
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact たなべ書店本店

住所 :

Minamisuna, Koto City, 〒136-0076 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://www.tanabeshoten.net/
街 : Tokyo
Description : Classic shop specializing in vintage & used foreign & domestic movie pamphlets, plus books & manga.

Minamisuna, Koto City, 〒136-0076 Tokyo,Japan
竜也DJ成田 on Google

There was no "Welcome" when I entered the store. Good quality books are wrapped in vinyl so that they cannot be browsed. Some extra for the same book. However, I bought a book wrapped in vinyl, but when I read it, it looked like chocolate residue, and I thought that the assessment inside was appropriate.
大川博幸 on Google

蔵書の処分に利用しましたが、対応が最悪です。 明らかに喧嘩腰の対応をされました。 ブックオフ並の値段査定後、明らかに挑発的な言動と行動を続けた事を後味悪い印象を残しました。 喧嘩に絶対勝てたい方、老害を殴りつけても後味悪い思いをしたくない方にはお薦めです。 支店は、雰囲気が良く、絶版の文庫が多数在るだけに残念です。 店員の人間性に難有りです。
I used it to dispose of my collection, but the response is the worst. Apparently, I was dealt with a fight. After the price assessment at the same level as Book Off, I left an unpleasant impression that he continued to act and act clearly provocatively. Recommended for those who absolutely want to win the fight and those who do not want to have a bad aftertaste even if they hit the gerontocracy. It's a shame that the branch has a nice atmosphere and there are many out-of-print paperbacks. There is a problem with the humanity of the clerk.
田辺幸雄 on Google

The shop is well organized and easy to see, and there are also flyers related to movies. There is a book corner recommended for teens, and the store makes you feel like you like books. The inside of the store is quite large, and there are quite a lot of books from manga to religion books, Iwanami Bunko, and practical books.
かず on Google

It is said that there are old comic books (rare ones). Once upon a time, it was shown on the TV Tokyo program "Haunting! Ad Machikku Heaven". A famous novelist has used the store, and he mentioned the name of the store in his novel. By the way, in front of Minamisago station? There is a store in, but that is a novel-only sale (о´∀`о)
乙名丹次郎 on Google

大変品揃え豊富な、立派な古書店。 個人的には、店外の棚にずらりと並べられた、古典文学大系本などのバラ売りが嬉しい。ほかではあまり見ない出物もある。 店内は、堅い方から柔らかいものまで、多彩なジャンルのものが並んでおり、整理し切られていないところがかえって楽しい。往年の映画のパンフやチラシのコレクションもあり、ゆっくり見ているだけで30分くらいは楽に潰れそう。 創業以来、無休で営業しているとのことなので、いつ訪問しても大丈夫(昼間なら)。
A fine second-hand bookstore with a great selection of items. Personally, I'm happy to sell books such as classical literature books lined up on the shelves outside the store. There are some things that I rarely see elsewhere. The inside of the store is lined with various genres, from hard to soft, and it's rather fun to be unorganized. There is also a collection of pamphlets and leaflets from old movies, and it seems that it will easily collapse for about 30 minutes just by looking at it slowly. It is said that it has been open 24 hours a day since its establishment, so you can visit it anytime (in the daytime).
YYY NNN on Google

最高の本屋さんです!!たまたま前を通って大感動しました!!品揃えはとにかく見に行ってください!買う予定のなかった本をいっぱい買ってしまいました… 昭和の古本屋とか小学校の図書室好きだった人、絶対興奮すると思います。
The best bookstore! !! I happened to be impressed by passing in front of me! !! Please go to see the assortment anyway! I bought a lot of books I didn't plan to buy ... If you like second-hand bookstores in the Showa era or the library of an elementary school, you will definitely be excited.
Tasha R on Google

A lot of interesting old japanese stuff.
Ren Kurihara on Google

A very old secondhand bookstore near the center of Minami-Sunamachi.

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