Mogura - Sendai

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mogura

住所 :

2 Chome-19-28 Honcho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0014, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 980-0014
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 5:30–11PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 5:30–11PM
Tuesday 5:30–11PM
Wednesday 5:30–11PM
Thursday 5:30–11PM
Friday 5:30–11PM

2 Chome-19-28 Honcho, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0014, Japan
戸板達夫 on Google

It is a shop where you can enjoy a great deal of bird trapping and charcoal grilling. I think the assortment of shochu in Kyushu is top class in Sendai ?
わらちゃん on Google

You can drink many kinds of delicious shochu!
松浦和平 on Google

錦町公園近くの焼き鳥屋さんです。開店して12年くらいになると思いますが、開店当初から「薩摩知覧どり」の焼き鳥や鳥料理を提供してくれており、とても美味しいです。特に 炭火で焼いた香ばしい「もも焼き」と3つの部位が楽しめる「鳥刺身」はオススメです。〆もので好きなメニューは「鳥がらスープ茶漬け」。スープの旨みが大好きです。 お酒は芋焼酎がメインで、飲みやすいものから、焼き芋のように濃いものまで、いろいろ楽しめます。好みにもよりますが、自分的にはお店の名前にもしたくらい店長さんが好きな「土竜」と、「ろかせず」という焼酎が好きです。日本酒も美味しいものが揃っていますので、焼酎が苦手でも日本酒で楽しむことができると思います。
A yakitori restaurant near Nishikicho Park. I think it will be about 12 years since the store opened, but from the beginning of the store, it has been providing "Satsuma Chiranori" with yakitori and bird dishes, which is very delicious. In particular We recommend the savory "Momoyaki" grilled over charcoal and the "Tori sashimi" where you can enjoy the three parts. The favorite menu is "Togara soup chazuke". I love the taste of soup. The main sake is potato shochu, and you can enjoy various drinks, from those that are easy to drink to those that are as strong as shochu. It depends on my taste, but I like “Dragon” and “Rokasezu” shochu, which I like as the name of the store. You can enjoy Japanese sake even if you are not good at shochu, as there are delicious Japanese sake.
長谷川恵美 on Google

Everything is delicious, but the ochazuke of grilled rice balls with meatballs and chicken stock is excellent.
s c on Google

鳥刺しが出てくるまで、40分、、、さして混んでもいないような中で、です。 また、串盛りは40分出てこなかったので、確認したら、「すぐ出します」と回答があり、その後、10分後に出てきました。 また、ぼんじり(串220円)は、ねぎま串となっており、さらに、肉は非常に小さく、とても満足感のある一品とは言えませんでした。コロナ感染対策も十分とは言えず、もう二度と来ないでしょう。
It took 40 minutes until the torisashi came out, and it wasn't too crowded. Also, the skewers did not come out for 40 minutes, so when I checked it, there was a reply saying "I will put it out soon", and then it came out 10 minutes later. Also, the Bonjiri (skewers 220 yen) is a Negima skewer, and the meat is very small, so it was not a very satisfying dish. Corona infection control is not enough and will never come again.
順子斎藤 on Google

職場の飲み会で行きました。 2500円(5品)からのコースだったかな?一品増えるごとにプラス500円で。 お料理もこちらの希望をきいてくれます。 九州の郷土料理が、いろいろ楽しめます。 『もも焼き』と『とりわさ』を、知り合いにオススメされていたけど、本当に美味しかったです。 『がね』(さつまいものかき揚げ)も、おやつ感覚で、お腹いっぱいなのに、皆でサクッと食べちゃいました。 お酒も、九州のいろんな焼酎が楽しめます。 オススメは、前割り焼酎。前日に水と焼酎を6:4で割って仕込んであり、凄くなめらかな飲み口です。 カクテル派の方は、『土竜スカッシュ』もオススメ。飲みやすいです。 他にも、『もくら 飲み比べ』や、『日本酒利き比べ』も良いですよ。
I went to a drinking party at work. Was it a course from 2500 yen (5 items)? For an additional 500 yen for each additional item. Cooking also asks for this request. You can enjoy various local dishes of Kyushu. "Momoyaki" and "Toriwasa" were recommended by acquaintances, but they were really delicious. "Gane" (fried sweet potatoes) was like a snack, and although I was full, everyone ate it quickly. As for sake, you can enjoy various types of shochu from Kyushu. We recommend the pre-wari shochu. The day before, water and shochu were divided by 6: 4 and prepared, making it a very smooth mouthpiece. For cocktail lovers, we also recommend "Toryu Squash". Easy to drink. Besides, "Comparison of drinking Mokura" and "Comparison of sake" are also good.
12 nesper on Google

焼き鳥は絶品! 鳥刺しとハツが美味しすぎ。 けど、スタッフの対応がいまいち。 こそこそ話してて気分悪い
Yakitori is excellent! Torisashi and hearts are too delicious. However, the staff's response is not good enough. I feel sick to talk

A yakitori restaurant with a rich menu. Alcohol is also substantial.

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