コジマ×ビックカメラ イオンモール名取店

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact コジマ×ビックカメラ イオンモール名取店

住所 :

Morisekinoshita, Natori, 〒981-1227 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://www.kojima.net/shop/shoplist/natori.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–9PM
Sunday 10AM–9PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : Miyagi

Morisekinoshita, Natori, 〒981-1227 Miyagi,Japan
タカハシカズヒロ(だべん) on Google

品揃え豊富です。 大体欲しいものは揃いますが、クリエイター向けのパソコンツールはあまり無いです。 そのへんはドスパラですね〜
We have a wide selection of products. I have almost everything I want, but there aren't many computer tools for creators. That's a third wave ~
阿部守 on Google

イオンモール名取は?2階東側で営業?展開しているのが、こちらのお店です❗️ モール的には、かなりの売り場面積を有していますが、いつ行っても何故か入りづらいのは何故でしょうか?⁉️
AEON MALL Natori is open on the east side of the 2nd floor ? This shop is open ❗️ As a mall, it has a considerable sales floor area, but why is it difficult to enter at any time ?⁉️
haru haru on Google

時々、立ち寄りますが 目玉商品以外は さほど 安いとは感じないかな 品揃えについても ここに来れば これだけは 凄いと思うほどの物はないと思ってます 辛口ですいません
I sometimes drop in, but I don't think it's so cheap except for the main products. As for the assortment, if you come here, I don't think there is anything like this. I'm sorry for being dry
百井敏文 on Google

Even though it was a red bill, he studied comfortably and also served a paper carton. Thank you very much for attaching bubble wrap to the handle.
あい on Google

ソフトバンクで機種変更をしてきました。 土曜に行ったこともあり店員の周りには携帯を買いたいと言って1人で何台も買う話をしている転売ヤーみたいな人が多いなぁと思いました。お店的には大丈夫なのかな? スタッフの対応は良かったです、次もここでしようと思います。
I have changed the model at Softbank. Since I went there on Saturday, I thought that there are many people around the clerk who are like resellers who are talking about buying many mobile phones by themselves. Is it okay for the store? The correspondence of the staff was good, I will try here next time.
ゆー on Google

家電の方はまともですが、通路挟んで向かいの携帯コーナーが使えなさすぎる。 子供に買ってあげるために来店しましたが まず最初に本体のみ購入なのに手際が悪すぎて支払いまでに2時間半もかかりました。 最初から2台と話していたのに散々待たせた挙句に、支払いの段階で2台は審査通りませんでした。理由はわかりません。 ネットで予約してくださいって 他所で2台1時間も掛からずに買えました。 使えないやつばかりで無駄に時間かかるので2度とこないです。
Home appliances are decent, but the mobile corner across the aisle is too unusable. I came to the store to buy it for my child First of all, I bought only the main unit, but it was too clumsy and it took two and a half hours to pay. Although I was talking to two cars from the beginning, I had to wait a long time, but at the payment stage, the two cars did not pass the examination. I do not know why. Please make a reservation online I could buy two of them elsewhere in less than an hour. I will never come again because it takes a lot of time because all of them cannot be used.
パン on Google

パソコン購入のため家族で来店 よくわからないパソコンの事を親身になって相談に乗ってくれた。 結果子供にとって良い買い物ができたと思うし長い時間色々な相談やアドバイスをくれた定員さんに感謝したかないです。
Family visit to buy a computer He kindly gave me a consultation about a computer that I didn't understand. As a result, I think I was able to make a good purchase for my child, and I would like to thank the number of people who gave me various consultations and advice for a long time.
K i on Google

たまたま通りすがりにスマホコーナーで料金プラン各社比較を見つけ眺めていると、キャッチみたいな人にざっくり安くなる説明をされ、半ば強引さを感じながら以前から家族で少しでも料金が安くなればと思っていたので詳細も聞き、当日限定特典にもつ機種はそのままでキャリア変更することに。 ここからは長くなるので詳細は割愛しますが… 携帯会社の方→応対は良いですが、確認不足、説明不足、人変わりすぎ。そのうちの一人も最後に突然対応させられ、ある意味被害者でしたが態度に出し過ぎ。最初に確認しておけば何も問題はなかったのでは? 最後に突然現れたコジマの人→全てにおいて最悪。 長時間、閉店後まで時間掛かることはデメリットかと思いますが、二度と顔も見たくないと思わされる対応でした。 ずっと対応してくれていた携帯会社の方以外に謝罪もありませんでした。こちらに問題があったということだと思います。
When I happened to pass by and found a comparison of price plans at the smartphone corner and looked at it, I was told that it would be roughly cheaper for people like catches, and while feeling half-forced, I had always thought that the price would be cheaper for my family as much as possible. So I asked for details and decided to change the carrier as it is with the model that has the limited privilege on the day. It will be long from here, so I will omit the details, but ... Mobile phone company → The reception is good, but there are insufficient confirmations, insufficient explanations, and too many people changing. One of them was suddenly dealt with at the end, and although he was a victim in a sense, he took too much attitude. If I checked it first, wasn't there any problem? Kojima who suddenly appeared at the end → Worst of all. I think it's a disadvantage that it takes a long time until the store closes, but it was a response that I didn't want to see my face again. There was no apology other than the mobile phone company who had been responding for a long time. I think there was a problem here.

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