
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact よもぱん

住所 :

Nagataminami, Minami Ward, Yokohama, 〒232-0073 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88787
Webサイト : https://yomopan.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Nagataminami, Minami Ward, Yokohama, 〒232-0073 Kanagawa,Japan
Ryo Fukami on Google

It's very delicious and the staff at the restaurant are very nice. It is a shop that I would like to take care of on a regular basis.
久保田健太郎 on Google

京急弘明寺駅から10分くらい歩くのかなぁ。 住宅地の中あってちょっと場所は不便なんだけれど、結構遠くからも買いに来るお客さんも多いアットホームなパン屋さんなんです。 門を入ってスロープを上るとこじんまりとしたお店があって、ドアを開けると元気の良い奥様が明るく出迎えてくれますよ。 パンが大好きで大好きすぎてお店を出したそうで色々美味しいパンが並び、食パンも3種類あるのでパン好きにはたまりません。 パングッズコレクションやパングッズディスプレイも見ていて楽しいですよ 駐車場が3台分あるので車でも行きやすいですよ。
I wonder if I walk about 10 minutes from Keikyu Temple. Although it is a little inconvenient in a residential area, it is a homely bakery with many customers who come to buy from a distance. Enter the gate and go up the slope to find a small shop. Open the door and your cheerful wife will welcome you. He loves bread and he likes it too much so he opened a shop and there are a variety of delicious breads. It is fun to watch the bread goods collection and bread goods display There are three parking lots so it is easy to go by car.
はぁまm on Google

先月4周年を迎えこの地区には珍しいお洒落な雰囲気のパン屋さんです。午前中を過ぎるとパンはかなり少なくなります、お客さんも多いです。店主の方もとても優しくていつも笑顔で挨拶してくれます。個人的にはレーズンパン、食パン、そして粒の大きめな大納言がお気に入りです。バニラトーストも好きです。食パンの味が美味しいと、私は、思います *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
It is a bakery with a fashionable atmosphere that is rare in this area, celebrating its 4th anniversary last month. After the morning, the bread is considerably less, and there are many customers. The owner is also very kind and always greets me with a smile. Personally, I like raisin bread, bread, and the large Dainagon. I also like vanilla toast. I think the taste of bread is delicious * ・ ゜ ・ *: ......: * ・'(* ゜ ▽ ゜ *)' ・ *: ......: * ・ ゜ ゜ ・ *
まめとと on Google

日曜日の3時ごろに伺い、品数は少なかったものの、素敵な店員さんがお薦めしてくださったパンを3点購入しました。 よもぱん →1番人気というよもぱん。運良く土日の昼下がりでも手にすることができました。外はカリッジュワッと中はモッチモチのデニッシュ?なのでしょうか…パンにあまり詳しくないのですが…甘みが際立つので少し冷やしても美味しそうですし、もちろんトーストでも美味しそうでした☺️ さくらゆず(季節限定) →この時期になると桜フレーバーに目がなく、少しお値段は張りますが、購入しました。中には桜の塩漬け、柚子ピーリング、クランベリー、ホワイトチョコなどゴロゴロしていました。 バニラトースト(本日限定っておっしゃってたかも…) →本日限定ということで…三角の可愛らしいパン。初めて食べたのですが、外はサクッとしていて、中は柔らかくとてもおいしかったです。 通いたくなりました(^^)
I visited around 3 o'clock on Sunday and bought 3 pieces of bread recommended by a nice clerk, although the number of items was small. Yomopan → It's the most popular. Fortunately, I was able to get it even in the afternoon on Saturdays and Sundays. The outside is crispy and the inside is mochi mochi danish pastry? I wonder ... I'm not very familiar with bread, but ... the sweetness stands out, so it looks delicious even if it's cooled a little, and of course it looks delicious even with toast ☺️ Sakura Yuzu (seasonal) → At this time of year, I didn't like the cherry blossom flavor, and although the price was a little high, I bought it. Some of them were salted cherry blossoms, yuzu peeling, cranberries, white chocolate and so on. Vanilla toast (maybe you said it was limited to today ...) → Because it's only for today ... A cute triangular bread. I ate it for the first time, but the outside was crispy and the inside was soft and very delicious. I want to go (^^)
小林 on Google

すっごく好きなパン屋さんです。 もっと近所にパン屋さんがあるのに どーーしても此処のが食べたくて自転車を走らせて来てしまう。 午前中に行かないと食べたいのが終わってしまうので、此処のパンが食べたいと思ったらいつもはお休みの日は昼まで寝るのがデフォの私が早起きしてでも買いに行く程美味しい。 お店の雰囲気も素敵。 トレードマークの赤い煙突の外装もだけど 幼い頃に読んだカラスのパン屋さんが飾られてて、フェイクの暖炉があって、 幼い頃の憧れがギュッと詰まったような内装。 どれもこれも拘りが詰まっていてとても素敵です。
I really like this bakery. Even though there are more bakeries in the neighborhood Anyway, I ran a bicycle because I wanted to eat here. If I don't go in the morning, I'll finish eating, so if I want to eat bread here, it's usually delicious to sleep until noon on my days off, even if I get up early and go buy it. The atmosphere of the shop is also nice. Even though the exterior of the trademark red chimney The crow bakery I read when I was little was decorated, and there was a fake fireplace. The interior is filled with the admiration of childhood. All of them are very nice because they are full of insistence.
hiro mori on Google

雰囲気が素晴らしい。入口からの小道あるパン屋。中に入るとパンが所狭しと陳列されており、購買意欲をソソられる景色 パンは軽め。チーズ系のパンが多く、香ばしさがいい 個人的にコーヒーあんぱんが好き。あの外見と中身に驚きがある
The atmosphere is wonderful. A bakery with a path from the entrance. When you go inside, the bread is displayed in a narrow space, and the scenery that makes you want to buy The bread is light. There are many cheese-based breads, and the aroma is good. I personally like coffee anpan. I'm surprised at its appearance and contents
ポチポチポチ on Google

A fashionable small bakery popular in the local area, the store is small but there are various breads, the most popular is "Yomopan" with the store name If you do not make a reservation, it will be sold out immediately, this time I made a reservation It is a delicious Danish bread that I was able to purchase. I also bought coffee anpan, meat miso pizza, anpan, kouign-amann, fried brown sugar, garlic France, pastrami beef marinade, and onion bread. The bread is a little small but delicious. The total price is 2500 yen, and there is also a parking lot. .. The place is easy to understand, but it is a little inconvenient to go by car or it is difficult to explain.
Cep Garcia on Google

Popular bakery in a residential area, a few minutes walk from Keikyu Gumyouji station. The bakery looks quite fancy from the outside. There is a 2-car and bicycle parking lot in front and the entryway is like walking up to a house's front door. The shop itself is pretty narrow and it's easy to get overwhelmed with the different items on sale. All of which are already wrapped in plastic on the shelves. Majority of the items are sweet breads, with limited savory options. The staff is very kind and welcoming. She gave a hand-writtwen pamphlet with drawings of the most popular items and detailed descriptions. She also told me recommendations how best to eat the breads I bought. I got a walnut bread which she recommended is nice chilled. These small details make this shop a worthwhile visit. And ofcourse, I got a croissant! ? There's a bench to sit outside and eat by the small garden area.

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