Muro Miya-yama Kofun - Gose

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Muro Miya-yama Kofun

住所 :

Muro, Gose, Nara 639-2277, Japan

Postal code : 639-2277
Webサイト :

Muro, Gose, Nara 639-2277, Japan
戎井一憲(えびすい) on Google

宮山古墳、まず石室がある後円部の上部に行くには八幡神社のお社の左側にある階段から上ります。 上部は木々が切られていて、石室の配置が想像しやすくなっています。 北石室と南石室部分のうち、南の石室のはじが観られるようになっていますね。 再現された靫形埴輪が唐突に置いてあります。 周りの古墳から比べて、きちんと説明板を置き整備されているのはそこそこ規模が大きく、とはいっても宮内庁管轄ではないからなんでしょうね。 八幡神社、桜田池公園とあわせて、わりあいゆっくりと楽しめる場所だと思います。
Miyayama KofunTo get to the upper part of the circle where the stone room is located, first go up the stairs on the left side of the Yawata Shrine. Trees are cut at the top, making it easy to imagine the arrangement of the stone room. Of the northern stone room and the southern stone room, you can see the remnants of the southern stone room. The reproduced wig-shaped haniwa is abruptly placed. Compared with the surrounding tumuli, the reason why the explanation boards are properly placed and maintained is that the scale is large, but it is not under the jurisdiction of the Imperial Household Agency. I think that it is a place where you can enjoy a relaxing time together with Yawata Shrine and Sakuradaike Park.
深串泰光 on Google

A fine sarcophagus! The shape of the restored haniwa is also interesting! The shrine of Hachiman Shrine is an old burial mound!

墳丘長238mの前方後円墳、築造時期は5世紀初頭と推定。 全国第18位の規模の古墳。 埋葬者は記紀に伝わる葛城氏の始祖・襲津彦とする説がある。 葛城氏は、5世紀に大王家と婚姻関係を継続的に結び大きな勢力を誇っていたが雄略天皇に滅ぼされた古代豪族。 ところで、何で墳丘のてっぺんに郵便受けがあるんだ? ・・・投函してみようかな。
The burial mound is 238m in length and is estimated to have been built in the early 5th century. The 18th largest burial mound in Japan. There is a theory that the burial person is the originator of Mr. Katsuragi, Tsutsuhiko Atsuhiko, who is handed down in the writing. Katsuragi was an ancient prince who was destroyed by the Emperor Yuki, who had a great deal of power by having a marriage with the great royal family in the 5th century. By the way, why is there a mailbox at the top of the mound? ... Is it going to be posted?
Jaddy OSAKA on Google

「畝傍の道」巻一の五の十九 御所市大字室 室 宮山古墳(むろ みややまこふん) 室 八幡神社の中ほどの鳥居をくぐって大ぶりの階段を上がります。古墳ゆえ雑木林の中を登っていきますが、どんな古墳もこの瞬間はエキサイティングです。日本には4,700基ほどしかない「前方後円墳」の一つにチャレンジしているのですから、逸る心は抑えきれませんね。 私たちが踏み入れれるのは後円の墳丘部分です。通常はこちらの方が石室・石棺のポジションになり、かたや前方部は祭祀の場所に使われたと(諸説あります)云われています。もうすでに盗掘されていますので上部にぽっかりと穴が開けられています。 こちらの石室・石棺は兵庫県の加古川流域から切り出された石材を利用されたということですが、なぜそんな遠くの場所から?ましてや、益田岩船にあるように、亀裂が入ったものは当時の常識で使わないということだったらしいので、相当ハイテクな切り出し・運搬そして形成と設置の技術があったのでしょう、想像もつきません。 最終のポイント、室 ネコ塚古墳・秋津小学校へと進みます。この投稿と同時進行で「葛城の道」を進めています。あまりメジャーでないですが、素晴らしい、「西の山の辺の道」といわれる葛城古道です。
Gosho-no-ichi, Gonoichi-no-Muro 19 Muro Miyayama Kofun Muro Go through the torii gate in the middle of Hachiman Shrine and go up the large stairs. The old burial mounds will climb up the miscellaneous forest, but any burial mound is exciting at this moment. I am challenging one of the “front and rear circles”, which has only about 4,700 in Japan, so I can't keep my heart off. We can step into the foothills of the back circle. It is said that this is usually the position of the stone chamber and sarcophagus, and the person and the front part were used for the place of the ritual (there are various theories). Since it has already been stolen, there is a gap in the top. This stone chamber and sarcophagus used stone material cut out from the Kakogawa basin in Hyogo Prefecture. Why is it from such a distant place? Furthermore, as it is in Masuda Iwafune, it seems that cracked things were not used in common sense at the time, so there would have been considerable high-tech cutting-out, transportation, formation and installation techniques, which is unimaginable. Proceed to the final point, Muroneko Tsukako Tomb / Akitsu Elementary School. The “Katsuragi no Michi” is being promoted simultaneously with this posting. Although it is not so major, it is a wonderful Katsuragi old road that is said to be a “road on the west mountain”.
stargazer on Google

