MOM おむすびのマム

3.9/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact MOM おむすびのマム

住所 :

Otemachi, Maebashi, 〒371-0026 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト :
街 : Gunma

Otemachi, Maebashi, 〒371-0026 Gunma,Japan
塩野明 on Google

u1 ubu on Google

The rice ball is quite small. However, children are the main characters here. I think that it is an outstanding size.
石田修治 on Google

Since it is inside the circuit of the train and go-kart, you can not enter unless you cross the pedestrian bridge, but it is a fancy shop using containers. The daughters said the rice ball was also delicious.
毘沙門堂 on Google

前橋るなぱあく内にあるお店です。サーキットの内側にあるので陸橋を渡る必要があります。 こども向けの為かこぶりの大きさにお値段は平均150円と結構パワフルですが、これが無性に美味い! 遊園地に用がなくても寄って買ってしまいます。
It is a shop located in Maebashi Runapakai. Because it is inside the circuit, it is necessary to cross the overpass. The price is quite powerful on average at 150 yen for children's size, but this is deliciously delicious! Even if there is no use in the amusement park, it will stop and buy.
佐藤忠史 on Google

美味しい小ぶりのおむすびがいただけます。 こだわりの米と、具材そして海苔。
You can enjoy delicious small rice balls. Special rice, ingredients and seaweed.
ローカリーナ比企東松山を楽しむさいたマガジン on Google

おむすびは小さいサイズで100円なのでちょっと高めですが、遊園地内にあり、室内で食べられるという利点を考えると妥当。むしろ安いと思います! 店内はもちろん冷暖房完備。店内には子供が遊べるおもちゃも置いてあるので、ゆっくりご飯が食べられます。 また、遊園地内の屋台は味濃いのメニューが多いので、小さなお子さんがいる人などにはおすすめです! 『おむすびのマム』の詳細は、比企郡・東松山の今を発信するさいたマガジン『ローカリーナ(LOCALIINA)』へ! ここで紹介できていない写真やクチコミなどものってます(*'▽')b
The rice ball is small, 100 yen, so it's a bit higher, but it's in an amusement park and it's reasonable considering the benefits of being eaten indoors. I think rather cheap! Of course the store is fully air-conditioned. There are also toys for children to play in the store, so you can eat slowly. Also, the food stalls in the amusement park have a rich menu, so it is recommended for people with small children! For more information on "Omuseum's Mum", please visit the magazine "Loucarina (LOCALIINA)", which transmits Hiki-gun and Higashi Matsuyama now! Photos and reviews that can not be introduced here are things (* '▽') b
難波優司 on Google

唐揚げは冷たくて、おにぎりは小さい。 おにぎりは鮭と梅を注文しましたが、鮭は鮭フレーク、梅は梅パウダーのような感じでした。 一工夫でとても良いお店になるので期待します。 唐揚げは揚げたてを出さないと
The fried chicken is cold and the rice balls are small. I ordered salmon and plums for rice balls, but the salmon was like salmon flakes and the plums were like plum powder. I'm looking forward to it because it will be a very good shop with some ingenuity. For fried chicken, you have to serve freshly fried chicken

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