Monster Aquarium - Kawaguchi

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Monster Aquarium

住所 :

3 Chome-10-7 Asahi, Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 332-0001
Webサイト :

3 Chome-10-7 Asahi, Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-0001, Japan
しらたまかぼす on Google

不要になったアクアリウム用品をなんでも買い取って貰えるので助かっています。 店員は無愛想ですが、淡々と対応して貰えるので特に問題はありません。 車で行く場合、店の近くにあるコンビニには駐車しないようにしましょう。コンビニの向かいにコインパーキングがあるので、そこを利用するとよいかもしれません。
I am grateful that you can buy any aquarium supplies that you no longer need. The clerk is unfriendly, but there is no particular problem as he will be able to respond to you. If you go by car, don't park at a convenience store near the store. There is a coin parking lot opposite the convenience store, so you may want to use it.
將飯野 on Google

数年前から利用していますが 基本的に売約や1日も取り置きできない とのことでした… が、実際 店舗に行くと売約になってるものが多くあります 本当に売約ができないのであれば 仕方がないのですが、必要だと思った商品で 何度もこういった経験を味わっているので 次回は消費者センターに問い合わさせていただきます。
I've been using it for several years now Basically, you can't sell or reserve for a day is what they said… However, when you actually go to the store, there are many things that are sold. If you really can't sell It can't be helped, but with the product I thought I needed I have experienced this kind of experience many times, so next time I will contact the Consumer Center.
MentaLIST Y on Google

中古で水槽、棚、フィルターなどの部品をばら売りしていて、 新しくショップを始めるならここで買うと安く始められる。 ジャンクもあり、買い取りもしてくれる。 名前は『モンスター』ですが、1階のみなのと、狭めなショップ。 淡水と海水。 生体は自分ですくえる。 生体によっては安価。 店内は時計回りに一方通行をオススメ。
Used parts such as aquariums, shelves, filters, etc. are sold separately. If you want to start a new shop, you can buy it here and it will be cheaper. There is also junk, and they will buy it for you. The name is "Monster", but it's a narrow shop with everyone on the first floor. Freshwater and seawater. You can scoop up the living body yourself. Inexpensive depending on the living body. We recommend a one-way street in the store clockwise.
Kenji S on Google

タイミング良く中古60cmフレームレス前面曲げガラス水槽買えました。 しかも880円。 心配になるくらい安かったです。 一緒に中古のLEDライト買おうと点灯確認お願いしたけど残念ながら点かなくて、同じような商品を一所懸命探してくれました。 店員さんの対応◎です。 ちなみに近くのコインパーキング、3月15日で閉鎖だそうです。 今度からどこ止めよう…。
I bought a used 60cm frameless front bent glass aquarium at the right time. Moreover, it is 880 yen. It was cheap enough to worry. I asked him to check the lighting to buy a used LED light together, but unfortunately it didn't turn on and he searched hard for a similar product. Correspondence of the clerk ◎. By the way, the nearby coin parking lot will be closed on March 15th. Where should I stop from now on ...
じゅりあんぐ(じゅりあんぐ。) on Google

ここの小赤はとっても安いけど病気でじわじわ死にます!帰ったら既に二匹瀕死で、すぐ餌にできればよかったんですが買って帰った翌々日、餌の日に亡くなってしまいました!他の子たちもほぼ全員背びれが縮んでいたり動きが止まる時間が長かったり、素人目で見ても明らかに具合が悪そうな感じでじわじわ死にます?それでもコスパは高い!? コオロギ小さいサイズまで揃ってるのも素敵です!!
The small red here is very cheap, but I'm sick and die slowly! When I got home, two of them were already dying, and I wish I could feed them right away, but the day after I bought them, I died on the day of feeding! Almost all of the other children have their dorsal fins shrunk, their movements stop for a long time, and even if they look at them with an amateur's eyes, they seem to be sick and die slowly ? Still, the cost performance is high! ? It is also nice to have crickets up to small sizes! !!
keita muvluv on Google

おんは on Google

Even though the aquariums and breeding supplies are second-hand, they are cheap. I used to buy Kotobuki Regrass 60low as a used aquarium, but I can't find any defects in the right corner of the amazing 220 yen (tax included) aquarium except for a few chips and stains. The dirt was removed after cleaning, so it is highly recommended for those who want to enjoy the aquarium personally without exhibiting it in a layout contest. In addition, lights and aeration pumps that work well are sold exceptionally well, so if you are an aquarium owner, it will be interesting just to look at them.
にわとりさん on Google

店内掘り出し物たくさんで終始ワクワクしてました、、 自分ですくえますって言うのも忙しそうな店員さんに気を遣わずに自分の好きなものを掬えるので自分としては、このサービスが最高でした、、!! このクオリティで、ビーシュリンプ220円???!!驚きです笑(バンド、モスラ、抱卵あり個体、スノーホワイト、などなど、、 ((もしかすると、ヤフオクよりも安いんじゃないか、、?))
I was thrilled with lots of bargains in the store ... This service was the best for me because I can scoop up what I like without worrying about the clerk who seems to be busy saying that I can scoop up myself! !! With this quality, bee shrimp 220 yen? ?? ?? !! !! I'm surprised lol (bands, Mothra, individuals with incubation, snow white, etc., etc. ((Maybe it's cheaper than Yahoo Auction ...?))

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