A keyhole-shaped tumulus with a length of 238 meters, which is believed to have been built in the early 5th century, is the 18th largest in Japan. There are two pit-type stone chambers with long-lasting sarcophagus in the rear circle, and there are burial facilities in the front, north, south, and front. One long-lasting sarcophagus in the back circle is currently preserved and can be seen. You can approach the burial mound from the shrine precincts on the back circle of the tumulus (east side). This may be the only place where you can see the long-lasting sarcophagus as it is stored in the pit-type stone chamber. You look amazing. The whole picture of the mound is difficult to understand, but is it somehow a keyhole-shaped tumulus from R309 on the north side? When. I didn't expect much, but he showed me something good.
まほろば紀行 on Google

なんと暗い石室内を見れるように郵便受けの中に懐中電灯が常備されているのには感激した。 何と言っても葛城を代表する古墳で室大墓とも呼ばれる。葛城襲津彦の墓とする説が強い。建内宿禰の子とされていて実在性は認められている。神功皇后伝説上でも襲津彦は新羅征伐に派遣された時の逸話や歴史を面白くしてくれた人物でもある。
I was impressed that there was a flashlight in the mailbox so that I could see the dark stone room. After all, it is an old burial mound that represents Katsuragi and is also called the Muro Grand Tomb. There is a strong theory that it is the grave of Katsuragi Atsuhiko. It is said to be a child of Takenouchi no Sukune, and its existence is recognized. Even in the legend of Empress Jingu, Atsuhiko is also a person who made the anecdotes and history of being dispatched to the Sankan subjugation interesting.
ZELo Position on Google

葛城地方最大の前方後円墳 #室宮山古墳(室大墓)は古墳時代中期初頭の築造。水越峠を望むところに位置します。後円部の墳丘へは #室八幡神社 境内から登ることができます #考安天皇(国押人尊)#室秋津宮 #欠史八代(ものづくりとことだまの国 2021年8月23日)
The largest anterior-posterior burial mound in the Katsuragi region #Muromiyayama Kofun (Murodai Tomb) was built in the early middle of the Kofun period. It is located where you can see the Mizukoshi Pass. You can climb the burial mound in the back circle from the precincts of #Muro Hachiman Shrine #Emperor Koan (Kokuoshijinson) #Muroakitsumiya #Missing history Yashiro (Manufacturing and Kotodama no Kuni August 23, 2021)
Shigeki HAYAMA on Google

・八幡神社横の登り口に有ったハチの巣は、既に除去されていましたので、安心して後円部に行けます。 ・後円部のポストに有った(と言われている)懐中電灯は有りませんので、各自用意して下さい。この状態の竪穴式古墳・石棺が見れる場所は、他には有りません。
・ The beehive at the entrance next to Hachiman Shrine has already been removed, so you can go to the rear circle with confidence. ・ There is no flashlight (which is said to be) on the post in the back circle, so please bring your own. There is no other place where you can see the pit-type burial mounds and sarcophagus in this state.

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