Myoko City Hall - Myoko

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Myoko City Hall

住所 :

5-1 Sakaecho, Myoko, Niigata 944-0044, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 944-0044
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Thursday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Friday 8:30AM–5:15PM

5-1 Sakaecho, Myoko, Niigata 944-0044, Japan
大林靖英 on Google

職員の対応が悪い、愛想も悪い。 上から目線、自分は頭が良く人を見下している。 商品券を餌にマイナンバーを強要している。
The staff are not very responsive and unfriendly. Looking from above, I am smart and look down on people. My number is compelled to feed on the gift certificate.
坂井賢 on Google

The collaboration hall is also beautiful like a church
宮尾俊行(宮チャンネル) on Google

All the staff are polite and kind, and it's a very nice atmosphere! ️
さとさん on Google

わたしの父が妙高市役所で働いています。年々うつ病になる方が多いです。 人が足りなくてわたしの父も膨大な量の仕事を任されています。 帰ってきても食欲がなく、眠れない、つまりうつ状態になっています。 人が足りないのに募集もなにもしない。 本当に職員のことをなにも考えない市役所です。
My father works at Myoko City Hall. Many people get depressed year by year. There are not enough people and my dad is also entrusted with a huge amount of work. When I come back, I have no appetite and cannot sleep, that is, I am depressed. There aren't enough people, but we don't recruit anything. It is a city hall that doesn't really think about the staff.
ぬぽすん on Google

印鑑証明や住民票発行等でしか行った事がありませんが、優しいスタッフさん達です? 入ってすぐ左側にいらっしゃる総合案内(?)の方は笑顔がなく少し怖いです。たまに「こんにちは」と小さな声で挨拶をされる時があるのですが、お仕事なら一貫して毎回挨拶をすべきだと思います。しないならしないで良いのですが、したりしなかったりだと、挨拶のない時は怠けている印象を受けます。
I've only been to stamps and resident certificates, but they are kind staff. The general guide (?) Who is on the left immediately after entering is a little scared without a smile. It occasionally is there when it is the greeting in a small voice as "Hello", I think that should be a greeting every time consistently if your job. If you don't do it, don't do it, but if you don't do it, you will feel lazy when you do not have a greeting.
小林導夫 on Google

Kind and polite response rooted in the community ?
CAPTOR S.C. on Google

名水カード(宇棚の清水)が生活環境課でもらえます♪ きれいで立派な市役所です?
You can get a famous water card (Utana Shimizu) at the Living Environment Section ♪ It is a beautiful and respectable city hall.
寺澤善輝 on Google

It has been more than ten years since the generation changed, and young people are playing an active role. It's about a little power saving. The biggest saving is labor cost, so double the conventional cost and return the annual cost to the residents.

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