ごはん屋 つるかめ

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ごはん屋 つるかめ

住所 :

Miyakecho, Kameoka, 〒621-0814 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
街 : Kyoto

Miyakecho, Kameoka, 〒621-0814 Kyoto,Japan
みちょん on Google

It was my first visit, but the menu was plentiful and delicious.
冨賀恵美 on Google

I can't go back again because the food I've asked for for serving does not come out for 40 minutes. There is no greeting from the owner when the store is closed. Am I a transparent person? !
亀頭2:50 on Google

The owner here is from Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture, and he said that Tsuruga's "Tsuru" and Kameoka's "Kame" were combined into the name "Tsurukame"! !!
m i. on Google

It's a small shop. The duck salad and seafood bowl were delicious! And the radish of oden is big and impressed. I think it's a little uncomfortable to have only one toilet near the entrance.
慶喜A on Google

One of Amity's dining areas, noodles are the center, but set meals of rice are plentiful and popular.
kamomes24 S on Google

亀岡の方が羨ましい‼️ 京都市内だったら 毎日通いたいお店です。 丁寧な 味付けとお料理ですが、親しみやすいお料理‼️ ランチも 贅沢な時間を楽しめます。 お値段は… お財布に優しいので、給料日前にもお勧めです‼️ でも… 本当は 教えたく無いこのお店‼️(笑)
I envy Kameoka !! ️ If you are in Kyoto, this is the shop you want to visit every day. It's carefully seasoned and cooked, but it's a friendly dish! ️ You can also enjoy a luxurious time for lunch. The price is ... It's kind to your wallet, so it's recommended even before the payday! ️ But ... I really don't want to tell you this shop! ️ (laughs)
Jウイスキー on Google

お店の料理は多彩でおいしい。 陳列されてる呉春の冷なら何でもいけると思う。 退店のさいはナイトキャップとして、写真の栃木酒が良。
The food at the restaurant is diverse and delicious. I think you can do anything with the cold Goshun on display. Tochigi sake in the photo is good as a nightcap when leaving the store.
杉本早恵子 on Google

どの料理も美味しくいただきました! 亀岡に行った時にはまた是非行きたいです!

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