yamazakiya.net/
街 : Saitama

Nakacho, Urawa Ward, 〒330-0062 Saitama,Japan
うらわわらう on Google

食べたものは並みのうな丼でしたが、鰻そのものはとても薄っぺらで、箸で掴むとボロっと途中で折れてしまうぐらい身にしまりがありませんでした。ですから、歯ごたえはまったくなし。タレは甘めで少なめなせいか、あっさりです。どなたかも書いておられましたが、炭火ではなくあらかじめ蒸したものを、客が注文したら再度(炭火ではない)コンロか何かで焼いて提供したもののようです。焼き色もほとんどありません。何せ、注文してから、運ばれて来るまで15分ぐらいですから、とても早すぎますよね。 もう二度と行きません。
The food I ate was an average eel bowl, but the eel itself was very thin, and when I grabbed it with chopsticks, it broke in the middle. Therefore, it is not chewy at all. The sauce is sweet and light, probably because it is a little. As everyone wrote, it seems that they served steamed food in advance instead of charcoal fire, and when the customer ordered it, they baked it again on a stove (not charcoal fire) or something. There is almost no burnt color. After all, it takes about 15 minutes from ordering to delivery, so it's too early. I will never go there again.
璃桜 on Google

丁寧な仲居さんの給仕で食す鰻が絶品です。全て鰻は目方違いなので、お好みのサイズで。 あっさりしていてしつこくなく上品なお味です。テイクアウトだと肝吸いがないですが価格はお得です!
The eel that is eaten by the polite Nakai-san's waitperson is excellent. All eels have different eyes, so use the size you like. It has a light, non-persistent and elegant taste. If you take out, you won't get sick, but the price is good!
鈴木幸子 on Google

小林森哉 on Google

浦和近辺の鰻屋さんは、スッキリ辛口系が多い気がしますが、山崎屋さんも多分、この括りで良いと思います。日本酒と良く合う蒲焼きとも言え、私の場合、酒の方をやわらかく、剣菱上撰の常温くらいを合わせております。 なかなか店内で頂く余裕がないため、お弁当にしてもらい、大田区までダッシュで運んでおりますが、電話1本で30分もあれば4人前のお弁当をご用意頂け、保温性の高い容器なため、1時間後に蓋をあけても、まだ十分温かいのが有り難いです。おまけで付いてくる漬物も美味で、蒲焼きを先に失ってしまった場合も、残りのご飯に楽しみが残るところも良いと思います。
I think that many eel shops in the Urawa area are refreshing and dry, but Yamazaki-ya is probably good at this group. It can be said that Kabayaki goes well with sake, and in my case, the sake is softer and is adjusted to the normal temperature of Kenbishi Sake. Since we can't afford to have it in the store, we ask for a lunch box and carry it to Ota Ward by dash, but if you have 30 minutes with one phone call, you can prepare a lunch box for 4 people, a container with high heat retention. Therefore, even if I open the lid after 1 hour, I am grateful that it is still warm enough. The pickles that come with it are also delicious, and even if you lose the kabayaki first, I think it's good that the rest of the rice remains fun.
秋山和枝 on Google

I went to eat for the first time ~ ? Shiroyaki was also very delicious ~ ? The soup had an elegant taste ~ ? I wish Sansho was a little more effective ❗ The capacity of the shop was also nice ~ ✌️
M Kawai on Google

さっぱりとした辛口のたれ。 くどくなく食べやすい。 鰻自体は特筆すべき程ではなく普通だが、スタッフさんは丁寧な接客で好感が持てる。
A refreshing dry sauce. It's easy to eat without being too heavy. The eel itself is not particularly noteworthy and is normal, but the staff are very good at serving customers.
守屋瞬 on Google

感染症対策をしっかりと行っており、メニューを絞って提供していました。従業員の方達が明るく接客してくれたのが好印象でした。 テイクアウト独自のサービスがあった為か、テイクアウトのお客さんも見受けられました。 注文後、お盆時期の開店直後にお邪魔したこともあってか早いタイミングで食べ始める事が出来ました。甘めのタレがたっぷりとかけられていて、うなぎのサイズも柔らかさも十分でした。臭味も無く、タレも味が良い塩梅でとても贅沢な気持ちになります。またご飯を大盛りにしたのですが量がとても多く、仕事後だったのですが大満足でした。タレが良いからか、量が多くても最後まで飽きずに食べきる事ができました。少食の方は普通盛りで十分かなと思います。(笑) 地元の人達の中でも人気のお店らしいので、予約をした上での来店の方が良いのかもしれません。 駐車場も2階店舗の真下1階にある事、浦和駅から十分徒歩圏内である事もあり、訪れやすいと思います。
We are taking measures against infectious diseases, and we have narrowed down the menu. I was impressed by the cheerful service of the employees. Some take-out customers were also seen, probably because there was a take-out service. After ordering, I was able to start eating at an early timing, probably because I visited the store immediately after the opening of the Obon festival. There was plenty of sweet sauce on it, and the size and softness of the eel was enough. Shioume, which has no odor and has a good sauce, makes you feel very luxurious. I also made a large serving of rice, but the amount was very large, and I was very satisfied after work. Perhaps because the sauce was good, I was able to eat until the end without getting tired even if the amount was large. For those with a small meal, I think that a normal serving is enough. (smile) It seems to be a popular shop among the locals, so it may be better to make a reservation before visiting. The parking lot is on the 1st floor just below the store on the 2nd floor, and it is within walking distance from Urawa station, so I think it's easy to visit.
中﨑雄太 on Google

浦和のうなぎの名店。極上の鰻が食べられます。 パーテンション等感染対策もしっかりされていました。 駐車場は若干狭いのでお気をつけください。
A famous Urawa eel restaurant. You can eat the finest eel. Infection control measures such as partitioning were also well established. Please note that the parking lot is a little small.

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