Mother‘s Cafe - Akashi

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mother‘s Cafe

住所 :

Taruyamachi, Akashi, 〒673-0898 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87899
Postal code : 673-0898
Webサイト :
街 : Hyogo

Taruyamachi, Akashi, 〒673-0898 Hyogo,Japan
Lemonade4you on Google

Calm atmosphere, soft lighting inside the store. Coffee, tea, and cakes are also delicious. A little modest seasoning other than the cafe menu. It is a recommended cafe
risu risuco on Google

I visited at lunch. There are several kinds of lunches, and it is about 900 yen for an office lunch (when I went there, there were three kinds of pasta set, one plate set, soup set, sand set?), Even the expensive one was 1200 to 1500 There were about three types that did not circle. We ordered from office lunch, but quantity was not enough aside from taste. If you want to eat firmly, you may want to have lunch one rank higher. Drinks include coffee, tea, and juices. The chiffon cake came out for dessert on Ladies Day on Friday. Because of that, there were many female customers in the store.
Ayumi T on Google

ずっと気になっていたお店だしクチコミの評価も良かったので楽しみに行ってみたらビックリ。 まず開店時間9時半と表記されているのに、9時半に着いてもまだ準備が出来ていないと外で待たされました。 外で待ってても誰も出てこず後ろに並んでる方がドアを開けて確認したら、もう入ってもいいと、、、。 入店すぐはドリンクのみを注文しお昼時にランチを注文しましたが、退店まで1度も空になったコップにお水を入れてくれる事はありませんでした。 お会計は明石のサポート券が利用でき、PayPayも対応されていたので念のために支払い前にサポート券とPayPayを併用出来るか確認したら、ちょっとトゲのある言い方で支払いはどちらかの利用にしてと言われました。 どちらかしか使用出来ないのは仕方ないですが、併用出来るか聞いてもダメなの? 最初から最後までモヤモヤさせられて、本当に13年もやってるお店なの!?とただただ驚くばかりです。 お客を神様と思えなんて全く思わないけど、お客を何だと思ってるんだろう?どのスタッフもそんな感じです。 何か雰囲気が暗いお店でした。 もう行く事は一生ないかな。
It's a shop that I've always been interested in, and the reviews were good, so I was surprised when I went to look forward to it. First of all, although it was written that the opening time was 9:30, I had to wait outside when I arrived at 9:30 and was not ready yet. Even if I waited outside, no one came out and the people lined up behind me opened the door and confirmed that it was okay to enter. Immediately after entering the store, I ordered only drinks and ordered lunch at noon, but until I left the store, I never filled an empty cup with water. Akashi's support ticket can be used for payment, and PayPay was also supported, so just in case, if you check if you can use the support ticket and PayPay together before payment, use either one for payment in a slightly thorny way. They said. It is unavoidable that only one of them can be used, but is it useless to ask if they can be used together? It's been 13 years since I was sick from the beginning to the end! ?? It's just amazing. I don't think the customer is a god at all, but what do you think the customer is? Every staff member is like that. It was a shop with a dark atmosphere. I wonder if I will go there for the rest of my life.
奏音羽 on Google

明石駅から徒歩10分以内には着く オシャレなカフェ☕*° いつもランチに利用してます。 ランチセットも選べられるのでその時のお腹の空きぐらい選びやすいです。 私はスープが好きでパスタランチのスープ付きのセットをオーダーします! スープを頂くだけでホッコリして癒されます? パスタも種類沢山あるのでいつも迷ってます!
Arrive within 10 minutes on foot from Akashi Station Fashionable cafe ☕ * ° I always use it for lunch. You can also choose a lunch set, so it's easy to choose as much as you are hungry at that time. I like soup and order a set of pasta lunch with soup! Just having the soup will make you feel relaxed and healed ? There are many types of pasta, so I'm always at a loss!
しずく雫君 on Google

ここのパフェが食べたくて行きました❗️ 圧巻? 甘党にはオススメです。 ☆4つの理由は・・・提供されるお水が美味しくなかったのが残念でした?
I went to eat the parfait here ❗️ Overwhelming ? Recommended for sweet parties. ☆ Four reasons ... It was a pity that the water provided was not delicious ?
harachi- official on Google

