Naka Motor Driving School - Kakamigahara

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Naka Motor Driving School

住所 :

28 Nakanishinakacho, Kakamigahara, Gifu 504-0952, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
Postal code : 504-0952
Webサイト :

28 Nakanishinakacho, Kakamigahara, Gifu 504-0952, Japan
政行 on Google

I usually took two kinds. There was a curriculum for two weeks before graduation. The teaching method was slightly different, but basically the same. There is also a beautiful instructor and I want to get a large license at Naka.
てみー on Google

指導員の態度が悪い 森という教官は机を蹴飛ばし、人を見下すような学校の先生にでもなりきったかのような態度でした。 いざ喧嘩になるとなよなよして気持ち悪かったです。 しかし優しい教官もいます… 当たり外れですよね…
Instructor's attitude is bad An instructor named Mori kicked the desk and acted as if he had become a school teacher who looked down on people. It was unpleasant to say that it was a quarrel. But there are also kind instructors ... It's a hit ...
kyu yoda on Google

大特とフォークリフトを取りに通いました。 可もなく不可もなく、特に困った点はありませんでした。 教官は当たりはずれが有ると思いますが、私の場合はフレンドリーで親切な方にあたりましたね、雑談が楽しかったです(笑)
I went to pick up a special forklift. It was good and bad, and there were no particular problems. I think the instructor is out of touch, but in my case it was a friendly and kind person, it was fun chatting (laugh)
ポジティブ on Google

どの受付の方も先生方も相性があると思いますが、受付迷っているとすぐに声をかけてくれますし、技能前にイスに座っていても挨拶などしてくれ、40代50代の免許取りたい方など コロナ対策もありますし、 女性専用ルームもあります し、おばさんでも親身になり指導や言葉使いも見た目も美しく丁寧な女性の先生もいますし、是非女性の方 にはお勧めです。
I think that all receptionists and teachers are compatible, but if you are at a loss at the reception desk, they will immediately call out to you, and even if you are sitting on a chair before your skills, they will greet you, and you will be in your 40s and 50s. Those who want to get a license There are also corona measures, There is also a women-only room However, there are also female teachers who are kind to aunts and have beautiful guidance, language usage, and appearance, and women by all means. Recommended for.
u janndaruk on Google

There are good teachers, but now there are teachers who can't believe it, banging and yelling at things. It's really the worst. I can't say anything because I don't know about other driving schools, but if you're wondering where to go, it's better to quit.
Tk G on Google

毎日通勤中にコンビニで 4~5人の教員?送迎運転手?を みかけますがこのコロナのご時世で マスクなしで集い談話をしているのを みます。多くの生徒と関わる立場なら まずあり得ない行動だと思います。
At a convenience store while commuting every day 4-5 teachers? Pick-up driver? of I see it, but in this time of Corona Gathering and talking without a mask to watch. If you are in a position to interact with many students I think this is an unlikely action.
汚職侍 on Google

I told you that the instructor was too high pressure to fail! It is said that there are only incompetent instructors who blame the students for their lack of leadership, so it is better to hit others.
枝桐かぼす on Google

林(タ)という教員だと思います。 なんでも怒鳴るし言うこともしっちゃかめっちゃかでこの人の教習のせいでかなり出遅れました。 学科も自分の自慢話と持論ばかり展開して教科書の内容も全く進まず終わりましたし。 低評価の方で教員に対してのクレームを書いている人は大抵この人の事だと思います。 これからここを考えている人は30万払って免許取りに来るのですから名指しで書かせていただきます。 制度としては指導員を指名で拒否できるので是非してみてください。
I think he is a teacher named Hayashi. Everything was yelling and messed up, and because of this person's lessons, I was quite late. The department also developed only my own boastful stories and myths, and the contents of the textbook did not progress at all. I think that the person who has a low rating and writes a complaint against the teacher is usually this person. Those who are thinking about this will pay 300,000 to get a driver's license, so I will write it by name. As a system, you can refuse an instructor by nomination, so please try it.

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