猫・夢空間 気ままなみーこ

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

和歌山で猫カフェをお探しなら猫・夢空間気ままなみーこにお越しください - Kimamana-miiko.jp


Contact 猫・夢空間 気ままなみーこ

住所 :

Minato, 〒640-8404 Wakayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://kimamana-miiko.jp/
街 : Wakayama

Minato, 〒640-8404 Wakayama,Japan
りんぷぅ on Google

古民家風な猫カフェのお店で看板猫の小ちゃんとちこちゃんがお出迎え。 里親募集中の猫ちゃん達やお庭にはウサギちゃん達がいます。
Sign cats and Chico-chan welcome you at an old-fashioned cat cafe shop. There are cats who are looking for foster parents and rabbits in the garden.
まーぼ on Google

It feels like an old folk house and calms down.
mo to on Google

自分の飼っている猫を連れていける珍しい猫カフェです! 私が行った時は生後2~3ヵ月の遊び盛りな子猫がたくさんおり、とても楽しかったです! 猫を飼っている方には嬉しい爪切り・カット、ホテルまでやってます♪ ちなみに庭にはウサギもいてます!
It is a rare cat cafe where you can take your own cat! When I went there, I had a lot of fun kittens 2 to 3 months old and it was a lot of fun! For those who own cats, we are happy to do nail clippers, cuts, and even hotels ♪ By the way, there are rabbits in the garden!
a s on Google

割と臭います。 お客さんが預けている猫を開放して、猫カフェとしているみたいです。 保護猫も中にはいます。 猫たちが人に慣れていないのか、かなり攻撃的で威嚇しまくりなのと、触ろうとすると攻撃してくるので全然かわいくないのです…涙 1匹だけのんびりかわいい猫もいたのがまぁ救いでした。ちなみに、ハリネズミも放し飼いです。とってもかわいいです。 猫の中にいて攻撃されてちょっとかわいそうだけど…。 ハリネズミ踏まないように気をつけて!
It smells so badly. It seems that the cat cafe is opened by opening the cat for which the customer is leaving. There is also a protection cat inside. I'm not pretty at all because cats are attacking when I try to touch if I try to touch if cats are not used to people, and they are quite aggressive and intimidating. It was salvation that there was only one lovely cat. By the way, hedgehogs are also free rangers. It is very cute. I am in a cat and attacked and I'm a little sorry .... Be careful not to step on the hedgehog!
上田和宏 on Google

The atmosphere is nice, but it's annoying that regulars stay there for a long time. Moreover, even after the closing time, he continues to stay and does not seem to pay any fees. A shop that is kind to some customers but does not seem to welcome them. It is not recommended to stop by casually.
かかしFX on Google

縁があって此方にいた子猫の里親になりました。 店主さんはじめスタッフ皆さん良い方でした。 またそのうち行きたいと思います。
I became a foster parent of a kitten who had a connection and was here. The shop owner and all the staff were good people. I would like to go again soon.
T I on Google

Besides cats, there were also hedgehogs and rabbits.
碧猫 on Google

ハリネズミとうさぎが特に可愛かったです?子猫を観たいなら今は居ないようです。 書き込みにもあるように常連さんと一見さんとで扱いが全く違います… こちらは寒い中、座布団で座ってるのにこたつで携帯を触って猫ちゃんとぬくぬくしてるスタッフさんを観て腹が立ったので色々とお願いして働いて貰いました。もしボランティアさんならすみません…? ペットホテルとしては⭐️3 猫カフェとしては⭐️2 某29匹所帯のそこから近い猫カフェさんはスタッフさんが中に滅多に居ないし設備も整ってるのであたたかい?猫カフェ目当てに行くならそこへ行くべきかなと?
Hedgehogs and rabbits were especially cute ? If you want to see kittens, you don't seem to be there now. As you can see in the post, the treatment is completely different between regulars and reservations ... In the cold weather, I was angry when I saw the staff who was sitting on a cushion, touching my cell phone with a kotatsu, and warming up with a cat, so I asked him to work. I'm sorry if you're a volunteer ... ? As a pet hotel ⭐️3 As a cat cafe ⭐️2 The cat cafe near the 29 cats is warm because the staff is rarely inside and the facilities are well equipped ? If you go to the cat cafe, you should go there ?

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