mountain bake

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact mountain bake

住所 :

Takamatsu, Suruga Ward, 〒422-8034 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト :
街 : Shizuoka

Takamatsu, Suruga Ward, 〒422-8034 Shizuoka,Japan
akaaka on Google

Delicious bagel shop. The shop is also very cute. I like pumpkins so I buy them every time. The bagel sandwich is really delicious ~ ?
美華 on Google

It was a heavy bagel. When I went there at noon, it was sold out and I could only choose from a limited number of types, so I thought it would be better to have it in the morning.
ya Kyu on Google

It wasn't sold at around 15:00 on Saturday, so I want to revenge!
竹内誠人 on Google

質の高いベーグル店。 ベーグルサンドの他に、マフィン、キッシュなんかあります。 どれも美味しいですが、甘いものの方が種類が豊富な印象。
A high quality bagel store. Besides bagel sandwiches, there are muffins and quiches. All of them are delicious, but the sweet ones have a wider variety of impressions.
ふうかつ on Google

ココのお店は、素晴らしい! 先ず、ヨモギベーグル! ベーグルの本来の味と、 ヨモギの渋さも、バランスよく一品に! ブルーベリー味ですが、 何処のお店も、甘さと渋さをまぜ過ぎて、甘さが強すぎますが、 ブルーベリーの味がきちんと出ている。 トドメが、プレーンのベーグル! これが、絶品! 甘い物が好みの方にも、種類が豊富! 素材の味が好みの方にも、種類が豊富なので、 是非! お試しあれ!
The shop here is wonderful! First, mugwort bagels! The original taste of bagels and The astringency of mugwort is also well-balanced! It tastes like blueberries, Every shop mixes sweetness and astringency too much, and the sweetness is too strong, The taste of blueberries comes out properly. Todome is a plain bagel! This is exquisite! For those who like sweets, there are many types! For those who like the taste of the ingredients, there are many types, so I'd love to! Try it!
A Koba on Google

ベーグルは生地がきめ細やかでとっても美味しいです。 ブルーチーズと蜂蜜のフォカッチャも蜂蜜しみしみの生地が美味しかったです。 ベーグルの他にもスコーンとかマフィンとか色々あったのでまた買いに行きたいです。
The bagels have a fine texture and are very delicious. The blue cheese and honey focaccia also had a delicious honey-stained dough. Besides bagels, there were scones and muffins, so I would like to go buy them again.
弦to剣 on Google

今日はマウンテンベイクさんにおじゃましました パン屋さんだと思って伺ったんですがベーグル屋さんなんですね 自分はベーグルが好きなのでちょうど良かったです 何種類か買ったのですがトマトのフォカッチャ?名前を忘れてしまいましたが1番美味しかったです どのベーグルもモチモチして食べ応え抜群!!おすすめです ごちそうさまでした
Today I went to Mr. Mountain Bake ‥ I thought it was a bakery, but it was a bagel shop. I like bagels so it was just right I bought several kinds of tomato focaccia? I forgot the name but it was the most delicious Excellent for eating any bagels! Thank you for the meal
m k on Google

どれも美味しかったですが、 特に手前列真ん中の白っぽいスコーン?が1番好きでした ベーグルは上品な味で濡らしてラップレンチンだともっちり、濡らしてトースターだと外カリっ中モチっとして美味しいです 日曜の開店30分後くらいに伺うと、来店人数の制限もあり外に人が並んでいました すでに売り切れている商品もあったので早めに伺った方がいっぱい選べます 駐車場は店舗向かいの砂利のところと店舗横です
Everything was delicious, Especially the whitish scone in the middle of the front row? Was my favorite Wet the bagels with an elegant taste and it's wrap lentin, and when it's wet and toaster, it's crispy and delicious. When I visited about 30 minutes after the store opened on Sunday, there were restrictions on the number of visitors and people were lined up outside. Some products are already sold out, so you can choose a lot if you visit early. The parking lot is on the gravel opposite the store and next to the store

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