クリエ 船橋競馬場店

2.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact クリエ 船橋競馬場店

住所 :

Miyamoto, Funabashi, 〒273-0003 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87977
Webサイト : http://www.p-world.co.jp/chiba/creer-funabashi.htm
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–11PM
Sunday 10AM–11PM
Monday 10AM–11PM
Tuesday 10AM–11PM
Wednesday 10AM–11PM
Thursday 10AM–11PM
Friday 10AM–11PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Miyamoto, Funabashi, 〒273-0003 Chiba,Japan
harukixx kashiwagi on Google

令和3年の2/15日の夜20時頃来店。皆さん知ってると思いますが、かなりの閑古鳥でほとんどお客さんがいません。 ゆっくり打ちたい人には向いてるかも。 ただ、女性のスーツ来てるホール店員へパチスロの計数をお願いした所、酷い接客で唖然。あんな酷い接客の人いるんですね、、、 舐めきった態度、敬語も使えない、このパチンコ屋は、コロナ禍なので景品交換に使うレシートも自分で取るようですが、一切お取り下さいの説明も無く、そのまま立ち去りました、、、 本当に残念です、前にいた男性らの方が良い接客の人が多かった。 唯一のこのホールの良さは、夜の景品受付の女の子が可愛い事ですかね。 まぁそこだけが良いです。
Visited around 20:00 on February 15th, 3rd year of Reiwa. As you all know, it is a very quiet old bird with few customers. It may be suitable for people who want to hit slowly. However, when I asked the hall clerk who came in a female suit to count the pachislot, I was stunned by the terrible customer service. There are people with such a terrible customer service ... This pachinko parlor, who has a licking attitude and can't use honorifics, seems to take the receipt used for exchanging prizes by himself because it is a corona sickness, but he left without any explanation to take it. I'm really sorry, there were many people who served better than the men who were in front of me. The only good thing about this hall is that the girl at the night prize reception is cute. Well only there is good.
越芽理 on Google

久しぶりに行ったら、1パチコーナーすら閑古鳥になってました。 活気もなく、常連さんも減り、台の状態も悪く……… そろそろ閉店で回収の予感…。 以前は1パチでそこそこ遊べていたのに… 凄く残念です… 今までありがとうございました。
When I went there for the first time in a long time, even one pachinko corner became a quiet old bird. It's not lively, the number of regulars is decreasing, and the condition of the table is bad ……… It's about to close and I have a feeling of recovery ... I used to be able to play with one slingshot, but ... I'm very sorry ... Thank you for what you have done.
遊技調査 on Google

系列店によくお世話になってるので覗きに来ました 店内トイレ共に少し汚い ちょっと殺伐とした雰囲気 立地がよい店の典型的な経営(○○ホイホイ置きっぱな感じ) 配置替えして店内を一新して「P」「S」共にレートを増やして薄利多売でいけば復活するかも お世話になってる系列店なので頑張ってください
I came to take a peek because I am often taken care of by affiliated stores Both the toilets in the store are a little dirty A little murderous atmosphere Typical management of a store with a good location (feeling like leaving XX Hoi Hoi) It may be revived if the store is relocated and the inside of the store is renewed, the rates of both "P" and "S" are increased, and the profits are low and high sales. Please do your best as it is an affiliated store that you are indebted to
さそりうし on Google

何年か前にこの店で強チェリー引いたあとから演出が一切こず、そしてリーチ目が来てるけどボーナス図柄が揃わないという現象がおきました。 そして店員呼ぶ前に写メや動画をたくさん録り 店員はボーナスじゃないリーチ目じゃないと言ってましたが説明書のリーチ目を見せたら顔が真っ青になり確認してきますと言って戻ってきたら確かに内部ではボーナス当選してました、配線外れてました申し訳ございませんと一言だけ謝って直してすぐ消えました。 遠隔だ〜!とかじゃなくて普通にひどくないですか? あれ?ボーナス揃わないなって無駄に何回もコイン使って回してるのに申し訳ございませんでしたで終わり?? あと店員経験者に聞きたいのですがAタイプじゃない機種やパチンコで配線とやらが外れたらどうゆう現象が起きるのですか? 写メや動画に音声は機種変更してもSDカードに大切に保存してます。 みなさん気をつけてください
After pulling a strong cherry at this store a few years ago, there was no directing, and there was a phenomenon that the reach eyes were coming but the bonus patterns were not aligned. And before calling the clerk, record a lot of photos and videos The clerk said that it was not a bonus and it was not a reach eye, but when I showed the reach eye of the instruction manual, my face turned blue and I said that I would check it, and when I came back, I was sure that I won the bonus inside, the wiring was off I apologized for just one word and fixed it and it disappeared immediately. It's remote! Isn't it usually terrible? that? I'm sorry that I wasted many coins because I didn't have all the bonuses. ?? Also, I would like to ask an experienced clerk, but what happens if the wiring is disconnected from a non-A type model or pachinko machine? Even if you change the model of the photo or video, the audio is carefully saved on the SD card. Take care of yourself, please
:o n on Google

Personally, the lineup of stands is good. However, the response of the woman with a short counter is too bad. If you are there when you bring your receipt to the counter, it will really wither ... It just makes people uncomfortable and quit serving customers. Will you ask another clerk from the next time? I don't want to see you again.
モンタナクラウン on Google

An unmotivated clerk named Kiku ◯ wiped the table like crazy! ️ With an attitude that makes you want to go home very quickly. I wish I could crush it quickly
高田愛也 on Google

長く色んな店舗見てますが こないだ一度だけ行きましたが甘から他の台まで酷かったです 釘はガチガチでびっくりでした
I've been looking at various stores for a long time I went there only once, but it was terrible from sweet to other stands The nails were stiff and surprised
おら館長 on Google

新しい機種がない分、客は少ないのである意味のんびり打てるのはいいです。 ただ、景品交換のカウンターにいる山◯という女性は態度が悪い通り越して若干の恐怖を覚えました。 質問しても目を合わせることなく、遠い方向を見て頷くだけ、接客がめんどくさいんだろうなと思いました。 あと、細身のやや髪が薄い男性スタッフも態度悪いです。 他の方も仰っているように接客の質は本当に良くないと思いました。 経営側はもう少し教育し直したほうがいいのでは?流石にあそこまで酷い接客を受けたことないです。
Since there are no new models, there are few customers, so it's nice to be able to hit it leisurely. However, a woman named Yama ◯ at the prize exchange counter passed through a bad attitude and felt a little scared. Even if I asked a question, I thought that it would be annoying to serve customers just by looking in a distant direction and nodding without looking at each other. Also, the slender, slightly thin-haired male staff has a bad attitude. As others have said, I thought the quality of customer service was not really good. Isn't it better for management to re-educate a little more? I have never received such a terrible customer service.

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