
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 越野運送株式会社/楽器輸送/精密機器輸送/スポット輸送はおまかせ/大阪の運送会社

住所 :

Miyakojimahondori, Miyakojima Ward, 〒534-0021 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : https://www.koshino.co.jp/
街 : Osaka

Miyakojimahondori, Miyakojima Ward, 〒534-0021 Osaka,Japan
山下恵司 on Google

安全運輸 on Google

Shotaro Yamashiro on Google

I use it all the time, but it is impressive that the employees always work with a smile.
折笠真也 on Google

I run a company, but now that I have expanded my business, I have narrowed my office and decided to move my office. My company deals with precision machinery, so I was wondering how to move. Then, when a friend of management used "Koshino Unyu", he said that he handled the precision machinery carefully and was able to respond promptly. I was very worried that the precision machine would not break, but I was able to complete the move without breaking anything. I was relieved because I was able to move without problems as I had heard. If I decide to relocate the office, I would like to ask here.
相田秀徳 on Google

When I moved, I was trying to move by renting a truck myself, but when a married friend bought a house, I gave up a large cupboard that gave me "I can't enter the new house" I was troubled by the handling of. Because it was tall and large, it seemed impossible for amateurs, but I didn't like to ask a moving contractor depending on the person in charge of the day. At that time, I knew that a transportation company that transports precision equipment in Osaka was also delivering furniture, so I thought it would be safe to ask here. Thanks to you, I was able to carry it smoothly without any scratches.
竹越沙紀子 on Google

I play musical instruments as a hobby. I borrowed a studio from a music mate and practiced it, but sometimes I decided to hold a small event to show results. At that time, I wanted to rent a car to carry various kinds of musical instruments, but I couldn't find the right truck. I found Koshino Unyu when I was looking for a specialist to carry instruments. I will contact you immediately and have you carry on the day. We were able to get transportation advice and the driver took me to the site. Throughout, I didn't have to drive, but I was able to carry it cheaper than a rental car. It was a day when I could learn that it was not cheap to do everything on my own because I could carry important instruments without hurting them.
田口明久 on Google

昔お世話になった大阪の輸送会社さんです。他校の学祭で定期演奏会をすることになり、サークルの全員分の楽器を運ぶ必要がありました。もちろん個人の楽器は個人で持っていくのですが、学校で共同で使っているアンプやドラムセットを持っていく必要があり、トラックをレンタルする話が持ち上がっていました。 しかしこのホームページを見つけた部員が、レンタルより安いらしいよとプレゼンしてくれました。運転を輸送のプロにお願いできるのも頼もしいし、レンタルトラックより安いならぜひということでお願いしました。当日は楽器輸送をする際のアドバイスもいただけて助かりました。後輩にも教えたので、毎回お世話になっているみたいです。
It is a transportation company in Osaka that was indebted to me. We had a regular concert at a school in another school, and we had to carry the instruments for everyone in the circle. Of course, personal instruments are brought by individuals, but it was necessary to bring amps and drum sets that were shared with the school, and there was a talk about renting a truck. However, the member who found this homepage gave a presentation that it seems cheaper than rental. I was also able to ask a transport professional to drive, and I asked for it if it was cheaper than a rental truck. On the day of the tour, I was able to get advice on transporting instruments. I also taught my juniors, so it looks like they are taking care of me every time.
山田洋 on Google

イベント運営会社に勤めているものです。音楽のライブを担当しているので、楽器輸送に関して大阪にあるこちらの運送業者さんにいつもお願いしています。 以前、うちの会社では他の運送会社を利用していましたが、一度楽器が破損するというトラブルがあって、アーティストさんに迷惑をかけたことがあり、その時に運送会社の見直しをしてこちらに切り替えました。 さすが老舗ということもあって、仕事が丁寧でミスは基本的にありません。安心してお仕事をお願いできます。楽器や周辺機器は意外とデリケートですから、運送業者のスタッフの方の扱い方や運び方は結構重要です。最近では格安の業者も増えてきてますが、楽器を壊してしまったら結局安いが安いになりませんから、最初から安心できる業者に頼んだ方がいいですよ。その点で、ここはおすすめです。
I work for an event management company. Since I am in charge of live music, I always ask this transportation company in Osaka for instrument transportation. Previously, our company used another shipping company, but once there was a trouble that the instrument was damaged, it caused trouble for the artist, at that time we reviewed the shipping company and click here Switched to. As expected, it is a long-established store, so the work is polite and there are basically no mistakes. You can ask for work with peace of mind. Musical instruments and peripherals are surprisingly sensitive, so handling and carrying by the transport staff is quite important. Recently, the number of cheap contractors is increasing, but if you break your instrument, it will eventually be cheap but not cheap, so you should ask a reliable contractor from the beginning. In that respect, it is recommended here.

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