Miwa Yamamoto Somen - Sakurai

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Miwa Yamamoto Somen

住所 :

878 Hashinaka, Sakurai, Nara 633-0072, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 633-0072
Webサイト : https://www.miwa-somen.jp/

878 Hashinaka, Sakurai, Nara 633-0072, Japan
M 310 on Google

ちょっと変わった超極細麺のそうめんを食べてみたくて三輪素麺山本さんにお邪魔しました。 付けられた名前は「白髪」 ホントに美しい白い髪の毛のような見た目ですね。 0.3mmでゆで時間30秒の指定あり! 噂に聞いていた通りとても繊細な食感で、そうめんなんだけど別の食べ物と言ってもいいかもって思いました。 お値段は乾麺2束で税込648円となかなかの贅沢品価格。 その一束をゆでで氷で締めてエビと椎茸ときぬさやをトッピングしたものに麺つゆ付けて990円って、考えようによってはぼったくりに見えなくもないかもですが、あの細いそうめんを作る技術と、それを解けてしまわないように細いままその食感を楽しめるように茹でるにはある程度経験しないと自宅では再現が難しいかも…って思いました。 そう思えば990円というお値段は納得価格かもですね。 とにかくいつも食べているそうめんとは一線を画す超極細麺! まだの方はぜひ一度食されることをおすすめします。 ※ 温かいにゅうめん(ゆば山菜入りをいただきました)も落ち着いたお味で大変美味しゅうございました☺️
I visited Miwa Somen Yamamoto-san because I wanted to try somen, which is a slightly unusual ultra-fine noodle. The name given is "white hair" It looks like really beautiful white hair. There is a specification of boil time of 30 seconds at 0.3 mm! As I heard from rumors, it has a very delicate texture, and I'm sorry, but I thought it could be called another food. The price is 648 yen including tax for 2 bundles of dried noodles, which is quite a luxury item price. Boil the bunch of ice cubes, boil it, top it with shrimp, shiitake mushrooms, and sushi, and add noodle soup for 990 yen. I thought that it might be difficult to reproduce at home without some experience to boil it so that you can enjoy its texture while keeping it thin so that it will not be unraveled. If you think so, the price of 990 yen may be a convincing price. Anyway, ultra-fine noodles that are different from the somen that you always eat! If you haven't done so yet, we recommend that you try it once. * The warm noodles (with yuba edible wild plants) had a calm taste and were very delicious ☺️
Takezo M on Google

食事処でにゅうめんを頂きました。 直売所と繋がった建物はとても綺麗で高級素麺のイメージに合っていると思います。食事処も綺麗ですがページャーでの呼び出しがサービスエリアやフードコートみたいなイメージですしメニュー自体もちょっと安っぽさを感じます。
I had somen noodles at the restaurant. The building connected to the direct sales office is very beautiful and fits the image of high-class somen noodles. The restaurant is beautiful, but the call on the pager is like a service area or food court, and the menu itself feels a little cheap.
shinichi w. on Google

You can only buy white-haired somen noodles here or directly online. If you are new to eating, you will be impressed. It is also used at Japanese restaurants in Kyoto, and it is amazing that such thin noodles are surprising and moving, and the fineness of the hair makes you feel chewy.
つくつく天 on Google

僕の、そうめんの概念を変えて頂いた店。 昔、そうめんなんてお中元に貰って運が悪い日のご飯。 でも、ここのそうめん白龍を食べてからは考え方が変わりました。 そうめんには無いと思っていたコシがある。あの喉をスルスルと入っていく食感。 最高です。 まさかの、大嫌いハズレだと思っていた「そうめん」が、主役に大抜擢。 この店の、そうめんに出会えて本当に良かった。 ただ、湯で時間は守ってね!
A store that changed my concept of somen noodles. A long time ago, somen was given to Nakamoto and it was a meal on an unlucky day. However, after eating somen white dragon here, my way of thinking changed. There is a stiffness that I thought was not in somen. The texture that goes through that throat. it's the best. "Somen", which I thought was a loss I hated, was selected as the leading role. It was really nice to meet somen at this shop. Just keep the time with hot water!
703 on Google

バイクでも車でも何回も来ています(^-^) コロナの事もあり2年半振りの来店♪ 来ない内にメニューめっちゃ増えてる(*_*)! 悩みに悩んだ結果... 結局、普通のにゅうめんと単品で柿の葉寿司を注文。 久々に食べましたが安定の美味しさ! 素麺もそうですがにゅうめんのダシも美味しい。 ここの山椒が多めに入った七味も大好き! ここの接客も何回来ても素晴らしいです。 また近い内に違うメニュー食べにお邪魔します(*^-^*)
I've come many times by motorcycle or car (^-^) It's been two and a half years since I visited the store because of the corona ♪ The menu is increasing before I come (* _ *)! The result of worries ... After all, I ordered persimmon leaf sushi separately from ordinary somen noodles. I ate it after a long time, but it's stable and delicious! Like somen noodles, the dashi stock of noodles is also delicious. I also love Shichimi, which has a lot of Japanese pepper here! The customer service here is wonderful no matter how many times you come. In the near future, I will bother you to eat a different menu (* ^-^ *)
on Google

美味い素麺です。 店も、接客もとても良い。 素麺は地元に近い揖保乃糸だろうと思いますが、 煮麺で頂いたのでよくわかりません。 素麺と天ぷらのセットに柿の葉寿司を追加。 とてもおいしかった。
It is delicious somen noodles. The store and customer service are very good. I think the somen noodles are Ibonoito, which is close to the local area. I'm not sure because I got it with boiled noodles. Added persimmon leaf sushi to the set of somen noodles and tempura. was very delicious.
Hanibi desu on Google

Nimrog Yo on Google

Nice experience. I was eating soba in many places around Japan, but without doubt its fame is well worth it. Delicius. The price is could seem a bit expensive, but I think it deserve it. The only two things i found a bit uneasy were it was a bit difficult to find, and the staff. Quite cold for my taste,

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