Mizune Parking Lot - Tokyo

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mizune Parking Lot

住所 :

Sakai, Okutama, Nishitama District, Tokyo, Tokyo 198-0222, Japan

Postal code : 198-0222

Sakai, Okutama, Nishitama District, Tokyo, Tokyo 198-0222, Japan

都心から奥多摩湖に行くと最初にある駐車場。駐車スペースは少なくトイレがある程度。更に 上ればメインとなる大麦代園地駐車場があります。
The first parking lot when you go to Lake Okutama from the city center. There are few parking spaces and there are some toilets. If you go further up, you will find the main barley garden parking lot.
Suzuki Akira on Google

普通の駐車場ですが無料がいい。歩いて15分から20分のカフェ インディゴブルーに歩いて行くのにちょうどいい。途中の景色もいいよ。
It is a normal parking lot, but it's free. It is just right to walk to Cafe Indigo Blue from 15 minutes to 20 minutes on foot. The view on the way is also good.
bx main on Google

2020年2月と2021年2月に訪問しました. 鷹ノ巣山と六ツ石山の登山口です。水根駐車場から鷹ノ巣山に向かう登山道は川沿いに登山道がありますが、幅がせまいので怖かったですね
Visited in February 2020 and February 2021. It is the starting point for Mt. Takanosu and Mt. Mutsuishi. The mountain trail from Mizune Parking Lot to Mt. Takanosu has a mountain trail along the river, but it was scary because the width was narrow.
monomi wata on Google

This is the first parking lot after arriving near Lake Okutama. free
齋藤博幸 on Google

この駐車場は鷹ノ巣山と六ッ石山登山者が 多く利用します。
This parking lot is for climbers of Mt. Takanosu and Mt. Mutsuishi I use it a lot.
koji g on Google

以前壊れていたトイレが新しくなっていました。ウォシュレットでないですが、綺麗なトイレと手洗い場がありました。 夜は照明が無いので真っ暗の様です。 21時からの奥多摩湖周遊道路の通行止ゲートの外側です。
The previously broken toilet was renewed. It's not a washlet, but it had a clean toilet and a restroom. There is no lighting at night, so it looks like pitch black. It is outside the closed gate of the Okutama Lake Tour Road from 21:00.
Ka Yo on Google

Beautiful place ?
Naresh Deora on Google

Large free public parking for hikers. Trail is difficult to find from here unless one has a map. Working toilet is very small.

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