
2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

About (株)メインサービス


会社名 株式会社メインサービス URL https://www.main-service.co.jp/ 本社所在地 〒555-0012 大阪市西淀川区御幣島3-16-25 3F 設立 1995年5月 代表取締役 川崎 孝 資本金 3000万円

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Contact (株)メインサービス

住所 :

Mitejima, Nishiyodogawa Ward, 〒555-0012 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88888
Webサイト : http://www.main-service.co.jp/
街 : Osaka

Mitejima, Nishiyodogawa Ward, 〒555-0012 Osaka,Japan
ra Mi on Google

エアコンの取り付けをお願いしました。 迅速に作業していただき、動作確認、掃除、箱の持ち帰りもしていただきとても助かりました。 またよろしくお願いします。
I asked you to install an air conditioner. It was very helpful to work quickly, check the operation, clean it, and take out the box. Also thank you.
shinta yokoyama on Google

エアコンの取り外ししてもらいました。 壁がひどく汚れて、エアコンも破損しました。 どこの部分かわかりませんが、強引にホースを引っ張っていたので それが原因だと思います。 また、作業が終わった後は水が床にこぼれていました。 ふかずに帰っていきました。 もう2度と利用しません。 引っ越し侍からの紹介でしたが、引っ越し侍も利用しないほうがいいと思います。
I had the air conditioner removed. The wall was very dirty and the air conditioner was damaged. I don't know where it was, but I was pulling the hose I think that is the cause. In addition, water was spilled on the floor after the work was completed. I went home without a break. I will not use it again. Although it was an introduction from a moving cage, I think it is better not to use a moving cage.
コンコン on Google

かんたんに言って悪質業者 工事費込で買ったエアコンが追加費用で 普通に知識の無い人が立ち会いをすると工事費をまた請求されてた。 とんでもない業者、工事が終わってから高いと言われても対応できないってw
To put it simply, a malicious vendor Air conditioner bought with construction cost is an additional cost When an ordinary person without knowledge witnessed, the construction cost was charged again. A ridiculous contractor, even if it is said that it is expensive after the construction is completed, I can not respond w
もも on Google

全てにおいて最悪でした。 そもそも時間も守らないし、問い合わせのかけ直しの時間も守れない。 最初の基本金額から追加の部品代をあれかこれやと請求され、基本料金7700円で住むはずが結果的に部品の個数(3300円×5つ)に加えて基本料金が必要だとかふっかけられ、挙げ句の果には部品がもともとあれば良いが新しく客が自分で購入したものは駄目だとかわけのわからない理由(あとで責任者に確認したところこれも嘘で、客に電気工事の知識も資格もないので勝手に判断し買わせようとしたとの事)といった最低の対応をされた。明らかに詐欺まがいの足元を見る対応の上、言動が二転三転し事実と異なることをあたかも説明したように主張する作業員とその責任者、その上料金や施工に関しての問い合わせで確認するので責任者と話をさせてくれと言えば会社の名前も教えてくれず作業員も名乗らない会社の電話番号も教えてくれない上に、紹介元の引越し侍に問い合わせろとたらい回し。結局引越し侍ではなくその施工会社の問題なのでまたその会社名を引越し侍に聞き電話番号を調べて問い合わせすることに。 現場の作業員は社内の値段設定や施工のルールも把握できていないような責任者と連絡して騙すような値段をふっかける極悪会社です。 そんなところを平気で紹介する引越し侍もこのメインサービスという会社もどちらも非常に最悪なので二度と利用しません。 追加料金で儲けよう、若い女だから騙せるだろうといった魂胆が見え見えの害悪会社です。 嘘を並べ立てた対応でしたので結局施工もお断りし、引越し侍からの別の業者紹介も断りました。最悪でした。非常に不愉快です。
It was the worst of all. In the first place, we cannot keep time and we cannot keep time to call again. From the first basic amount, additional parts fee was charged for this or something, and it was supposed to live at a basic charge of 7700 yen, but eventually it was necessary to add the basic charge in addition to the number of parts (3300 yen × 5) The reason why I didn't know that the customer originally bought the parts, but I couldn't understand why the new one purchased by himself was useless. Since he has no qualifications, he tried to make decisions and buy it.) Obviously, after looking at the footsteps of fraudulent fraud, the worker and the person in charge who insisted that it was as if it explained that the behavior was changed over and over and it was different from the fact, and confirmed with the inquiry about the fee and construction. Speaking with the person in charge, he didn't tell me the name of the company, the workers didn't give me the phone number of the company, and I asked the moving samurai who introduced me to call me. After all, since it is not the moving samurai's issue but the construction company, I decided to ask the moving samurai about the company name and inquire the telephone number. The on-site worker is a villainy company that tricks the price into deceiving by contacting the person in charge who does not understand the rules for price setting and construction in the company. Both the moving samurai who introduces such a place without any trouble and the company called this main service are both the worst, so I will never use them again. It is a harmful company that shows the courage that a young woman can trick you into making money at an additional charge. Since it was a response that laid out a lie, I declined construction in the end and refused introduction of another contractor from the moving samurai. It was the worst It's very unpleasant.
武将くるぶし on Google

I was told that I couldn't work on the day two days before the installation of the air conditioner, so I waited and was told that I needed the permission of my neighbor. Is it common sense to contact us to obtain permission on the day before the construction date? The worker got home without properly masking and removing the curtains, which is the worst.
Youtubeの戦争を終わらせに来た人 on Google

エアコン取り付けの施工日が大幅にずれ、当日来た作業員がとても不衛生だった。 取り付けも不安なことが多く もっとプロの人にお願いしたかった。 大手からの業務委託で来るのでこの会社を避けられないのが辛い。
The construction days for installing air conditioners were significantly different, and the workers who came on the day were very unsanitary. I was worried about the installation, so I wanted to ask more professionals. It is difficult to avoid this company because it comes from a major consignment.
こぺねーろ on Google

I had them install the air conditioner I ordered online. I was very worried because the reviews were terrible, but on the day of the event, the person in charge came on time and proceeded with the work, and there was nothing to worry about. I haven't paid any additional fees. It seems that there are quite a few hits and misses depending on the person in charge.
Y G on Google

つい先日楽しみにしていたエアコンを3台取り付けしてもらいました。 口コミが酷かったので、正直心配でしたが、 当日は、爽やかな清潔感のあるお兄さんが一人で来られ、 終始笑顔で対応してくれました。 また、エアコンも大変綺麗に取り付けて頂き、 家族全員とっても満足しております。 追加料金は少しありましたが、 素人目で見ても、そりゃこの部分はお金掛かるわなって、 思える追加工事だったので特に気にはなりませんでした。 なのでまたエアコンの取り付けが必要になった際は、 先日来てくれたお兄さんを指名してお願いしたいなと思ってます。
I had them install three air conditioners that I was looking forward to the other day. I was honestly worried because the word of mouth was terrible, On the day, a refreshing and clean brother came alone, He responded with a smile from beginning to end. Also, please install the air conditioner very neatly. The whole family is very happy. There was a little extra charge, Even if you look at it from an amateur's point of view, it costs money for this part, It was an additional work that seemed to me, so I didn't really care. So when you need to install the air conditioner again, I would like to ask you to nominate the older brother who came the other day.

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