ジョイカル ワンズモール店

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ジョイカル ワンズモール店

住所 :

Naganumacho, Inage Ward, 〒263-0005 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://mk-cars.shop/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Naganumacho, Inage Ward, 〒263-0005 Chiba,Japan
関彩乃 on Google

I signed up for N BOX. The person in charge changed on the way, but I'm glad that the new person was familiar with the car. I was relieved to hear about insurance and other matters. There is a sense of security that you can contact us when you have a problem.
2012 AG on Google

I asked you to sell and buy a car. Mr. Matsushita was in charge of it, but it was nice that he was kind and the explanation was polite. Mr. Matsushita is also familiar with insurance, so I was relieved that insurance could be completed at one window.
ようこ on Google

こちらでお世話になって早2年半になります。 購入時から変わらぬ親切さ! 不具合があれば、すぐに対応してくれます。 相談しやすい、話しやすい、お店に行きやすい 雰囲気があるお店です。 先日もオイル交換に行ってきました。 作業の間は、ショッピングモールで買い物を楽しみました。 また、買い物がてらに寄らせてもらいます。
It's been two and a half years since I was taken care of here. Kindness that hasn't changed since the time of purchase! If there is a problem, it will be dealt with immediately. Easy to talk to, easy to talk to, easy to go to the store It is a shop with an atmosphere. I went to change the oil the other day. During the work, I enjoyed shopping at the shopping mall. Also, I will drop by for shopping.
花田智行 on Google

I was satisfied with the very prompt response and the polite response. I was happy that the delivery schedule was two months earlier! !! Recommended for car consultation (^^)
浅井久美子 on Google

展示されていたアルファードに目が止まり その後、丁寧な説明と親身になって対応して頂き、結果、とても満足しております。 書類関係等の準備もスムーズに出来て 本日、リース2台目の納車日となりました。 担当された松下さん、安部さん 有り難うございました。 今後共、宜しくお願い致します。
I caught my eye on the Alphard on display After that, I received a polite explanation and kindness, and as a result, I am very satisfied. Preparations related to documents can be done smoothly Today is the delivery date for the second leased vehicle. Mr. Matsushita and Mr. Abe in charge Thank you. We look forward to working with you in the future.
N I on Google

車を購入しました。 師走の忙しい時期にもかかわらず、こちらの要望に迅速にお応えいただきありがとうございました。 次回購入の際もお世話になると思います!
I bought a car. Thank you for promptly responding to this request despite the busy period of December. I think you will be indebted to me when you make your next purchase!
長瀬舟宗 on Google

今回は新車を購入しました。 購入を決定した理由は、まず低金利。もう一つは私が車を購入しようと思った時期がコロナによる部品供給の遅れでタイミングが良くなかったのですが、非常に親身になって商談をしていただきました。ありがとうございます。
I bought a new car this time. The reason for deciding to purchase is the low interest rate. The other was that the time when I decided to buy a car was not good due to the delay in parts supply due to Corona, but I was very kind and had a business talk. thank you.
R S on Google

とても親切にご対応頂きました。ご契約から納車までスムーズにして頂き大変助かりました! 説明も分かりやすく、アフターサービスもきちんとして頂ける印象を受けております。この度はお世話になりましたm(_ _)m引き続き宜しくお願い致します。
Thank you very much for your kindness. It was a great help to have a smooth process from contract to delivery! The explanation is easy to understand, and I get the impression that after-sales service can be done properly. Thank you for your continued support. M (_ _) m Thank you for your continued support.

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