靴修理 合鍵作製 時計電池交換 かばん修理 プラスワン フルルガーデン八千代店 - Yachiyo

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 靴修理 合鍵作製 時計電池交換 かばん修理 プラスワン フルルガーデン八千代店

住所 :

Murakamiminami, Yachiyo, 〒276-0029 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 276-0029
Webサイト : https://sites.google.com/view/plusone-autoplaza/top?authuser=0
街 : Chiba

Murakamiminami, Yachiyo, 〒276-0029 Chiba,Japan
繁好本郷 on Google

I asked to replace the battery of the watch. It took about 10 minutes.

If it is a spherical wristwatch, the battery will be replaced at the factory, about 2000 yen. There may be a cou on the web. 68 included
ya n (やん) on Google

I've worked with you on several occasions, including folding umbrellas and repairing shoes. Especially noteworthy are the pumps that you should wear so much that you should buy a new one. It was so comfortable that I couldn't let it go, so I asked for a full repair. The finish was very satisfying and I thought it was good to order.
udachan A on Google

I went to replace the battery of G-SHOCK, but the correspondence was very kind. As a result, the lid was stuck and could not be replaced, but it was a good impression. Also, I will use it if I have the opportunity.
日焼け大好きピロっと on Google

コピーのコピーのコピーが不注意により折れ、その折れた鍵どうしのコピーを職人技で作っていただき無事開くことが出来ました。他の鍵屋では断られたり、鍵の元交換で数万円かかるところを数百円でやってもらいました。感謝しかありません。 今後ともよろしくお願いします。
The copy of the copy was inadvertently broken, and I was able to open it safely by making a copy of the broken keys with craftsmanship. Other locksmiths refused me, and I asked them to do something that cost tens of thousands of yen to exchange keys for hundreds of yen. I'm just grateful. I look forward to working with you.
jtpmw ajgm on Google

合鍵440円、速い、安いだけでも十分なのに、 接客態度が爽やか過ぎる。 一流といったところ。 少し家から離れているが、来てよかった。
A master key of 440 yen, fast and cheap is enough The customer service attitude is too refreshing. A place like first-class. I'm a little away from home, but I'm glad I came.
??? on Google

合鍵を作っていただきました。 安い、早い、接客も丁寧でとても気持ちのいいお店でした。 また利用させていただきます。
I had you make a master key. It was a cheap, fast, polite and very pleasant shop. I will be using this again.
RYO IKE on Google

今まで都内百貨店の靴修理に持ち込んでいたが、 ここではそれよりもかなり安い値段でハキハキとやって貰える。 価格、丁寧さともに今後修理で持ち込もうかと思う。 10/27からはイトーヨーカ堂側に移転らしく。
I used to bring it to a department store in Tokyo to repair shoes, Here, you can get it done at a much cheaper price than that. I think that both the price and politeness will be brought in for repair in the future. It seems that it will move to the Ito-Yokado side from October 27th.

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