釜宗 - Gamagori

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 釜宗

住所 :

Miyukicho, Gamagori, 〒443-0042 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 443-0042
街 : Aichi

Miyukicho, Gamagori, 〒443-0042 Aichi,Japan
Susumu Kato on Google

Udon is, of course, delicious, but the side menu is also devised (for example, carpaccio is very lightly smoked with seasonal fish).
Y S (ゆきち) on Google

讃岐に修行に行った割にうどんが今ひとつ。 少惣菜付のセットは、お得感あり。うどんより惣菜に力が入ってる感じです。
I went to Sanuki for training, but the udon is not good enough. The set with side dishes is a great deal. It seems that the side dish is stronger than udon.
Tad Ozz on Google

釜玉うどんを注目したら、卵が2個も出てきた。食べて診ると麺の量が予想外に多く、2個いるわけだ。 讃岐うどんというだけあって、コシがありうまかった。いいうどん屋だ。 隣の人が天ざるを食されていたが、天ぷらの多さにびっくり。案の定食べきれず、お持ち帰りになった。 今度は天ぷらを食べてみたい。特に目光天ぷらがうまそうだ。
Two eggs came out when we paid attention to the pot ball udon. When I eat and see, the amount of noodles is unexpectedly large, and there are two. There was only Sanuki Udon and it was delicious with Kosi. It's an Italian restaurant. The next person was forced to eat in heaven, but I was surprised at the amount of tempura. I could not take the set meal of the plan, and I was taken home. I would like to eat tempura this time. It is especially good to see Mekko Tempura.
Satoshi Osanai on Google

穴子天丼セットを食べました セットの小鉢は 天ぷらと小鯛の酢締め 小鉢?? サービス満点 美味かった
I ate a conger eel tendon set The small bowl of the set Tempura and small sardines with vinegar small bowl? ?? Service perfect score It was delicious
ういんなぁ on Google

一品料理がウマイもの揃い。 こだわりの強い魚系は特に。 卵焼きとかも秀逸。
A la carte dish is available. Especially for fish with a strong commitment. The omelet is also excellent.
funRide sebi on Google

It's a slightly soft and soft udon noodle. Recently, soba is actually for sale. It was delicious. The amount is large and the variety of tempura is abundant.
だいまじん on Google

三河じゃあ珍しい讃岐うどん いりこ出汁にエッジが効いた手打ち麺を味わえます 蕎麦前ならぬうどん前も充実 お酒のあても目白押しですよ 目光うどんもボリューミー かけうどんに目光天がちょいとばかり そう思っていたら大違い たっぷりの目光天ぷらにびっくりしますよ‼️
In Mikawa, you can taste the rare Sanuki udon noodles with edgy soup stock. Not only soba noodles, but also udon noodles. Even if you have alcohol, it's full of drinks. Meiko Udon is also volumey Kake Udon has a little eye-catching heaven If you think so, it's a big difference You will be amazed at the plenty of eye-catching tempura! ️
YA Na on Google

水族館帰りに寄らせていただきました。 店自体は古めかしい感じです。 優しいおばあさんの接客が心安らぎます。 私は鶏釜揚げうどん大盛りと天婦羅の追加です。もう一人は焼き肉丼セットです。美味しくて安くて満足です。 うどんはもちろん 天婦羅も美味しかったですし、セットの付け合わせが普通にサブ以上の存在感でした。近所にあったら月一は行きますね。
I stopped by on my way home from the aquarium. The store itself looks old-fashioned. The gentle grandmother's customer service is soothing. I'm adding a large serving of chicken kamaage udon and tempura. The other is a yakiniku bowl set. It's delicious, cheap and satisfying. Of course udon The tempura was also delicious, and the garnish of the set was usually more than a sub. If you are in the neighborhood, you will go there once a month.

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