
3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中野屋食堂

住所 :

Miyashita, Mishima, Onuma District, 〒969-7511 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8PM
Sunday 11AM–8PM
Monday 11AM–8PM
Tuesday 11AM–8PM
Wednesday 11AM–8PM
Thursday 11AM–8PM
Friday 11AM–8PM
街 : Fukushima

Miyashita, Mishima, Onuma District, 〒969-7511 Fukushima,Japan
若林勝也 on Google

入店して10分以上、注文をとりに来ない。 料理が出てくるまで、時間もかかる。 ヒマな方専用です。
I haven't come to pick up my order for more than 10 minutes after entering the store. It takes time for the food to come out. Only for those who are free.
大津勝 on Google

会津地鶏の親子丼 薄味で 地鶏もやわらかく 美味しかった。
Aizu Chicken Oyakodon It was light and the chicken was soft and delicious.
mesorian on Google

トンカツ定食をいただきました。 料理が出てくるまで30分、店員さんは奥の厨房に行ってしまい、テレビは消えBGMもなく他に客もいない完全無音独りぼっち状態は寂しかった。でもその放置プレイが逆に心地よい。ちょっと長すぎるとは思うけど。 カツはとても薄かった。おしんこはほぼ漬かってなかったが嫌いではない味でもっと食べたかった。 見知らぬ土地で食べてる感があって、旅をしているんだなーって雰囲気が味わえて満足。
We had Tonkatsu set meal. 30 minutes before the food came out, the clerk went to the kitchen in the back, the TV was gone, there was no BGM, and there was no other customer. But the abandoned play is pleasant on the contrary. I think it's a bit too long. The cutlet was very thin. The poop was almost unpickled, but I wanted to eat more with a taste I didn't hate. I feel like I am eating in a strange land and I am traveling and I am satisfied with the atmosphere.
つぁん on Google

The cafeteria that I visited during the touring. The mysterious decoration inside the store is good. I ate ramen fried rice set, but it was delicious.
ひろし on Google

宿泊先の紹介で夕食を頂きに訪問しました。 店の外観は地方でよく見かける大衆食堂という感じですが、店内は小洒落たカフェか洋食屋かと思わせる様な、外観からは想像できない装飾品に溢れた店内にビックリ(゚д゚)! この想像できなかった展開で個人的に5つ星です(^o^) 只見線の様な秘境路線と呼ばれる沿線の飲食店は、ほとんどのお店が早々と店じまいしてしまう印象ですが、中野屋食堂さんは20:00迄営業と、宿への帰着が遅かった自分にはとても助かる存在でした。
We visited for dinner by introducing our accommodation. The appearance of the store is like a popular cafeteria that you often see in rural areas, but it's a surprise to see the interior filled with decorations that you can't imagine from the outside, which makes you think of it as a stylish cafe or a Western restaurant! I personally got 5 stars for this unimaginable development (^o^) Most of the restaurants along the so called unexplored area like Tadami Line seem to close their stores early, but Nakanoya Shokudo was open until 20:00 and was late to return to the inn. Was very helpful to me.
san manta on Google

内装に凝った定食屋さん。落ちつくし値段も安いが、丁寧にオーダー後に作る。その為時間がかかるので急ぎの人には向かないがゆっくりしたい人にはいいお店。漫画などもあり喫茶店のようにのんびりできる。都会じゃない事を割り切れれば最高です。 尚、近隣に素泊まりで宿泊する場合、外食の選択肢がほぼない為、重宝します。1時間は見てた方がいいですね。
A set meal restaurant with elaborate interior decoration. It's calm and cheap, but it's carefully made after ordering. Therefore, it takes time, so it is not suitable for people in a hurry, but it is a good shop for people who want to relax. There are also manga, so you can relax like a coffee shop. It's great if you can divide things that aren't in the city. In addition, if you stay in the neighborhood without meals, it is useful because there are almost no options for eating out. You should watch it for an hour.
いえもん on Google

外見からは想像もつかない程凝った内装。不思議な雰囲気で良し。 味噌ラーメンを頂きました。味は薄味でした。具は口内が火傷するくらい熱々で、これ単体で食べたかったな。 この宮下は高齢者が多く住まわれているので、そのニーズに寄り添っているのかなぁと感じました。
The interior is so elaborate that you can't imagine it from the outside. Good in a mysterious atmosphere. I had miso ramen. The taste was light. The ingredients were so hot that my mouth was burned, and I wanted to eat this alone. Many elderly people live in this Miyashita, so I felt that they were close to their needs.
かわい。郵便-交際会 on Google

This town sells Aizu local chicken, and so is this shop. Oyakodon 700 yen. It takes time because it is made after receiving the order, but the taste is good. There are many things that do not suit the exterior and the interior is thoroughly Western-style (laughs), but there is a sense of cleanliness.

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