Morioka Remen Jujuen - Morioka

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Morioka Remen Jujuen

住所 :

フェザン南館 B1F 1-44 Moriokaekimaedori, Morioka, Iwate 020-0034, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Postal code : 020-0034
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–10PM
Sunday 10AM–10PM
Monday 10AM–10PM
Tuesday 10AM–10PM
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 10AM–10PM

フェザン南館 B1F 1-44 Moriokaekimaedori, Morioka, Iwate 020-0034, Japan
mym mym on Google

店員の方々の感じがとても良かった! 冷麺も美味しい。ちょっと料金高めだけど駅地下なのでしょうがないかな‥辛み別にして最初スープを頂くのですが、優しい味で透き通った美しいスープです。
The feeling of the clerk was very good! Cold noodles are also delicious. It's a little expensive, but I wonder if it's in the basement of the station ... I get the soup first, regardless of the spiciness, but it's a beautiful soup with a gentle taste and clearness.
高山博之 on Google

盛岡市の極楽温泉を堪能した後、冷麺食べたくて訪問。冷麺専門店のようです。焼肉屋さんに冷麺のみ食べに行くのに気を使うので(笑)、専門店は有難いです。 オーダーは小ビビンバが付いた「冷麺セット」を。辛さは6段回選べますが、いつも通り別辛を選択。辛みを投入する前の、そのものの味を味わえますからね。 一口食べて、まずは味見。盛岡の名だたるチェーン店と遜色ない味です。 辛みは、もちろん全て投入。予想通り、それほど辛くありません。万人向けの味わいです。 麺のコシ・歯応え・喉ごし、スープの辛さ・甘さ・酸っぱさ、具材のバランスなど、盛岡冷麺を堪能するには良いお店ですね。
After enjoying the paradise hot spring in Morioka City, I visited to eat cold noodles. It looks like a cold noodle shop. I really like to go to yakiniku restaurants to eat only cold noodles (laughs), so specialty stores are appreciated. The order is "cold noodle set" with small bibimbap. The spiciness can be selected six times, but another spicy as usual. Because you can taste the taste before spicing. Eat a bite and taste first. The taste is comparable to Morioka's famous chain store. All the spiciness is of course introduced. As expected, it's not too hot. It is a taste for everyone. It is a good place to enjoy Morioka cold noodles such as noodles's firmness, chewyness, throat, soup sourness, sweetness, sourness, ingredients balance etc.
takeshi shoh on Google

It is a cold noodle shop near Morioka station, and it is attractive that you can go to it immediately from the station. I had a set of hot noodles and kakuni rice bowl. Vegetable hot noodles were made by eating cold noodles with hot soup. The texture of the noodles is not as strong as the warm and cold noodles, but the noodles are moderately chewy and have a unique texture that is different from ramen and vermicelli. The soup seemed to be based on cold noodle soup and had a gentle taste. It has an impression close to Tanmen and is elegant. There was no spiciness, so I started adding it later. Adding spiciness makes the soup look like cold noodles. I was completely satisfied because I visited him on a cold day.
Akira Nakazato on Google

盛岡に来たのは初めてで、到着前は何を食べようかずっと悩んでいたのですが、盛岡はやっぱ冷麺! 真冬でしたが冷麺食べたくなってしまい伺いました。 普段冷麺を食べることないのでとても美味しく頂きました。 冷やし中華とは全然別物というのが良くわかりました。 ごちそうさまでした。
It was my first time to come to Morioka, and before I arrived I was always wondering what to eat, but Morioka is still cold noodles! It was midwinter, but I wanted to eat cold noodles, so I asked. I don't usually eat cold noodles, so it was very delicious. I understand that it is completely different from Hiyashi chuka. Thank you for the meal.
ryuka aki on Google

中辛を食べ、甘さと辛さがちょうど良く美味しかったです。麺の硬さも程良く、スープは甘めだなと思いましたが、辛味とマッチしてとても食べやすく大盛りもペロリでした。 カウンター3脚とテーブルが4卓くらい。場所はわかり辛いかな。
I ate medium spicy and the sweetness and spiciness were just right and delicious. The noodles were reasonably firm and I thought the soup was sweet, but it matched the spiciness and was very easy to eat, and the large serving was also pelori. There are 3 counters and 4 tables. I don't know the location.
黄ニラ on Google

Morioka cold noodles 1080 yen. Recommended for those who like sweet and spicy cold noodles! I drank all the soup. You can choose from 6 levels of spiciness, but if you select "By spiciness", you can adjust the spiciness yourself. If you like refreshing cold noodles, Pyonpyon may be better. I visited for the first time in a few years, but it seems that the price has increased by about 200 yen from before. Also, I was lonely that the char siu was a small piece. .. .. Please note that credit cards cannot be used!
N. Kakeru on Google

GWに岩手に訪れた為、岩手の名物盛岡冷麺を食べたいと思い、宿泊先から近く、評価も高めだった為、こちらのお店で食べることに。フェザンという盛岡駅の隣にある建物内にあります。ちょっと場所が分かりにくい気がしたので迷わないように注意です笑 店員さんもとても優しい方で、丁寧に接客して頂きました。 辛さをいくつか選ぶことが出来ます。1番上の物はかなり辛いみたいです笑、私は下から2番目の辛さのものを食べました。ピリッと来る感じで丁度食べやすかったです。 ピリッとくる辛さの唐辛子スープ&コシのある麺がバランス良く絡み合いおいしいです!どんどん箸が進みました笑 リンゴが盛り付けてあるのも独特で、不思議な組み合わせだと感じましたが、唐辛子の辛味とリンゴの酸味&甘味がめちゃくちゃ合ってうますぎました… あっという間に完飲完食し、大満足でした。また岩手&盛岡に来た際には立ち寄りたいです!1番上の辛さにも挑戦したいですね笑
Since I visited Iwate at GW, I wanted to eat Iwate's famous Morioka cold noodles, and because it was close to my accommodation and the evaluation was high, I decided to eat at this shop. It is located in a building next to Morioka Station called Fezan. I felt that the location was a little difficult to understand, so be careful not to get lost lol The clerk was also very kind and kindly served us. You can choose some spiciness. The top one seems to be quite spicy lol, I ate the second spicy one from the bottom. It was easy to eat with a tingling sensation. The spicy chili soup and chewy noodles are well-balanced and delicious! Chopsticks went on and on lol It was unique that the apples were served, and I felt it was a strange combination, but the spiciness of the chili peppers and the sourness and sweetness of the apples messed up ... I was very satisfied with the complete drink in no time. I also want to stop by when I come to Iwate & Morioka! I want to challenge the top spiciness too lol
coke pizza on Google

帰り際に、厨房にいた店主が両手をついて深々と頭を下げ『ありがとうございました』と言われたのがとても印象的で忘れられません。 冷麺もおいしかったです。 コロナ禍ですが、頑張ってください!!!!! また食べに行きたいお店!
On my way home, it was very impressive and unforgettable that the owner in the kitchen bowed deeply with both hands and said, "Thank you." The cold noodles were also delicious. It's a corona wreck, but please do your best! !! !! !! !! The shop you want to go to eat again!

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