
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ㈱ジュエルサンショウ

住所 :

Monzennakacho, Koto City, 〒135-0048 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://jewelry-store-4427.business.site/
街 : Tokyo

Monzennakacho, Koto City, 〒135-0048 Tokyo,Japan
Nyoman Subrata on Google

Thank you for always making it carefully.
masako takahama on Google

I asked them to make earrings by combining a diamond necklace and an earring that was lost on one side. It can be used casually, and the usage scenes have increased, so I am satisfied.
atsushi nagai on Google

リメイクでエンゲージリングを作っていただきました。詳細な希望にも応えていただき、理想通りの仕上がりとなりました。 機会があればまたお願いしようと思います。
I had you make an engagement ring by remake. We had you respond to detailed requests, and the finish was as ideal. If I have a chance, I will ask again.
正祥湯浅 on Google

From design consultations for engagement rings and gift rings to delivery of finished products, we are very polite and provide support and services from the user's perspective, so you can leave it to us with confidence. This is a recommended shop.
510うりこ on Google

余ったパールを、貫通穴を目立たないようにリフォームしたいと検索して、こちらのお店にたどり着きました。 来店してピアス作成の相談をしつつ、お店にある素敵なピアスを見せていただいたり、対応もとても丁寧でした。 素敵なピアスに仕上がり、引き取りの来店時にも楽しくお話しさせたいただき、また利用したいと思うお店です。
I searched for the surplus pearls to make the through holes inconspicuous, and arrived at this shop. While visiting the store and consulting about making pierced earrings, they showed me the wonderful pierced earrings in the store and the correspondence was very polite. It's a nice pierced earring, and I'm happy to talk to you when you come to pick it up, and I'd like to use it again.
Miyoko on Google

パールネックレスの糸替えやリングのサイズ直しから、持ち腐れになっていたアクセサリーのリフォームまで色々お世話になりました。 思い入れがあって手放せないけど自分が身につけるにはちょっと、、、と思っていた物、祖父のネクタイピンを指輪に、母の指輪をネックレスに‥などなど、自分好みにリフォームしました。 デザインを決めるのにも一緒に沢山悩んで頂きましたし、悩む時間も楽しみでした。 悩んだ分、元々の思い出と共に更に思い入れがプラスされ、とても満足しています。 またよろしくお願い致します。
From changing the thread of the pearl necklace and resizing the ring to remodeling the accessories that had been worn out, I was indebted to them. I couldn't let go of it because I had a feeling for it, but I thought it would be a little difficult for me to wear it. I remodeled it to my liking, such as using my grandfather's tie pin as a ring and my mother's ring as a necklace. I had a lot of trouble deciding on the design, and I was looking forward to the time I was worried about. As much as I was worried, I was very satisfied with the original memories and the added feelings. I look forward to working with you again.
鷲昇吾 on Google

先代から数え創業50年の当店の強みは宝石鑑定士が複数在籍し、他店では不可能な加工も可能にする技術の高い熟練職人がおります。また、元々卸商なので独自の仕入れルートやリフォーム、オーダーメイド、リペアも他の卸会社を挟むことなく直接仕入、直接取引、直接加工という余計なマージンを発生させていない特殊ルートを持ち、その分エンドユーザー様に価格で還元できる事が強みです。 そして、常に最先端のデザインや技術を取り入れ、鑑定士常駐の強みを生かしレアストーンの取り扱いを得意としております。現状益々、採掘量が減り稀少石と呼ばれるもはや、幻の石となりつつあるパライバトルマリンやアレキサンドライト、ピンクダイヤモンド、アウイナイト、グランディディエライトなどレアストーンの取扱商材を増やし、常に期待価値を高められるよう日々精進しております。
The strength of our store, which has been in business for 50 years since its predecessor, is that we have multiple jewel appraisers, and we have highly skilled craftsmen who can perform processing that is impossible at other stores. In addition, since it is originally a wholesaler, it has its own purchasing route, remodeling, made-to-order, and repair, which has a special route that does not generate extra margins such as direct purchasing, direct transaction, and direct processing without interposing other wholesale companies. One of our strengths is that we can give back to end users at a price. And we always adopt the latest design and technology, and we are good at handling rare stones by making the best use of the strength of resident appraisers. Currently, the amount of mining is decreasing and it is called a rare stone. We are increasing the number of rare stones such as paraiba tourmaline, alexandrite, pink diamond, hauyne, grandidierite, etc., which are becoming phantom stones, so that we can always increase the expected value every day. We are devoting ourselves.
makoto tori on Google

ピアスをオーダーしました。 他でオーダーしたことがないので比較はできませんが 主観をまとめてみました。 1,オーダー内容 (①前後が丸い石のピアス、②石は誕生石、③色は緑、赤、④スクリュー式での装着) ⇒評価:①③はOK、②④はNG、あと石の大きさもNG 2,値段 (①予算10万) ⇒評価:①は¥96,000-+taxでNG、あと明細(石、金属部分、工賃)もなく何がどれくらいの値段か不明 3,商品 ⇒評価:一部技術的に不可でした(大きさや、上記④の部分) 工期は1.5ヵ月で1.0ヵ月納期でした。 4,総評 ⇒添付写真の下部が既製品のボディピアス。 添付写真の上部がオーダーしたもの。 石の大きさは加工時に割れる可能性があり小さくするのは不可。 スクリュー式も同様の理由で不可。 スクリュー式ではないということで懸念部分がもろに当たって、 気をつけていましたが、脆い部分が曲がってしまいました。 ※使用開始、2週間ぐらい 初めてのオーダージュエリーは非常に悲しい思い出になりました。( ;∀;)
I ordered earrings. I haven't ordered it elsewhere so I can't compare it I tried to summarize the subjectivity. 1, order details ((1) Stone earrings with round front and back, (2) Stone is a birthstone, (3) Colors are green and red, (4) Screw type installation) ⇒Evaluation: ①③ is OK, ②④ is NG, and the size of the stone is also NG 2, price ((1) Budget 100,000) ⇒Evaluation: ① is NG for ¥ 96,000- + tax, and there are no details (stones, metal parts, wages), and it is unknown what the price is. 3, Product ⇒Evaluation: Partly technically impossible (size and part ④ above) The construction period was 1.5 months and the delivery time was 1.0 month. 4, general comment ⇒ The bottom of the attached photo is a ready-made body piercing. The one ordered at the top of the attached photo. The size of the stone may crack during processing and cannot be reduced. Screw type is also not possible for the same reason. Since it is not a screw type, there are some concerns, I was careful, but the fragile part was bent. * Start using, about 2 weeks My first order jewelry was a very sad memory. (; ∀ ;)

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