Misakicho Chuoundo Park - Kume District

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Misakicho Chuoundo Park

住所 :

Harada, Misaki, Kume District, Okayama 709-3717, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 709-3717

Harada, Misaki, Kume District, Okayama 709-3717, Japan
takami oomori on Google

There are two types of large roller coasters. It's thrilling because it passes over the road! However, since it has deteriorated over time, damage can be seen here and there. The rope tower is too old and dangerous to use
Tetsushi Sakamoto on Google

たまごかけご飯 おいしいです おかわりもできますよ
Egg-cooked rice is delicious. You can also refill it.
中道基夫 on Google

昨日 一昨日と60代以上のお年寄りが東は関東方面から西は九州から集まってバスケットの試合を行った。 今回は低評価。体育館内のトイレが使えなくなっていた。水が流れないので…。という理由らしい。近接の武道館のトイレが使えたが シューズのまんま履けるスリッパを履いて移動という不便さ。早めの修理をお願いしたい。
Yesterday, the day before yesterday and the elderly in their 60s and above gathered from the Kanto area in the east and Kyushu in the west to play basketball. This time it is low rating. The toilet in the gymnasium was unavailable. Because the water doesn't flow ... That seems to be the reason. I could use the toilet at the nearby Budokan, but it was inconvenient to move with slippers that I could wear with my shoes. I would like to request an early repair.
反骨精神 on Google

近くの? 玉子?掛けご飯のお店 玉子&ご飯 食べ放題ですよ。 濃いからず薄からず なかなかの美味✨ お持ち帰り?です。 クーラーボックス等に? 氷を入れて⤴️ お持ち帰りも✨ 1度ご賞味を? 待ちも?なかなかの時間なので?お持ち帰りが? オススメです。 お店の方いわく 1時間半待ちは? 少ない方らしいので? 持ち帰り&コンビニで? レンジご飯?暖めて 刻みネギ買って乗せて 暖かい内に 公園で? 玉子割って?醤油垂らして 食べるのも? 密回避で? 良いかもです? でわ✋
near? Egg ? Rice restaurant Egg & rice All you can eat. Not dark and not thin Very delicious ✨ Takeaway ?. For cooler boxes, etc.? Put ice ⤴️ Takeaway is also ✨ Do you want to try it once? Wait too? It's quite time, so ? Do you want to take it home? I recommend it. According to the shop How about waiting for an hour and a half? Because it seems that there are few people? Takeaway & at a convenience store? Range rice ? Warm up Buy chopped green onions and put them on In the warm in the park? Break the egg? Drop the soy sauce Do you eat? With dense avoidance? It may be good ? Dewa ✋
岡山グルメパン好き on Google

美味しい卵かけご飯を食べに行こう!何杯食べても500円なんて(*º ロ º *)!!ビックリ!道中日本一のたい焼き屋さんや様々なお店があるので良いドライブコースですよ?
Let's go eat delicious omelet rice! No matter how many cups you eat, it's 500 yen (* º Lo º *) !! Surprised! It's a good drive course because there are the best Taiyaki restaurants in Japan and various shops along the way ?
放浪するm on Google

A place that is often used by locals. There is a good walking path to the tennis court in the baseball field. There is an appropriate parking lot in the large athletic park, and there is a free restaurant “Kamechi Shokudo” in the athletic park where you can replace the rice terrace rice and egg eggs that are highly evaluated in the eating log. There are many users.
sasa kame on Google

名物たまごかけご飯が食べられる。 小高い山の上にある運動公園。 広場もあり小さい子供をチョロっと遊ばせるのに良さそう。
You can eat the famous tamago kake gohan. An athletic park on a small mountain. There is also a plaza, which looks good for small children to play around with.
aka tonbo on Google

The rice with eggs in the cafeteria Kamecchi was very delicious and I was very satisfied with the all-you-can-eat.

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