Morioka Shiota Sports Center - Morioka

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Morioka Shiota Sports Center

住所 :

Anaguchi-4-3 Kamiota, Morioka, Iwate 020-0053, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 020-0053
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–9PM
Sunday 9AM–9PM
Monday 9AM–9PM
Tuesday 9AM–9PM
Wednesday 9AM–9PM
Thursday 9AM–9PM
Friday 9AM–9PM

Anaguchi-4-3 Kamiota, Morioka, Iwate 020-0053, Japan
徳田栄悦 on Google

The shochu here was delicious
スローワルツ on Google

場所が判りにくく、遠い。 三階の案内所の受付で簡単な問合せを電話等で取次ぐなどの手段を考えて欲しい。
The place is difficult to understand and it is far. I would like you to consider some means such as making simple inquiries by telephone at the reception desk on the third floor.
望月浩司 on Google

I was allowed to use the indoor tennis court. Since it is separated from the neighbors by the net, children can play with peace of mind.
藤原万寿 on Google

There used to be a campsite in the past, but now it's just a parking lot. Please be careful.
sadato iwa on Google

The row of cherry blossom trees in the downstream of Kasumagi Weir Heading nearby is ?.
Nobukiyo Kon on Google

Only indoors in winter. The parking lot can only be used on the tennis court side.
Tyrannosaurus on Google

⭐️ある日の出来事 【利用者】→〇番コートのネットが破れて使えないので交換をお願いします! 【管理者】→一寸待ってね、換えがあるか確認するから。それから約10分後…… 【管理者】→換えがありました。倉庫の鍵を開けとくから、換えていいよ! 【利用者】→………(-_-#) ピクッ 管理者って、何のためにいるんででょうね❓
⭐️ One day event [User] → The net of No. 0 coat is torn and cannot be used, so please replace it! [Administrator] → Wait a minute, I'll check if there is a change. About 10 minutes later ... [Administrator] → There was a change. I'll unlock the warehouse, so you can change it! [User] → ……… (-_- #) Pick What is the administrator for? ❓
Masami Asan on Google

岩手国体開催で、全面改修しました。全天候型、室内用も隣接してます。 コート北側には御所湖と隣接した鹿妻堰が流れたます。人が手掘りで開拓した堰で 桜並木となってます。
The entire Iwate Kokubu was held. All weather type, indoor use is also adjacent. On the north side of the court, a petroglyp which flows adjacent to Gosho Lake flows. In the moss that people have cultivated by hand It becomes a row of cherry blossom trees.

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