フランス風のカフェで、 優雅なお茶しました… 病院の定期診察前に、 暑いのでどこかで時間調整と、 前から気になってたこちらへ、 オレンジ ・アイスコーヒー ¥500税込 入り口からしてなんともユニーク❗️ 店内もお洒落な感じのカフェです。 暑かったからアイスコーヒー注文、 ほどなくしてきました。 単価は高めだけど、セルフやなくて、 こちらは雰囲気を楽しむカフェです。 フランス風の店内は、所々に工夫、 お洒落なカフェというより、 異国にいる雰囲気があります。 コーヒーは普通に美味しくて、 カップもこだわってるのかな❓️ お水のコップとか小物も、 なんだか、おじさん来るの抵抗ある❓️ いえいえ、ムッシュですよ…(笑) 品のあるおじさんになりましょう。 美味しくアイスコーヒー飲んで、 クールダウンしてクールにね… 廻りのお客さんは30~40代の女性、 ムッシュは品よく飲んで帰ります。 背筋が伸びたような錯覚…(笑)、 でも、慣れたら心地好いお店だね。 美味しいコーヒーでした。 ごちそうさまでした… #CafeOrange #カフェオレンジ #R2沿い #フランス古民家風 #美味しいアイスコーヒー #センスある店内 #女子率高め #paypay使える #harachi- #西キング #明石ランチ #明石カフェ #明石ケーキ #明石お茶 #明石グルメ #ランチもあります #明石食べ歩き #食べスタグラム #明石駅 #akashiCafe #akashilunch #駐車場が無いのが残念
At a French cafe, We had an elegant tea... Before the regular visit to the hospital, It's hot, so adjust the time somewhere, To here that was worrisome from before, Orange ・Ice coffee ¥500 tax included Very unique from the entrance ❗️ The cafe is also fashionable inside. I ordered iced coffee because it was hot, I've done so soon. The unit price is high, but without self This is a cafe where you can enjoy the atmosphere. Inside the French-style store Rather than a fashionable cafe There is an atmosphere of being in a foreign country. Coffee is usually delicious, I wonder if I am particular about the cup ❓️ A cup of water or small items, Somehow, there is resistance that my uncle comes ❓️ No, it's Monsieur... (laughs) Let's become an uncle with grace. Have a nice iced coffee, Cool down and be cool... The customers around me are women in their 30s and 40s, The moussi drinks elegantly and returns. The illusion that your back is stretched... (laughs) But once you get used to it, it's a comfortable place. It was good coffee. Thank you for the meal… #CafeOrange #Cafe Orange #R2 #French old folk house style #Delicious iced coffee #Sensitive interior #Higher girls rate #paypay can be used #harachi- #West King #Akashi lunch #Akashi cafe #Akashi cake #Akashi tea #Akashi gourmet # There is also lunch # Akashi eating walk # Eating stargram # Akashi station # akashiCafe # akashilunch # It's a pity that there is no parking lot
まちゃみ on Google

OPENしたて!!出来たてホヤホヤ? カジュアルでおひとり様でも入りやすい。丹波の黒豆推しのお店。 黒板の「黒豆ソフトクリーム?」に鼻がききふらふら~~~ランチがついで(失礼な!)ではありましたが、生姜焼きにウマッ!! ご飯も白米or五穀米と選べます。 ソフトクリームは濃くてペロりん? リピしますね!ご馳走様(っ˘ڡ˘ς)
Freshly opened !! Freshly made squirrel ? Casual and easy to enter by yourself. A shop that recommends black soybeans in Tanba. "Black bean soft serve ice cream ?" on the blackboard was accompanied by a fluffy nose ~~~ lunch (excuse me!), But I was ginger-grilled! You can also choose white rice or five-grain rice. Soft serve ice cream is thick and perorin ? I will repeat! Treat (˘ڡ˘ς)
はせ on Google

2回目です!ケーキがほんとにおいしくて また来ちゃいました! 店内の雰囲気もおちついていて とてもおしゃれです✨✨
This is the second time! The cake is really delicious I've come again! The atmosphere inside the store is also calm Very fashionable ✨ ✨

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