Morino Ladies Clinic - Sendai

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Morino Ladies Clinic

住所 :

2 Chome-7-15 Central, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 980-0021
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30AM–12PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–12PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–12PM
Thursday 9:30AM–12PM
Friday 9:30AM–12PM

ringo M. on Google

妊娠中、妊娠後期までお世話になりました。その後も何かと気になった時に診ていただいてますが、淡々としていて私には合ってました。おじいちゃん先生ですが、気になったことは聞けば答えてくれるし、特に何か不快に思ったことはないです。 妊娠中は何かと不安もありましたが、不確定なことはきちんとその通り話してくれましたし、前に通っていたところは、変に期待させるようなことを言われて、結果良くない方向になったため、こちらでの対応はかえって信頼出来ました。 受付や看護師さんは柔らかい雰囲気の方で、あえて予約枠を少なくしているのかあまり混雑していないのも良かったです。
Thank you for your help during pregnancy and late pregnancy. After that, when I was worried about something, I had a medical examination. Grandpa-sensei, but if you ask me what you are interested in, it will answer, and I have never felt anything uncomfortable. I was worried about something during pregnancy, but he told me exactly what was uncertain, and when I went there, I was told something that would make me expect strangely, and the result was not good. Because it became, the correspondence here was rather reliable. The receptionist and nurses were soft, and it was good to have less reservation slots or less crowded.
まり on Google

確かに淡々としてましたが、私的には問題ないくらいの距離感でした。 あらかじめメモに症状や経過を書いていって渡したらスピーディーに事も進んだし、こちらが丁寧であればあちらも答えてくれる印象でした! 特に適当でもなければ説明不足等も感じられないので満足です!
Certainly it was plain, but it was a sense of distance that was not a problem for me. I wrote down the symptoms and progress in a memo in advance and handed it over, and things went smoothly, and if this was polite, I got the impression that they would answer! If it's not particularly appropriate, I'm satisfied because I don't feel any lack of explanation!
taranome urui on Google

清潔感があり、待ち時間も少ない。 スタッフの方も感じが良く、先生も淡々としてますが説明はしっかりしてくれます。
There is a feeling of cleanliness and there is little waiting time. The staff feels good, and the teachers are simple, but the explanations are solid.
こな on Google

妊娠の検査で数回いきました。 受付の方たちはお出迎えがとても良かったのですが、帰りの挨拶が一言もなかったです…。 他の方にはお大事に、などのお声掛けをされていたのですが私だけでしょうか? 自分が悪阻で辛いところに無言のお見送りが辛かったです…こちらは挨拶したのに? 先生は淡々としているお方でした。 診察もスピーディなのでとても良かったです。 看護師さんも優しい方でした。
I went to the pregnancy test several times. The receptionists were very happy to greet me, but I couldn't say a word on the way home... I've been calling out to other people's things, but is it just me? It was hard to see me silently in a painful place because I was an embarrassment... I greeted here but ? The teacher was a simple person. The medical examination was speedy, so it was very good. The nurse was also kind.
STU on Google

I failed in contraception and had to prescribe after-pills in a hurry. Even though the reservation was full on the day, we received a response on the day of the call. I was panicking myself and couldn't afford to call or receive, but I was very relieved because the receptionist and teacher were kind. I wrote a review because my period came safely. Thank you very much.
T K on Google

Since it is a reservation system, there is not much waiting time and I think it is good for those who just want medicine. The receptionist is very pleasant and kind. The teacher is quiet, but if you don't tell him what you want to hear, there is only a minimum amount of explanation. In addition, I sometimes feel cold because I speak with a straight face and few words. I feel that it is not suitable for those who want to listen to the story gently and kindly.
chi ko on Google

引っ越してきたばかりで、出産できる病院が限られることや、出産予約するのに午前でないといけないなどの事情知らず、先生に聞くと、すごくウザがられる。「だから〜」みたいな感じ。こちらは何もわからないので、優しい言葉で丁寧に説明いただきたかった。こわかったです。 ただ、受付のお姉さんたちはやさしい。 追記 妊婦検診で電話予約。当日行くと「出産の予約取れていない人は妊婦検診できません」とのこと。結局私費で沢山のお金がかかりました。検診受け付けられないのであれば、電話の際に言ってほしいし、当日も「私費検査になりますよ」と言ってから進めてほしかった。
I just moved, and I don't know the circumstances such as the limited number of hospitals where I can give birth and the fact that I have to make a reservation for childbirth in the morning. It feels like "So ~". I don't know anything about this, so I wanted you to explain it carefully in gentle words. I'm scared. However, the older sisters at the reception are kind. postscript Make a phone reservation for a pregnant woman. When I went on the day, he said, "People who have not made an appointment for childbirth cannot be examined for pregnant women." After all, it cost me a lot of money at my own expense. If you can't accept the test, please tell me when you call, and I want you to proceed after saying "It will be a privately funded test" on the day.
Ku u on Google

初めの電話問い合わせから始まり、実際の受付から病院を出るまで『THEおもてなし』といった感じの最高のstaffの皆様でした。 院内もとても綺麗でゆったりと時が流れる印象でした。 先生は淡々とされた、ベテラン感たっぷりの男性でした。 服用中の薬についても調べてくださり、アドバイスをいただきました。 安心感の持てるとても素敵な病院でした。 何かあったらととても心強く、出逢うことができてよかったです。
From the first telephone inquiry to the actual reception to leaving the hospital, they were the best staff members with a feeling of "THE hospitality". The inside of the hospital was also very beautiful and I had the impression that time passed slowly. The teacher was a light-hearted, veteran man. He also looked up the medicines he was taking and gave me some advice. It was a very nice hospital with a sense of security. It was very encouraging if something happened and I'm glad I was able to meet.

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