Mister Donut - Toda

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Mister Donut

住所 :

1 Chome-3-1 Bijogihigashi, Toda, Saitama 335-0032, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88999
Postal code : 335-0032
Webサイト : http://www.misterdonut.jp/

1 Chome-3-1 Bijogihigashi, Toda, Saitama 335-0032, Japan
masaki noda on Google

The Pikachu donuts were delicious.
Harumi Suzuki on Google

混雑していた。店の外まで行列が出来ていた。 以前から食べたいと思っていたホットドッグを食べることができた。本格的なホットドッグで美味しい。
It was crowded. There was a line outside the store. I was able to eat a hot dog that I've always wanted to eat. It's a full-fledged hot dog and delicious.
かち割り君 on Google

Before 19:00, there are only about 4 items in the left corner of the product shelves. While I was busy at other stores, these three employees were laughing and talking happily at the cash register. Please make donuts without doing that.
ayako on Google

Collaboration with Dojima Roll Launched on the first day of the donut, I went to buy around noon! Insanely delicious. After all cream is delicious. As it is for use to be lost immediately in limited quantities, people who want to buy seem to line up after 11:00.
2022 ar on Google

イオンモールの二階のフードコート内にある店舗です。娘がドーナツが好きなので、色々な場所のミスタードーナツに行きますが、ここはある特定の店員の対応が悪くて、あまり来たくない店舗です。オモチャが欲しいからキッズセットを頼むのに、キッズセットを頼んだらオモチャのことを聞かれなくて、ハイとドーナツを渡されて。。あれ?忘れたのかな?と思い、「あの、オモチャは売り切れですか?」と聞いたら「オモチャ付きはキッズセットにプラス80円かかります!」と言われて。そんな対応されたのは初めてで、普通に考えて、キッズセットといえばオモチャ付きだと思うけど。。言い方もレジの打ち直しも、とても、めんどくさそうにされて。。 違う日に同じ店舗でキッズセットを頼んだら、普通にオモチャのことを聞かれたので、その人だけがそういう対応なんだと思いましたがあまり行きたくない店舗です。
A store located in the food court on the second floor of Aeon Mall. My daughter likes donut, so I go to Mr. Donuts in various places, but this is a store that I do not want to come to because certain clerks do not respond well. I asked for a kids set because I wanted a toy, but when I ordered a kids set, I was not asked about the toys, and I was given a high and a donut. . that? Did you forget? When asked, "Are the toys sold out?", They said, "With a toy, a kids set costs an extra 80 yen!" It is the first time that such a support has been made, but thinking normally, I think that a kids set has a toy. . It was very annoying to say and re-check the cashier. .ら If I asked for a kids set at the same store on a different day, I was usually asked about the toys, so I thought that that person was the only solution, but I don't want to go too much.
GC-8は神車 on Google

店員さんの対応は素晴らしいが、肝心な味がここの店舗だけ変です。 凄く油臭くて、何食べても味が同じに感じます。 数あるミスドの中で一番近場なだけあって残念です。当分ここの店舗の購入は控えたいと思います。
The clerk's response is wonderful, but the essential taste is strange only at this store. It's very oily and tastes the same no matter what you eat. It's a pity that it's the closest of the many Mister Donuts. For the time being, I would like to refrain from purchasing this store.
あるくまーる on Google

2021年1月8日~ピエールマルコリーニとのコラボドーナツ(数量限定)が食べたくて何度かお店に伺いましたが昼前には売切れで購入することが出来ず、10時のオープンに合わせてお店に行ってみても長蛇の列が出来ていて購入する気がなくなり。。。ずっと食べたかったのですが2月も中旬になり様子を見に平日11時過ぎに再訪してみたところ長蛇の列もなくなり普通に購入できるようになりました。ハート型は人気でありませんでしたが、キャラメル・フランボワーズ・ヘーゼルナッツがありましたので各種1人2個まででしたので2個づつテイクアウトで購入させていただきました。 3種類ですがどの味も通常のドーナツとは違い上品なチョコレートスイーツのようなドーナツでコーヒーとの相性も抜群に良くとても美味しくいただきました。次回は味わえなかったショコラを目当てに伺いたいと思います。 まだ召し上がっていない方は2021年3月中旬まで販売されるようですので平日の午前中の早い時間か休日は10時のオープンに合わせると購入できると思います。ホワイトデーのお返しにもおすすめだと思います。
From January 8th, 2021 I visited the shop several times because I wanted to eat a collaboration donut (limited quantity) with Pierre Marcolini, but I couldn't buy it because it was sold out before noon, so it was open at 10 o'clock. Even when I went to the store, there was a long line and I didn't feel like buying it. .. .. I've always wanted to eat it, but in mid-February, when I visited again after 11 o'clock on weekdays to see what was going on, the long line disappeared and I could buy it normally. The heart shape wasn't popular, but since there were caramel, framboise, and hazelnuts, it was limited to 2 per person, so I bought 2 each for takeout. There are three types, but each taste is different from ordinary donuts, it is a donut like an elegant chocolate sweet, and it goes well with coffee and it was very delicious. Next time, I would like to ask you about the chocolate that you couldn't taste. Those who haven't eaten yet will be on sale until mid-March 2021, so I think you can buy it early in the morning on weekdays or on holidays when it opens at 10 o'clock. I think it is also recommended in return for White Day.
田村和俊 on Google

AEON北戸田のフードコートにあります。 他のミスタードーナッツとメニュー構成は変わりません。フードコートの中に有るので、他の店のメニューと一緒に楽しむ事が出来る。 Located at the food court of AEON Kitatoda. The menu structure is the same as other Mister Donuts. Since it is located in the food court, you can enjoy it with the menus of other restaurants.
Located at the food court of AEON Kitatoda. The menu structure is the same as other Mister Donuts. Since it is located in the food court, you can enjoy it with the menus of other stores. Located at the food court of AEON Kitatoda. The menu structure is the same as other Mister Donuts. Since it is located in the food court, you can enjoy it with the menus of other restaurants.

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